All Chapters of My Ex-Husband Wants Me Back: Chapter 21 - Chapter 26
26 Chapters
Chapter 21
Chapter 21Annabelle's Pov“Good morning, Henry, I said trying to sound happy. “I brought a bottle of wine to apologize for my yesterday's behavior towards you”.Henry raised his head, shocked to see me, then smiled “Oh, Annabelle, good morning, what are you doing at the door come on in”.I moved closer, feeling a bit uncomfortable. “I'm sorry for blaming you yesterday, I know you were just trying to help,” I said apologetically, holding out the bottle of wine. He gave me a wild smile and collected it from my hand, with his eyes shining with appreciation.I was a bit relieved when I saw his happy reaction but still worried about whom the lady was.Henry saw my unusual reaction, then decided to introduce her, “She's Sophia, our new marketing director” turning to Sophia “This is Annabelle, the CEO’s daughter”.I felt a wave of relief over me “Oh Sophia, it's nice to meet you” I said stretching my hand for a handshake.“Nice to meet you too, Henry has told me a lot about, you,” she said
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Chapter 22
Chapter 22Travis's Pov“I have messed up everything. How can I ever get Annabelle back with all that has happened” I said to myself. out of frustration I carried a glass cup and smashed it to the floor.“What's that?!” my mother rushed out of her room.“I'm just frustrated, mum. What do you think I can do now? I'm a mess.“Just try to relax” my mum trying to calm me down.“Annabelle's father has threatened me never to ever get close to his daughter again. Well,l I know that I kind of overreacted yesterday but I wasn't at fault. I couldn't hold my anger anymore when Henry was holding my collar ”I said carrying one of the pieces of glass and squeezing it in my palm.“Stop that” my mother hit my palm so hard that the piece of glass fell off.“Now, you are bleeding. Wait here let me get the first aid box” my mother said going to her room to get it.“Annabelle is a good person. The years we spent together I was so blind to see how she was so good and well mannered. Her mistake was to fal
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Chapter 23
Chapter 23Author's povTravis was shocked to see his daughter Norah.“Daddy! You are back” She jumped on her father excitedly and Travis carried her to his chest.“Norah, so you were awake?” Travis asked.“Hmmm I just woke up after the loud noise I heard” she replied.“I'm sorry sweetheart, Daddy was the one that disturbed your sleep” Travis gave her a soft kiss on her cheeks. “ How have you been”.“I have been lonely,” she said looking down.“Why? But your mom has been here with you, isn't it?” Travis asked.“Yes, but she's always busy. You are the only one that used to keep me company” she replied.Her words were melting Travis's heart, and Travis started to feel sorry for his daughter. Travis hugged Norah to make her feel happy.“So Dad” Norah continues, “where have you been? Didn't you ever think about mummy and me?” Norah asked sadly.“I have been busy with work, it hasn't been easy for me. That's why I was away for a while” Travis managed to answer.Travis moved to the sitting
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Chapter 24
Chapter 24Annabelle's PovI was so scared because I didn't understand why he was behaving that way.“This is the first time you are in my home and it's already late, just spent the night” Henry requested persuasively.Suddenly the lights came on, “thank goodness” I said excitedly. I released myself from Henry and told him I still wanted to go home anyway. He didn't like my response but he allowed me to go.I carried my bag and ran out of the house because it was really when I was already in my car Henry came to the door and waved at me as I drove out of his compound.I drove as fast as I could, so that I would get home not Soo late.About an hour later I got home. “Finally,” I said to myself because I was relieved.I came out of my car and took out my house keys because I didn't want to disturb anyone.I got closer to the door, took a deep breath and unlocked the door. The house was so dark, so I had to turn on my phone's light. I walked in and closed the door behind me and locked i
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Chapter 25
Chapter 25Annabelle's povAs I got back to my office, I was wondering what Sophia could be looking for in Henry's office which made her disorganize the office.Moments later I continued with my work.When it was lunch break my dad walked into the office and we exchanged pleasantries.He asked me what I was doing and I told him the projects am working on and the progress I have made.He cracked some jokes and laughed. Minutes later I told him that I had a lot to do and he told me I needed energy to be able to work effectively so I needed to eat.“I want to finish all of these projects, Dad,” I said.“But you need rest and strength to work well” he replied.As I refused to stop work my father held my hands and tried pulling me up.“Alright Dad let me round up,” I said to him. He left my hands and allowed me to round up and as soon as I was done. I kept my things in order and we left the office.We went out of the company and walked straight to the eatery opposite the company.When we
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Chapter 26
Chapter 26Annabelle's PovI told Henry that one of the papers seemed to be missing and he told me that it might have mixed up with others because they just rushed to pick them up without sorting.I took a deep breath and just prayed that it was soon. Henry assured me that he'd later go through them and arrange them well and definitely, the missing paper would be ok.I just decided to calm down and not overthink things. Maybe I was just overreacting because she was new.I then asked about his health and he said he was feeling better and that he was happy with my decision to leave his place late at night, that it was dangerous to move around at such a time most especially as I was a woman. He asked if I wasn't comfortable with him or if I was scared of him.“Henry, I had to go home. You know my boy and the nanny would have been so worried because I didn't inform them that I would be late” I replied.I told him that I caught the marketing director scattering his office as though she w
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