All Chapters of Beyond Her Imagination : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
31 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
A week later It was a given that neither Sande, Eds, nor the boys were returning to Dapplewood, especially after what happened to Dagger. Even though it was his fault, they were the ones who would pay the consequences for his death. The only safe place for them was in Sinjin's house. Sande's boyfriend, Lex Parker, was not happy when she refused to stay with him. However, he realized that if anyone could truly keep his girlfriend safe, it was his boss. It also helped that his boss was after Sande's friend, not Sande herself.Fortunately, the boys loved it there. They had their own rooms, TVs, video game consoles, and everything two energetic nine-year-olds would need to stay occupied. Sinjin's house was right on a private beach, with the ocean not far away. However, Sande had not been able to get a tan because she'd been cooped up in the hospital, waiting for her best friend to wake up.Sinjin kept her company by working from the hospital, but she could see the stress catching up to h
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Chapter Twelve
As the call connected and his mother's voice spoke on the other end of the line, Sinjin took a deep breath. However, she wasn't speaking to him but cussing out a poor maid who'd not done her job well. He had mistakenly thought that she would change as the years passed, but she remained the overbearing woman he had known all his life."Sorry about that, dear," Camilla said, her voice carrying a hint of a smile. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your call this fine morning?""Isn't it too early to call people names, mother?" He asked, his voice devoid of emotion."It's 11 am. That's not early," She responded casually. "Is something wrong, darling? You never call me first. I always do the calling, and you always ignore me.""Right," He murmured. "Mrs. Bale told me you dropped by for a visit yesterday. Did you meet anyone you weren't supposed to talk to?""What are you talking about?" She feigned ignorance. "I met Imelda, and she told me you weren't home, so I left.""I see," He said, rub
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Chapter Thirteen
Sinjin finished giving Sande and Eds a tour of the three-bedroom condo and asked, "So, what do you think?""The view is amazing!" Tristan exclaimed as he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. "We're in the heart of the city, aren't we?""Close enough," Sinjin replied, walking over to stand beside Tristan and placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. "You see that high-rise building over there?" He pointed to the skyscraper in the distance."The one that looks like it's reaching the sky?" Tristan smiled. "Yeah, I see it.""That's my company. It's the tallest building in the country," Sinjin imparted."Seriously?" Troy joined them. "Wow!""How many stories?" Tristan's eyes widened."About forty stories high," Sinjin replied. "I designed the building myself.""Really?" Troy frowned. "So you're also an architect?" "I had too much time on my hands when I was younger, so I studied architecture in school and graduated with honors. I have a master's degree in architecture, robotics,
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Chapter Fourteen
"Hey, Mom, are you busy?" Tristan asked as he settled down on the chair in front of the kitchen island.Eds turned to give her son her full attention. "No, baby, what's wrong?" She replied."I was, um... Well, Troy and I were wondering when we'll go back to school," He said, fiddling with his fingers. "It's been weeks, and we've missed a lot of things."Eds sighed and walked over to the island, leaning against it as she reached out to take Tristan's small hands in hers. She had been thinking about their education too and knew she needed to get their transcripts from the school, but that would mean going back to Dapplewood, which was not an option.She knew Taron's silence since the kidnapping didn't mean he had given up. Far from it—he was likely planning something even more sinister, and she dreaded to think what that could be. His closest friend had died, and he would want revenge."I know, baby. I've been thinking about it too, but you know we can't go back home. You and Troy will
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Chapter Fifteen
"Is he here yet?" Troy asked his brother."No," Tristan replied, his face glued to the window overlooking the parking lot. Eds had refused to let him open the window or go out on the balcony. Sinjin had promised to take them to watch a college basketball game, but he was running late."He won't get here any faster even if you turn into that panel of glass you have your face glued to," Sande teased him, walking over to take a seat on the sofa."But we'll be late to the game," Troy whined."Maybe he's stuck in traffic. The man made sure to return to Merendra today instead of Sunday. Cut him some slack," Eds admonished them."Yes, mom," The boys responded, looking duly chastised.Five minutes later, the doorbell rang, and both boys raced to open the door, not bothering to ask who the visitor was as Eds had instructed. Troy flung the door open and threw his arms around Sinjin's waist, with his brother following suit."I've missed you boys too," Sinjin said, ruffling their hair and chuckli
