All Chapters of Blossoming Billionaire's Ex-wife : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 Chapters
Chapter 11
Layla"Why should I quit?" I look down at the phone like Pamela can see me."Isn't it obvious? Your ex-husband is your boss," she replies from the other end of the line."Is that enough reason for me to quit?" I then press my lips together to finish off my lipstick application."Are you saying you want to work for him?""I just want to wait and see what happens.""Why do you want to wait when you know he's definitely going to fire you?""On what grounds? That I'm his ex-wife?""Actually, firing you isn't even the right thing to say. You've done nothing wrong, but it's like you said, you're the one most likely to be laid off because of how you recently started working at Tech-Beet.""When you put it that way, you're right. I'll most likely find out when I go to work tomorrow. I'm leaving the company anyway, so I won't look weak in front of Nathan by handing in my resignation letter for personal reasons. It has nothing to do with my job and I refuse to let him get to me.""I like the so
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Chapter 12
Layla As I brace myself for the inevitable, I imagine that Louis is about to lose interest in me. His eyes will lose their warmth, and his hands will leave me. However, the unexpected happens. "I know you're divorced." He smiles, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You do?" My eyes widen in shock. "Not long after I met you, a friend saw me with you a few times and told me about it." "That means this whole time, you've known that I was married to-" "Yes. Listen to me. I don't care that you're divorced." His voice is filled with conviction. "That's why when I found out, it didn't change the way I felt about you. I still wanted you, and even now, I still want you." I part my lips to speak, but it takes me a moment as I'm at a loss for words. "There's, there's something-" "It doesn't matter what else you have to say. I still want you." He smiles at me and I chuckle with relief, my vision blurring a little from the tears in my eyes. "I also have something to tell you."
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Chapter 13
Layla Sitting up and turning to face Louis, I narrow my eyes. "How did you know about that?" He chuckles. "In our line of work, news travels fast, especially among rivals." "I see." I lay back down but this time, I face him. "I don't know the reason behind your divorce with Nathan, but when you feel you're able to tell me about it, I'll be waiting." He's so understanding and gentle that it makes me smile. "It's okay. I can tell you now. He wanted a divorce because I had a miscarriage and seeing me made him depressed. Also, he was no longer attracted to me and was openly cheating on me." "Then I can already guess how you felt when you saw him today." "I hated the sight of him, just as much as I did back then." "Then why don't you quit?" "I don't have to quit. I'm certain I'm getting laid off. Besides, that bastard won't miss the opportunity to put me out of a job." "And you'll just take that?" "I'm prepared for that to happen." "Sounds like you have a plan." "I
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Chapter 14
Layla After getting off the phone with Louis, I make my way into the office, still thinking about my dirty conversation with him. I have so many hickeys around my neck that I had to apply lots of foundation. I'll never forget last night as it marked the intimate beginning of my love life once again. "Good morning," I say to Trish with a bright smile as I get settled at my workstation. "It definitely seems like a very good morning for you," she says from her chair with a hint of teasing in her voice. "Hmm, I wonder what happened." I can't help but feel a little self-conscious. "I just had a great night and it's a good morning, that's all." "I'd love to say it is, but it's not." She sighs. "Mr Partridge will start calling each of us into his office an hour from now. We're all going through evaluation. We all knew it was coming, but this is so soon." While I agree with her that it's so soon, I came prepared for it. I already know what the outcome is, and I'm counting on it. I ref
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Chapter 15
NathanI kind of assumed Layla had moved on since it's been a long time, but I didn't expect to feel this way upon hearing she has a boyfriend, and how she's just proudly said it, speaks volumes to me.I click my pen hard, trying to keep my composure. While I'm in this suit and role, I know I should stay focused but after learning about her boyfriend, it's easier said than done, so I slip in more questions. "So, you're in a relationship?""Yes, I am," she firmly responds, looking me right in the face."What does your boyfriend do for a living?""Can we please focus on my evaluation?"Fuck. She's already caught on. I can't believe I let my curiosity push me that far. It doesn't matter. I can always find out some other time who he is."Do you like working here?" I ask, looking at my computer and hovering with my mouse."Yes.""Would you like to keep working here?""This is my first job. Of course I wanted to stay.""Wanted? Do you no longer wish to stay?""Something changed." She looks
