All Chapters of Shadowed Desires: The Unwanted Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
31 Chapters
Chapter 21
The words hung heavily in the air, shrouded in uncertainty. The pack exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of what to do. Ava's heart sank as she felt the person's words weighing heavily on her. She looked at Kellan, her eyes searching for comfort in the sea of uncertainty. Alpha Kellan stepped forward, his presence drawing attention, and he spoke with curiosity and concern to the person. "Who dares to challenge the right of our chosen Luna?" he asked, his voice full of authority. The figure stepped into the light, revealing that she was an elderly woman with wisdom who is respected in the pack. “I speak for the spirits of our ancestors,” she said, her voice carrying the weight of centuries past. "They showed me a different destiny for our pack, and that didn't include her as our Luna." The murmurs of the pack members surrounded her; it was a murmur of confusion and disappointment. Alpha Kellan frowned and looked at the old woman with curiosity and concern. “Elder, what did you see in
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Chapter 22
Ava and Chloe exchanged confused glances, sensing Elias' fear. "Why not?" Ava asked curiously. Elias hesitated for a moment. "Selene Moonshadow is a powerful seer, but also mysterious. Many believe she holds knowledge beyond our understanding, and seeking it can be dangerous. Legend has it that Selene Moonshadow's visions, no matter how frightening, are always true. Some say she was cursed, while others say she made a deal with evil spirits. Rumors in the pack say that those who stand in her way will suffer terrible fates, and their fates seem to be intertwined with her prophecies. It is said that even the bravest person trembles at the mention of her name because catching her attention is to invite the shadows of the future to envelop one's life in darkness." Chloe leaned forward, her eyes wide with fear and determination. "We need your help," she said. "We have a big problem in our pack now, and we believe Selene can answer it." Elias sighed heavily, his shoulders dropping. "I un
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Chapter 23
As Ava and Chloe looked around the airy beauty of the Shadow garden, a feeling of foreboding gripped them tighter with every step. The air seemed to thicken, heavy with ancient magic and whispered secrets. all of sudden, a low rumble echoed through the garden, causing the ground to shake under their feet. With wide eyes, they scanned their surroundings, trying to find the source of the ominous sound. before they could react, the ground split open, revealing a dark room from which a black smoke emerged. Ava and Chloe stumbled backward, their hearts racing with fear as a large creature emerged from the depths of the abyss. Towering over them with big horns and sinister eys that shone bright, it exuded an air horror and sent shivers down their spines. Frozen in fear, they watched as the creature unleashed a loud roar, shaking the very corner of the room. With each step it took, the ground trembled below them, threatening to swallow them up. Their Senses sharpened, knowing fully well t
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Chapter 24
"I-I..." she stammered, her voice trembling under his intense gaze. "I was just..." Before she could come up with an excuse, Alpha Kellan’s expression softened, replaced by a look of concern. “I was worried about you,” he said, his voice gentler than before. “You disappeared without a word, and I had no idea where you went.” Ava’s eyes widened in surprise; she hadn’t expected Alpha Kellan to be worried about her. Instantly feeling guilty, she realized the worry she might have caused him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “I didn’t mean to cause you any problems.” Alpha Kellan’s expression softened further. “I know,” he said calmly. “But your safety is my responsibility. I can’t bear the thought of anything bad happening to you.” Ava nodded, tears brimming in her eyes as his words warmed her heart. “I understand, Alpha,” she replied softly. “I promise I won’t make you worry about me unnecessarily.” With a sigh of relief, Alpha Kellan stepped forward and env
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Chapter 25
Ava couldn't shake off the sad feeling she felt as she watched the arrogant woman walk into Alpha Kellan's office. Her heart clenched with a mixture of jealousy and insecurity. Despite her attempts to shake off the emotions she was feeling, doubt crept into her mind. Who is that lady, and why did Alpha Kellan allow her into his office? Feeling curious about everything, Ava decided to try her luck again and see if it would work. Ava straightened her shoulders and approached the guard once again. "Please, can you let Alpha Kellan know that I need to talk to him urgently and tell him I've been waiting here for a long time now," she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation and urgency. The guard hesitated for a while before nodding reluctantly and knocking on the office door once again. This time, when he entered, Ava held her breath, hoping for Alpha Kellan. Minutes passed, but the guard was not yet out. It felt like hours as Ava paced nervously outside the office, her mind racing
