All Chapters of Taming My Hot Innocent Maid: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
125 Chapters
Chapter 0061
Bryce woke up to find Hera's side of the bed completely empty. The last thing he remembered was curling up on her thighs till he drifted off to sleep so where did she go? They had slept together and he was sure of it. There's no way in hell that she'd leave him to sleep somewhere else. The possibili
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Chapter 0062
Hera pulled herself away from his touch and sat upright on the bed. At first, she thought that she didn't hear him clearly but she did. He was asking her to move in. There's no way she could do that. They're not in any relationship whatsoever and she doesn't know If it's the right thing to do at thi
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Chapter 0063
"See..." She encouraged him. "It wasn't so bad now was it?" She asked but he only threw his face towards the opposite direction. She just made it look easy when in real sense, it wasn't. His ego and pride has been brutalized. "Of course it wasn't!" Max chiped in. "Don't worry Bryce, I have the proo
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Chapter 0064
Hera was able to pick up a few things and Bryce helped her with the move. She didn't know why though. It's not like his mansion was far away from his apartment. They were basically living inches away from each other but when she insisted on doing it herself, he didn't let her. "Is that all the stuf
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Chapter 0065
"Don't tell me that I'm the only one excited that you decided to move In with me?" He began but she didn't know how to answer that question. For now, he was the only one overly excited and not the other way round. "I'm still not used to the idea of living together under one roof." She whispered sof
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Chapter 0066
Hera took the next few minutes to unpack her belongings. She was busily arranging her stuff to put them away neatly. She wasn't used to a disorganized space. She liked it when everything around her was kept where they should be and in good condition for easy access. After unpacking, she decided to
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Chapter 0067
"You're always excited about the simplest things so I'm not surprised at all." He got in and started the ignition and minutes after, they were off on the road. Halfway through the ride, Hera inched her face closer. "Do you think that Max would let us explore his hotel for a day?" She inquired and B
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Chapter 0068
"Is there anything else that you'd like me to do sir?" Doris, his secretary asked Bryce as they made their way towards his office while he tried to readjust his tie to let in some air into his already sweaty body. He had just closed a deal with a major investor from another country and he couldn't h
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Chapter 0069
"In a couple of hours." He answered after glancing at his watch. He wished that time would just move on quickly. "Have dinner and don't wait up for me okay?" "Can't promise but I'll try. See you when you get home Bryce. I'll be waiting for you." And with that, she hanged up. Now, he just wishes tha
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Chapter 0070
Bryce watched Hera pray that morning as different thoughts wandered through his mind. Usually he would say the occasional 'amen' like he usually does every morning but now, it's like he wasn't even interested. She was going on a godamn date with that man. He doesn't care if he's a good person but th
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