All Chapters of Moonstone - A Goddess Among Us: Chapter 201 - Chapter 206
206 Chapters
Chapter 0201
Jaxson’s POV It was clear that Tommy D didn’t have his full trust in me as he had a few of his men lead me to a room to call home for the night. As we walked through the hallways, I noticed more cameras placed throughout the halls, and I knew this man had eyes throughout his whole complex. With
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Chapter 0202
Jaxson’s POV The door to the office was open when I arrived. I hesitated to walk right in but when I heard the rogue’s voice from my room just moments ago, whining like a little bitch to Tommy D about how I had spoken to him. I knew that I needed to stand my ground with my beliefs. Walking into
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Chapter 0203
Quinn’s POV It had been two long days since I have seen Jaxson and I honestly was losing my mind worried sick about him. It was definitely a new feeling I wasn’t used to having since Jaxson was the first person that I ever truly let into my heart. My powers seemed to have a mind of their own rec
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Chapter 0204
Jaxson’s POV We made camp on the outskirts of my lands in a place where I knew that the vamps would see us. With any luck, Tyler’s men would hopefully be smart enough to recognize me and relay a message back to Bishop that I was here. Unfortunately, I couldn’t waltz right in like I owned the place
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Chapter 0205
Within minutes I could feel the vamps’ presence surrounding us and I knew that we were close to their camp. Turning my head, Johnny was on my tail just as I told him to be, and at least he was listening, because before I knew what was happening, there was a line of vamps standing in our way. Coming
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Chapter 0206
Quinn’s POV Selena and Sabrina showed up shortly after Bishop had left and as soon as Selena saw me, she knew that I needed her assistance. I once again lost control of my powers, making my iced tea an afternoon tea. As the tea bubbled within the glass I slowly put it down on the table and gave he
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