All Chapters of Mummy, Daddy is on his kneels: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
61 Chapters
Chapter 11_ Quest
Kelvin stood on the dining table refusing to come down, Bianca sighed and placed the small bowl on the table.. "Do you have to be so difficult with me every single day? come down and have your meal" The door opened as Olivia stepped in with all smiles, however her smile slowly vanished when she saw Kelvin standing on the dining table.. "Olivia! thank goodness you're here..he's driving me insane..I'll step out for a few minutes, don't wait up for me" Bianca stepped out of the small living room leaving the mother and son alone.. Olivia threw her purse to the sofa and folded her arm staring at Kelvin who was still on the table.. The kid tilted his head to the side with a wide grin, he opened his arms wide for an embrace.. "Come on mummy don't force it, I know you can never be upset with me.." Olivia giggled, she walked to him and accepted his warm embrace that seemed to relieve her of all her stress.. "My baby..I missed you soo..much today" She carried him in her
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Chapter 12_ Shocked!
Olivia raised her face to him in shock and unbelief, her boss was Damien Sterling? how on earth did she not know that? "You're so foolish Olivia!" she scolded herself mentally, how on earth was this possible? she has heard a lot of stories about the sterlings and how they trample on anyone who double crossed them.. And the young lady whom Kelvin broke her car was his sister? that explains the reason she hated them both.. Damien snapped his fingers and brought her out of her reverie.. "I know I'm every ladies dream but please don't include your annoying self by staring at me.." Olivia pointed a finger at him ready to snap at him only for him to raise his hand to stop her speech.. "Zip it! and go make me a cup of coffee" Olivia's lips curved up into a devilish grin, she walked slowly to his desk and placed both hands on it after which she leaned forward to him.. "Of course boss..I'll get your coffee right away" Damien leaned back on his seat staring at her skeptical
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Chapter 13_ Apologize!
Kelvin walked into Bianca's room right after he heard her soft snores, he leaned to her and planted a kiss on her cheek.. "I'm sorry aunt..I'll be back before you wake up" He whispered softly and turned around leaving the room.. *** Kelvin narrowed his cute eyes at the man in front of him, he was currently in an eatery where his grandmother had set up four blind date for his mum.. He had a habit of checking the men out first if they were good enough of his mum or not but sadly this man in front of him wasn't ready to hear him out.. "Look kiddo! I don't know who you are..but I'm supposed to meet a lady today not you" The man said impatiently looking around as if searching for someone.. "The person you were supposed to meet today is my mummy..grandma arranged a blind date for her but she can't make it because she of work.." The man stood up from his seat in anger and walked out of the eatery.. However Kelvin giggled and ticked out his name from the list of men his gran
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Chapter 14_ You?!
Kelvin flashed Xander one of his cute smiles that can make even the hard hearted people melt like butter.. "I can't find them" Xander looked around the eatery before settling his gaze back on the kid, he failed to see the mischievous smile that played at the corner of the kid's lips.. "You can't? do you know where you live?" Kelvin gave a nod and hopped down from his seat, he stood next to Xander and took his hands.. Xander looked down at the kid, he couldn't be wrong about this resemblance but Damien wasn't that kind of person, as far as he could recall, he has only one woman in his life.. *** Bianca sat up with a yawn, her half opened eyes looked around the room.. Her hand went to the back of her head that was banging hard, how did she fall into a deep sleep?... She left the room in search of Kelvin when she remembered that he hasn't had his breakfast.. "Kelvin" She called out several times but got no response, she went back into his room in search of him w
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Chapter 15_ I'm sorry
Olivia shut her eyes tightly as she slowly turned to see the mischievous smirk on his lips.. She knew she was done for, her sharp eyes darted around looking for a possible way of escape from his clutches.. "Cat got your tongue now?" Olivia shook her head "How can I talk when my boss hasn't given me the permission to.." Damien's smirk turned into a frown when he perceived a soothing fragrance coming from her, he slowly leaned forward to her neck and raised his head back to her in surprise.. Olivia's eyes rounded, what was her shameless boss trying to do? "I know you're mad at me..but can you stop trying to get close to me?!" She lashed out but surprisingly it didn't seem to have any effect on him as he was frozen on his spot.. She slowly trailed his line of sight and almost immediately she crossed her two hands over her chest.. "Pervert!" Damien suddenly pulled her closer to himself and leaned in to her taking a sniff off her once more which left Olivia feeling con
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Chapter 16_ Assumptions
Damien's brows knotted as soon as he heard what the person at the other end of the phone just said.. He was currently seated in the restaurant waiting for Olivia.. "Fine! send me the reports tomorrow morning.. something is wrong here and I must find out" *** Alexa rolled her eyes as she listened to Rihanna's sad story accompanied by several sobs.. She was currently holding a tissue box for her friend, the floor was already littered with a lot of used tissue.. "Alright that's enough! you've been crying and narrating for the last two hours! come on give me a break!" Rihanna looked up to Alexa who had an irritated look on her face, her eyes were already red and swollen from crying.. "You're yelling at me? your mum clearly doesn't like me, I think she won't let me get married to Damien, she'll replace me with his secretary.. Alexa stood up to her feet, she was done listening to this big cry baby, sometimes action speaks louder than words.. "And so what are you going
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Chapter 17_ Are you his mum?
