All Chapters of Caged To Her Obsessive Alpha: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
314 Chapters
Chapter 0151
[Fallon’s POV]I'm not sure how long we stood there, staring at the spot where Uncle Ramone and the hydra had vanished, as it was quickly covered by the falling snow. It could have been mere seconds, maybe even minutes.It was almost as if time itself had stopped and ceased to exist the minute that
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Chapter 0152
[Fineon's POV]'Don't just lay there!'Franz's voice is full of rage as it echoes in my head. However, I continue to not move.Contrary to his belief, I deserved exactly what was happening. It was because of my carelessness that Ramone was missing, and it was because of my ridiculous obsession that
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Chapter 0153
[Fallon’s POV] I move to follow Fineon but stop as Cyrus’ hand wraps around my arm. Frowning, I turn to meet his disapproving gaze and wait for him to say what he needs to say. "What?" "What is going on between the two of you?" Cyrus' voice is cold, and I know no matter what I say, he isn't goin
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Chapter 0154
[Fineon's POV]Fallon's body shivers as her face becomes guarded. The arms that wrap tightly around her legs tense and untense while trying to stop whatever demon she is fighting. She looks so fragile in this moment that I want to do everything in my power to protect her, but I know if I treat her l
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Chapter 0155
[Fineon’s POV]The next day I stood outside, taking in the piles of snow that the blizzard from the previous day had left. It would make the journey ahead a little more tricky, but it was still doable.Taking a quick glance over my shoulder, I take in Fallon as she speaks with Cyrus. I’m sure that t
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Chapter 0156
[Fallon’s POV]I watch as Fineon and the others quickly disappear, running headfirst into danger, and I have to fight the urge to join them. However, I’m already aware that if I even tried, I would simply get in the way, and the only thing I can do to help now is to go somewhere safe.Sending a ment
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Chapter 0157
[Fallon’s POV]"Repeat that."Mom’s brows furrowed as she tried to process what I had just said. It seemed that she wasn’t connecting with Artemis’ energy since my first shift. Did that mean that she was feeling my wolf then?"My wolf," I say slowly, still trying to fully process what is happening.
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Chapter 0158
[Fallon’s POV]Panic begins to claw at me as I pull at the door that is keeping me in and everyone else out.From beyond, I can hear Cyrus’ footsteps growing further and further, until I’m sure that he’s truly just going to leave me locked away."CYRUS!" I scream, slamming my hands against the door.
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Chapter 0159
[Fallon’s POV]As my eyes close, the world around me begins to shift until I no longer feel the freezing cold stone of the floor beneath me or the pressure of Alton’s body pressing against mine.Gasping, I open my eyes and find myself staring up at a perfect blue sky. However, I don’t have time to t
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Chapter 0160
[Fineon’s POV] “You saw?” Confusion rolls through me as I stare into Fallon’s earnest gaze. How was it possible that she saw what happened between the scorned lovers? Only those who were present back then would truly know. “You don’t believe me.” “It isn’t that.” I say quickly, feeling my heart
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