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Chapter Sixteen
Sinjin couldn't remember the last time he'd had so much fun just goofing around. He and the boys had played games like chess, Monopoly, and Scrabble. When they grew tired of the games, they pleaded with him to tell them a story, so he fabricated one from his imagination.It had been so scary that they literally begged him to stop and cowered in fear under their blankets. Taking pity on them, he assured them they had nothing to worry about. While Troy stared at him skeptically, not believing him, Tristan simply grinned and called him an awesome storyteller.Now the boys were asleep, but he was finding it hard to sleep. He was thinking about Eds, wondering if she was asleep or, like him, staring up at the ceiling and wondering how her boys were doing. He wouldn't blame her because if his kids were with a stranger, he'd also wonder if they were doing fine.He wanted to tell her that she was an amazing person who had birthed and raised two amazing children so well. If there were an award
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Chapter Seventeen
"Your brother is here, Em," one of her friends, Tasha excitedly announced. "He's so gorgeous!" Another one, Rhiannon gushed, sighing deeply. "He looks unreal.""I've warned you girls to stop eye-fucking my brother. He's not your type, or within your league," Emma snapped at them. She turned around to look at Sinjin, who was busy talking to the manager, her brows furrowing in confusion upon seeing the two children with him."Who are those kids with him?" Rhiannon inquired. "Is he doing one of those charity things again?""Where he goes to orphanages to meet kids and take them out to places?" Tasha chimed in. "He's so cool."Emma threw Tasha an annoyed glance and shook her head in disbelief. "I'll be back," Emma muttered, walking over to meet the group. "Sinjin.""Hey, sis," He smiled at her. "Lovely as always. I didn't keep you waiting, right?""We just got here," She replied, her gaze shifting to the boys. "Did you forget about our match today?""I'm here, aren't I?" He replied."Are
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Chapter Eighteen
Sinjin felt like a stranger in his own home. Although he had grown up in this house, played games with his sister, and created his very first video game here, all those memories now seemed to belong to someone else. During dinner, his mother subtly pressured him into going on a blind date, his father discussed business, sports, and politics, and his sister used her wit to get him to give her money.Even though he knew this was their way of life now, he had still expected his parents to ask about his physical and mental health, how he was coping with the breakup, and to suggest he take a break. Ironically, it was someone outside of his family who noticed how hard he worked and suggested he take a break: a little boy he had known for only a few weeks but who suddenly meant the world to him.He saw his way out when his phone rang. Rising to his feet, he excused himself and left the dining room. The caller was the architect, who informed him that the residential property was completed a
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Chapter Nineteen
A week later "Here are the files you requested, sir," Adella said as she dropped the files on the table. "You also have a meeting with the head of R&D in ten minutes, followed by another with the programming department at 11, and..." She suddenly trailed off.Sinjin glanced up from the file he was perusing, wondering why she had suddenly gone silent. His brows furrowed as she tentatively placed a single sheet of paper on the table—a list of eligible females recommended by his mother. He sighed.For the life of him, he couldn't fathom where or how she had come up with these names. He knew Merendra had a larger female population compared to males, and many were in need of husbands, but he hadn't realized they were this desperate."What’s this?" He demanded irritably."Um, sir, that’s... your mother..." She stuttered, swallowing nervously."Adella Simmons, do you work for my mother or for me?" He questioned harshly, eyes blazing."You, sir," She answered."Then why is this here?" He sig
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Chapter Twenty
"You're dressed to impress, aren't you?" Sande asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at Eds."I don't know what you're talking about," Eds murmured, turning away to hide her pink cheeks. "You don't expect me to wear rags, do you?""Of course not." Sande shot her friend a secretive smile. "Pretend you don't know what I'm talking about all you like.""That's exactly what I'm doing," Eds assured her."He's here!" Tristan announced excitedly from the living room. "And he's got... gifts!""Really?" Sande rushed over to the window and whistled when she saw the bouquets. "Roses!""I'm sure he was expecting those gifts to be a surprise," Eds said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Now, he'll be the one surprised.""We can still act surprised." Tristan said.Eds smoothed down her blue sheath dress, wondering if Sande was indeed right about her wanting to impress Sinjin. She briefly considered going upstairs to change, but the sound of the doorbell ringing stopped her. She watched as Troy a
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