Xander narrowed his eyes at his buddy who didn't seem to get what he was trying to point out here, for all he knew this lady here might be the one he was actually searching for.. "She is... Olivia's phone rang out cutting off Xander's speech, she moved a few metres away from them before she screamed out.. "What?!" Bianca sighed at the other end too with a hand on her forehead, like every other day Kelvin pulls off stunts like this.. "He said he was on his way to find you a nice looking man because you were working way too much" Olivia's jaw dropped, well where does her little boy know in L.A? he will eventually get lost in the big city.. "I'm coming right away!" Damien raised a brow on hearing her outburst, no matter what sought of emergency it was, he wasn't going to let her leave.. She raised her head up to Damien and sent him an apologetic look.. "Please boss..I'll be back in a emergency just popped up.. Damien placed both hands into his pocket with
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Chapter 18_ Audacious
Olivia jerked up to her feet as if stinged by an insect, she hid the torn part of the document behind her back and managed to force a weird smile.. "Well Mrs Parker, I see you're one of those who want to take away my seat from me" Olivia walked around the table and came to stand in front of him.. "Yes! how can you be so heartless? butt hurts each time I sit on my chair, how come you have a fine leather one?" Damien's brows creased trying to understand what the weird woman was saying, he snapped his gaze back to her once more after he realized what she meant.. "Oh you mean that..anyway that doesn't justify the reason you had the nerve to sit on my seat" Damien's gaze fell on her hand which she hid behind her back, that only indicated that she took something she wasn't supposed to.. "What did you steal?" he asked and at the same time trying to reach her hand behind her back, she dodged his attack and swerved to the left.. "It's's just my rough work"
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Chapter 19_ Whose child is he?! 1
Olivia pulled away from Damien when Rihanna came at her in full speed, due to her sudden pace, she ended up falling flat on her face.. Olivia chuckled at the pathetic soul lying on the ground, she returned her gaze to Damien who had a shocked expression on his face. Rihanna groaned out in embarrassment, but she didn't stop there, she stood up to her feet and readied to launch another attack on Olivia when Damien caught her in place.. "Rihanna! behave yourself" Rihanna pulled her hand out of his grip, he was asking her to behave herself, when they were the ones in the wrong.. "You're in a secret relationship with her?" "No alright!" She laughed out painfully with a hint of tears in her eyes "No? and you expect me to believe that? you've never allowed me come so close to you the way she did!" Olivia raised a brow, well this was new information, her boss wasn't romantic, she suddenly chuckled at her thought.. Damien turned to her direction and pulled off his suit jac
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Chapter 20_ Whose child is he?! 2
Olivia was left puzzled by what Jonah just said, how could he think like that? or was she missing something here? Bianca led Jonah a distance away from Olivia and Kiara's hearing reach.. "What did you want to talk about?" Jonah inquired with a raised brow, for some reasons he always had this impression that Bianca had a crush on him.. "You saw a man across the street few days ago?" she asked to receive a nod from him, he stared at her skeptically wondering what was wrong with her strange behavior.. Bianca took in a deep breath, okay, that could be anybody and not Damien Sterling right? and then her mind drifted back to a few hours ago where she had had an encounter with him.. "Oh geez..there's a big problem" She mumbled to herself which didn't miss Jonah's ears.. "Is something wrong?" Bianca shook her head slowly "Whatever you do, don't bring this up in front of Olivia" *** Later that night.... Damien walked into his usually quiet home with a smile smile on his f
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