All Chapters of Learning To Love Again With My Boss: Chapter 51
51 Chapters
Surprise party
Author’s pov Adrian and Amber were still on the bed wrapped with their blanket as his phone started ringing. He stretched his hand to take his phone. When he saw that it was his mother that was calling, he adjusted himself and put his two feet on the floor. His mom has not called him as early as this before. “Mom, goodmorning, how was your night?” “I am at home.” She said with a lingering laughter in her voice. “Which home? Wait, wait, please, not what I am thinking.” Adrian lovely raised his voice. “I guess it’s what you are thinking.” “Why? I told you that when you are coming, call me and I will join dad and welcome you at the airport. Why did you do this to me?” “I am angry. I’m really angry. You have scattered my plans.” “What plans? I too have plans for you. Can you come over here?” She said hilariously. “No.” He replied coldly. “I’m sorry, I bet you, you will be astounded by what I will tell you and what you will see.” “Mum, there is no joy more than welc
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