All Chapters of I Can't Be Mated to Him: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 Chapters
Murder of Crows
*Kieran*The library smells like binding glue and old paper. I have no idea why anyone would ever want to spend more than a few moments here. When I was younger, our governess used to herd all of us in here–Anwen, Candace, Finn, Ingrid, and me. We’d sit next to her and listen to her read from storybooks. Every once in a while, I’d see two big black eyes staring at us from the doorway. Why Blanca was so keen to join us, I never could figure out. It was just a damn book, nothing to get excited about.As I approach the section of the library designated for books about magic and wizardry, it occurs to me for the first time that it probably wasn’t the book Blanca was so interested in. I swear under my breath. How am I so stupid? Of course, she likes books. I know that. She has a dozen of them in her room, the ones Mother will allow. But she didn’t want to listen to the story.She wanted to be included.She wanted to be part of the family.I let out a breath and pull out the first book that
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Such Devoted Sisters
*Blanca*“And if you leave this room without my permission one more time,” Mother says as she stands next to her henchman, Ardesia, “you can rest assured I will break your legs so that you cannot leave again.”The lash hits my upper thighs, my back, my bottom as I stare at the wall above my bed, trying not to cry. The last thing I need is to break down and let her know how badly she’s hurting me.It’s not the lash so much, although it does sting. But this isn’t the same kind of whip they use in the dungeon–the kind they use on Mr. Blake. This one is leather, but it doesn’t have anything like bits of glass or metal on the end. Nevertheless, after twenty-five lashes, it breaks my skin. I know I’ll have welts and scrapes for the next several weeks.I keep my eyes focused on the wall as it continues, my arms folded over my breasts. She allows me to wear my bra and underwear while I’m being whipped, but if my arm wasn’t over my breast right now, she’d see the place where Kieran marked me.
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Mind Games
*Kieran*The blood splattered all across the stone wall and floor is fresh. The birds continue to caw at me, and it feels as if they are scratching the inside of my brain. I want to yell at them to get the fuck out of here, but I also don’t want to anger them.Besides, I need to know what the hell happened to Blake.I storm off toward the guards’ station where the same fat fucker is sitting picking at his teeth that I passed when I came down. “Where the hell is Blake?” I demand. “Did you assholes kill him?”He looks up at me, his face completely blank as if he doesn’t speak the same language as me. “Wh-who?”“Who–Your Highness!” I correct him. “Blake, you imbecile. The old guy with the dark hair. The one with the fucking birds!”“Oh, him. Crowman. That’s what we call him down here. Crowman. Because of all the birds.”I reach down and grab him by the neck, my hand wrapping all the way around the circumference so that my fingers nearly meet my thumb. “Where the fuck is he?”“He’s… in th
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Separate and Unequal
*Blanca*“I need to get out of here.”It’s the only thought I can allow to enter my mind. It’s the same thought that has kept me going ever since I was old enough to understand that I am not like the others. I need to get the hell out of here and never look back.I’m sitting on my bed with my legs pulled up to my chest, thinking about where I would go. The door is locked from the outside again, but I have the key the mice stole for me hidden away in one of the mouse holes. I can get out.But once I do… where do I go?I hear my door knob rattle, and it startles me. “Blanca, open this fucking door!” My brother’s voice booms, and my breath catches in my that.“I… can’t,” I stammer, leaping off the bed and approaching the barrier. “It’s locked from the outside.”“What?” Kieran swears under his breath and rattles the door knob again–harder this time. “Who the hell locked you in your room?”“Mother,” I tell him. I don’t say more. He will either talk to me through the door or find someone to
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Secrets and Lies
*Kieran*I march down the hallway away from Blanca’s room, wondering what possessed me to go in there in the first place. I should’ve known better. Even that close to her, my mark still ached. As long as two mates who had marked each other continued to fight against the Moon Goddess’s plans, that would always be the case. But what the fuck else am I supposed to do? The alternative isn’t even an option.I’m almost to my room when I hear a voice behind me and freeze. “Hello Kieran Weiran!”I grit my teeth, bite back a sigh, and slowly turn around to see Nessa standing in the hallway wearing a bright pink ball gown. It’s the shade of bubble gum and looks hideous. What the fuck is she doing? Is that what she spent my money on?“Hello… mate,” I manage to spit out. “I see you’ve done some shopping.”“It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?” She does a full twirl, and the skirts swing out so far, I’m afraid she might knock over a statue sitting on a pillar not far away. Luckily, the bust is just grazed.“I