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Chapter 26
Chloe led Ava inside the house and offered her a coffee to drink before inquiring about what happened again.Ava took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before recounting the events of the previous night."Chloe, something strange happened last night," she began, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "After having a misunderstanding with the Alpha, I went to see Alpha Kellan, and there was this woman..." She stopped, trying to find the right words to explain.Chloe's eyebrows furrowed in concern as she listened to what Ava was saying."What woman? Was she someone from the pack?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity.Ava nodded, her mind still processing the encounter."Yes, but there was something about this woman, Chloe. She was... different. Alpha Kellan seemed... uneasy around her," she explained, struggling to articulate the unease she had felt.Chloe's eyes widened in shock."Different in what way? Did she say something to you or do anything strange?" she asked, leaning in c
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Chapter 27
Alpha Kellan's jaw clenched as he uttered Chloe's name. "Chloe Darkclaws, I don't want to repeat myself," he said, his tone cold as ice. Ava felt a sinking sensation in her stomach as she listened to their conversation. "Let's go, Chloe," she murmured, her voice barely audible. Chloe hesitated, glancing between Ava and Kellan. "But, Ava—" she began, her voice low. Ava gave her a reassuring smile before turning to the door. "Ava, you should not pry into things that do not concern you. Remember your place in this pack and my life. Even if you are my mate, always have it in mind that you are not worthy of it," Kellan stated, his voice cold. Chloe opened her mouth to respond; however, Ava had already pulled her out of the office. As they left, Ava could not shake off the feeling of harm and betrayal. No matter how hard she tried, she still held no place in Alpha Kellan's cold heart. "I'm sorry for my brother's behavior," Chloe apologized, her voice sincere. "It's okay," Ava responde
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Chapter 28
As Ava carefully opened the door, she saw a body guards standing outside with a stern face. The guard, a burly man with a scar on his left cheek, squinted at them, his body showing that he was ready for any threat."Have you seen or heard anyone here?" the guard asked, his deep voice making Ava's heart beat faster. In the cold night, his breath condensed into wisps of mist, further increasing the tense atmosphere.Ava glanced briefly at Chloe before nodding, her dark hair covering her face as she spoke. “No, we didn’t see or hear anything,” she replied, her voice calm despite the adrenaline of their previous adventures. She resisted the urge to remain still as the guard watched, her hands at her sides.The guard frowned "Okah, thank you. Good night,” he said, and turned away his heavy boots clicking against the stone. Then disappeared into the darkness, his figure blending seamlessly into the shadows.Ava closed the door behind her, her mind already thinking of the next journey. They
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Chapter 29
Elliot's eyes lingered on Ava and Chloe, his expression unreadable in the bright light of the building. "I want something very valuable, something powerful," he finally said, his voice carrying a hint of power, like a lone wolf howling into the night, seeking solace in the darkness. Ava and Chloe exchanged glances, engaging in a silent conversation as they weighed their options. They both understood the weight of Elliot's request and the gravity of the decision before them."What is that?" Ava asked, her voice calm despite the uncertainty gripping her heart like a cold grip. Elliot hesitated for a moment, his eyes shining with desire and resistance. "I need your memories," he said, his words hanging heavily in the air like a cloak of shadow, shrouding them in secrecy and fear. Hearing Elliot's request, Chloe's heart pounded and her mind spun in chaos. Memories were sacred, remnants of the past woven into the fabric of their lives. Giving them away would mean losing a part of herse
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Chapter 30
"No, Ava, wait!" Chloe shouted, reaching for Ava who just disappeared. Her heart tightened with the pain of loss and uncertainty. The forest fell silent again, the moon illuminating the entire place with a ghostly air. Annoyed by the unanswered questions, Chloe dropped to her knees. The night falls around her, Chloe is alone against the remnants of reality and the pain of separation. She believes that Ava's journey will not be in vain and that their paths will cross again in a vast part of the world. But all she can do now is wait; she is haunted by distant voices and promises unknown to the reality Ava sees.At a distant the voice of Kellan and his men echoed through the silent forest, Chloe's heart began to beat faster, the voice getting closer as time passed. She was afraid that her brother would find her here and put her in a situation she didn't didn't want. Chloe wasted no time in standing up, her heart pounding as she weighed her options. She can't risk being seen, especiall
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