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Chapter 16
NathanIt seems that calling Layla by her first name has finally gotten through to her, because she's stopped in her tracks but hasn't yet turned around to face me. I don't even mind. I just want to talk to her. I go over to the other side until I'm directly facing her, and she's already glaring at me. Whatever it is that's going on inside her head, this is my moment to finally break the ice between us. I can only hope she doesn't walk away right now. For a start, I relax my shoulders and say the one thing I've wanted to say to her for a while now."After hiding from me for three years, I've finally found you." My eyes scan her from head to toe."I wasn't hiding. I was simply living my life without you," she scoffs at me, crossing her arms.I'm not even offended by her response. This is exactly what I needed to hear from her. She's just broken the barrier and now I can finally speak more freely with her."It doesn't matter if you were simply living your life without me, because here
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Chapter 17
Layla Right after my flirtatious call with Louis comes to an end, my phone slips out of my hand as I spot Miranda and Nathan embracing each other with a kiss. I can't believe that they're still together. I'm so hurt by the sight of them that I feel my blood boil. Moments when they openly fucked each other while I was in the house flood my mind, and I don't want to be here anymore, so I instruct my chauffeur to drive. As hard as I try, I can't stop thinking about those two. And Nathan creeps into my mind as I think about how he called me by my first name and I stopped in my tracks. I told myself I wouldn't break character in front of him, but I slipped up when I said I was just living my life without him. I don't know what game he's trying to play with me, but I'm not going to fall for it. I'm only waiting for the layoffs to happen, and then I'll get my revenge on him. He'll regret ever coming here and on top of that, bringing Miranda with him. Just as the car gets closer t
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Chapter 18
LaylaLouis catches me a little off guard with his statement, and it takes me a few seconds to gather my thoughts, so I place my fork down on my plate."You know what that sounds like?" I lean forward, hoping I'm wrong about what I'm about to say. "You don't want Nathan to know that you, Louis Lindgren, are my boyfriend."He bursts into laughter, placing his hand on the side of his torso. "Come on. That's not what I meant. I was only saying I hope you didn't tell him it's me.""I didn't have to. He only asked what my boyfriend does for a living.""Well, I guess I was thinking too far ahead," he admits."You definitely were." "Why would you ever think I would want to hide that I'm with such a gorgeous woman?" His voice is gentle and loving.In my head, I admit that it did sound that way when he hoped I didn't mention him to Nathan. But I guess it was ridiculous of me to even feel that way.With passionate eyes, he kisses the back of my hand and I instantly blush."I've been waiting fo
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Chapter 19
LaylaIt's early in the morning and as I prepare myself for work, I have my phone with me and have it on speaker, giving Pamela all the updates from yesterday."Whoa! Why didn't you tell me any of this yesterday?" she says from the other end of the line."Are you forgetting that I called but couldn't reach you?""Well, you know how my life's been lately.""Yup, it's been very busy and that's why you're finding out this late.""I can't believe those two had the nerve to rub it in your face that they're still together.""That's why they're going to deeply regret everything they've done to me.""Do you know when the layoffs will happen?"I sigh. "That hasn't yet been announced, but it should be in less than a week.""I hope it's soon since I still don't see you quitting. And you know what? Nathan really has some nerve complimenting your beauty after everything he said to you before.""That's something that really pissed me off.""Well, you have another day ahead of you where you have to
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Chapter 20
NathanBefore I can stare at the hickey for too long, the elevator doors open and Layla rushes out. She doesn't even look back to wait for Trish despite being from the same department. I know it's because she's only trying to get away from me as soon as possible.After a few more employees step out of the elevator, the doors close again to get to the next floor and I clench my jaw, trying so hard not to punch the steel walls or something.While I make my way to my office, I still can't stop thinking about that hickey. Did she have this yesterday as well? Or did she get it last night? I know I'm torturing myself with these questions, but I can't help it. I need to know who her boyfriend is. I hate to admit it, but her hickey has bothered me more than it should.Even as my new management team and I discuss new strategies regarding how we'll run Tech-Beet and what needs to change, I still can't seem to forget about her and that fucking hickey on her neck.During coffee break, everyone el
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