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Just the Voices in My Head
*Blanca*“It’s okay, Little Raven. I’m okay.”Mr. Blake’s voice sounds in my head, and I freeze, afraid to breathe. This isn’t just like when a person thinks they hear someone’s voice because it’s so familiar to them. No, this is completely different. It’s as if I’m on the phone–something I’m never allowed to use–and I can actually hear Mr. Blake’s voice, and he’s talking directly to me.“Wh-who? Who is talking to me please?” I say aloud as I also think the stuttering mess of a sentence.“It’s me, Blake. I can hear you, Little Raven. You’re mind-linking.”Shock ripples through me as I gasp and hold a hand over my trembling lips. “Moon Goddess,” I murmur. The mind-link? But that’s not possible. I’ve never had the mind-link before, not even with my own family members. It’s not possible. There’s just no way that Mr. Blake can hear what I’m thinking.“Little Raven, have you given any more thought to what I said to you the other night? About all of the strange happenings that you and the C
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Victory's Spoils
*Kieran*“Oh, my. That is a bright shade of pink.” My mother blinks her eyes a few times before sipping her wine again. She’s commented on Nessa’s dress at least five times since dinner started only a few moments ago. Every time she does, Nessa giggles and squeezes my hand beneath the table, as if it’s a compliment.It’s not one. My mother doesn’t give a lot of compliments, but when she does, one can tell she is pleased. At the moment, she looks as if she’d rather down the rest of the bottle of wine sitting at the end of the table than look at Nessa again.“Mother helped me choose it,” Nessa gushes this time, smiling at her mother whose bright yellow gown is almost as capable of burning retinas as the one Nessa has on.“We can’t tell you how excited we are to further unite our two kingdoms,” Nessa’s father says. He’s been practically giddy since we announced we were mates. He knows his own king will reward him greatly for creating such a tight alliance between Dun’s Crossing and Snowc
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Stepping In It
*Blanca*After Candace left, I’d sat there immoble for quite some time. Her statement about Nessa being the worst match for Kieran had made me nauseated. But I’d managed to eat the food she’d brought me, and now, I’m pacing in the small area of my room.I can mind-link with Mr. Blake but no one in my family. Just to prove it, I try sending Candace a message that I’m done eating, but she says nothing back to me because she can’t hear me.My own family treats me worse than garbage. Why would they do that?The Moon Goddess matched me with someone who can’t possibly be my mate if everything I’ve been told my whole life is the truth.But what if it’s not?What if I am from Escuro? I have no idea how that’s possible since I have flickers of myself sleeping in a crib far away from everyone else in the castle except for the mean old maids who used to take care of me. I remember crying for my mother and being snatched out of that crib and shaken.Maybe that never happened, and it’s just a bad
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I Don't Think We're Related
*Kieran*I’d seen her rush past while I was sitting in the rose garden, thinking about everything. My first instinct was to shout at her and tell her to get her ass back inside.But I can’t do that, and I know it.She has to leave. Not just because she doesn’t really belong here but because it’s the only way either one of us are going to get any answers. It seems certain to me that no one in our family is ever going to tell us the truth, and everyone else is afraid to say anything. Even Taner’s father, who’s provided more info than he realizes, won’t say anything more for fear that my father will kill him.Still, with my hand wrapped around my sister’s thin arm, I have to admit, I don’t want her to go–not alone.“Listen, Kieran,” she begins, breathing heavily from the run, “I know you think I shouldn’t be out of my room, but this is what you wanted, remember? You and Nessa?”I wrinkle my nose and lean away from her at the mention of the woman who wants to be my queen. “Nessa is the o
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Run Into the Night
*Blanca*“Hand me the key, Kieran,” I tell him as I see guards coming closer to where he’s standing on the other side of the gate I just squeezed through. Right now, the guards are preoccupied, fighting the birds I’m sending to distract them. But it won’t take long before the birds get scared and fly off or the soldiers get the upper hand. If he is actually coming with me, which I still can’t believe, then he’d better get his ass over here soon.But he can hardly unlock the gate in his wolf form, so he needs to hand me the key. “Give it to me,” I whisper to him.Kieran stares at me for a long moment before shaking his wolf head and dropping the key–on his side of the gate. I think this means he’s not coming with me, and if I don’t hurry up and run, maybe he’ll change his mind altogether and work with the guards to get me back inside the castle. I take a few steps backward.In a blink, Kieran shifts into his human form. He’s standing there naked in front of me. Flashes of images from
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