All Chapters of The Billionaire's Son Goes To High School: Chapter 11 - Chapter 14
14 Chapters
Chapter 10
Tony's P.O.V.I got to the main campus after practice late in the afternoon after school feeling less upbeat than usual. Probably because of the 'events' that happened recently a few days ago. 'No one do anything to me that Ididn't consent to,' Cora's voice echoed in my ears. God I'm so dumb. I didn't even stop to think about that possibility. Maybe I didn't want to even believe it was a possibility. But now I have to confront it. For her sake and mine. A part of me can't help commending Theodore even as the rest of me remains envious. Just how did he do in one week what I haven't - couldn't in eight years?I never thought I would go so long without telling her. I'd always brushed it off with a 'there's still time' or 'she probably isn't ready yet'. And maybe there is still time and maybe she truly isn't ready yet..but I am. I'm ready to let her know and decide for herself if she is or not. Guess it took me long enough.Some part of me thinks that I've been pretty obvious abou
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Chapter 11
We'd finally reached the end of the school week and I was eager to get through the day and get some relaxation in. I mean, I didn't even have work today, but I guess Friday had other plans.First, I had to tutor Theo because he didn't do his math homework. The fact that irked me was he wasn't even bothered, he actually asked Cole to do it for him. Oh Cole, you poor thing. Well I couldn't stand by and let that happen. It was Theo's decision to sleep in class, the least he could do was take responsibility for it. "Well I don't know how to solve calculus equations anyway," Theo said nonchalantly. "You know what? I'll teach you," I decided. "Eh, I thought you hated math, Cora," Cole blinked in surprise. "I do. But Theo has to learn to take responsibility for his actions," I huffed. But of course, I just wasted my free period trying to tutor him. He didn't even bother to listen to me."Theo, are you even listening to me?" "No, I wasn't," he replied honestly. Ugh. I've never felt l
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Chapter 12
When we were little, it seemed anything I could do, Corey could do better. Except computers though, that was probably the only thing I could beat him at. That and P.E.Every time I thought I do something worthy of praise, Corey would've done something even better and our parent's wouldn't even spare time a glance. After we finished elementary school, I stopped trying to impress them or make them acknowledge me or anything like that. I thought life couldn't possibly get worse than this. I really should've learn to stop jinxing myself from then. I've had kids laugh at me and call me nerd before that point, but Corey's always been there to defend me. Despite also, in a way, being a nerd, Corey always had a higher social status than me in school and was actually pretty popular. When we got to middle school and had different class schedules..I started to understand how cruel life could get. Harry Madison and his henchman and woman, Mace Turner and Olive 'Liv' Zamora showed me that. P
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Chapter 13
"Wait, are you two really planning to fight?" Hailey rushed in between us. "We're not fighting 'fighting', right Jin?""Says the girl who told me she wasn't going to hold back against me," Jin reminded.I glare half-heartedly at him. "Relax Hailey, we're not going to hurt each other." Jin nodded in agreement. "Fine, fine," Hailey gave in. "But are you sure you can fight in that?"She was referring to my outfit. I was currently garbed simply in knee length shorts and a short sleeved (unfortunately plain) shirt. It's been warmer recently so I left my coat I'm Hailey's car."I'm pretty comfortable in these. Actually I think I can fight in anything..except heels though. They're the bane of my existence," I informed. "Uh, well, no. I meant your glasses.""Oh." I suppose that made more sense. "Yeah, I can. It's more of a handicap fighting without then. Or maybe an 'eyedicap'?" I mused out loud. Hailey blinked at me. "Right then. I'm cheering for you.""Thanks.""Ready?' Jin asked me. "
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