All Chapters of OMG! Substitute Mummy Is A Little Too Sweet! : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
132 Chapters
Stacy wasn't expecting that. "Do you have to ask for permission, mm? Come here,” Stacy gestured, moving the blanket away so Cherry could lay next to her. Cherry pulled Stacy into a warm cuddle. "You're so soft,” Cherry remarked. "I guess I might have to sleep next to you every night,” She felt the need to be selfish, atleast about her new mummy. She sniffed Stacy’s skin. How much she so much loves the cologne on her mixed with the honey and rose smell coming from Stacy’s hair. The door was suddenly pushed open and a cart filled with different bowls of hot soup was pushed in. Cherry quickly sat up on the bed. "So many bowls of soup? Is it for mummy?” She asked the chef putting on a white chef uniform with a white Apron tied around his waist. "Yes, it's for her. And you should also have some so you won't catch a cold. The weather is really cold after the sudden downpour of rain,” Bruce suggested, stepping into the room with his hands in his pants but his gaze was resting on
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A deep blush crept up on Stacy’s cheeks. Bruce let out a cough. "Are you done eating, Pookie? You know it's bad manners to scream while eating. You shouldn't do that again,” He scolded but Cherry didn't even pay attention to his scolding. "Pookie?” Stacy was a little surprised by the nickname Bruce had called Cherry. "Mummy, don't worry. Dad will dote on you even more. This is just the beginning so don't feel shy,” Cherry’s words forced Stacy’s hand to fly up to her face. She felt very embarrassed at the moment. She was already getting fed like she was some kid when it's not up to twenty-four hours of stepping foot there. This was the type of love Stacy had always wished for but all her Dad gave her was insults and slaps across her face and sometimes he did more horrible and traumatizing things than that. "I'll feed myself, Mr. Yates. You don't have to do this,” Stacy pleaded, her plea reflecting in her amber eyes. "No” Bruce gave a short response with no more word
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"I might need to step my foot into the Yates Mansion sooner or later,” She snickered viciously. "Olivia thinks she has won by kicking me out, huh? Well, one of my blood is still living there under the same roof. I can't let another woman steal my child from me using some love tricks. There's no woman on earth who is capable of caring for a child that isn't hers other than the mother!” Ella’s face turned confused. "I'm sure she is just there for the money and fame from society but I won't let that happen.,” She swore. What was her madam talking about? " Did Master marry a new wife?” She asked but was left with no reply except her madams reaction cause she had her nails dug into her palm. "Wow, that was unexpected. I thought he hadn't gotten over you. But it seems we were wrong about this,” Ella said with surprise in her voice as she kept the makeup kit on the table. "Yes, but I can't sit back and watch as another woman takes my place in my daughter's life. I have to do
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The chef quickly left the kitchen I took the cart away from his master's bedroom before he and the doctor arrived. Cherry had left the room earlier after Bruce had left to call the chef. Cherry went to her room to check up on Daisy and Stacy wasn't feeling sleepy yet so she used the time to scan the room. After the chef had taken the cart away, Stacy lay on the bed with her eyes darting around the luxuriously spacious room with interest in her amber eyes. Bruce's taste was indeed something diverse. His room had that masculine vibe to it. Stacy didn't also miss the fact that his room had the same smell as his cologne. And yes, his room was certainly dark yet sharp. In the process of studying the room, Stacy noticed the small shelve on the left side of the room filled with novels which actually shocked her to the core. "Woah!! So Mr. Yates read novels? But he doesn't look like one who would love to read novels a tiny bit. This should perhaps belong to someone else ca
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Seated in his sleek grey BMW in the parking lot, Bruce dialed a number, frustration evident in his voice. "The pills seem to be having an effect. But why would her father resort to such extremes? Is it not utterly absurd to try to control an adult in such a manipulative manner?" Bruce's irritation was evident on his chiseled face and stormy eyes. How could a father stoop so low as to exert such control over his own daughter? To dominate her life and subject her to physical abuse as if she were a stranger? Did he possess any atom of a conscience in him? "Just continue giving the pills to her daily for the next five days. I believe you'll notice a change in her behavior. Her submissive demeanor is not natural. It's one thing to cower before abusive parents as a child, but it's entirely different when an abusive parent strips away your rights as an adult, leaving you powerless except to shed tears. It's truly disturbing," a composed voice advised from the other end of the line.
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Ethan exited the club in search of the woman who had beckoned him, only to discover that she was nowhere to be found. The night enveloped him in its darkness, except for the illuminated club sign with the name of the club boldly written in it as its flashing lights cast a dim glow outside, providing the only source of brightness in the vicinity. "Where could she have disappeared to?" Ethan mused, his eyes scanning the surroundings in bewilderment. "Did I lose her just like that? How could she call me out here and then vanish?" A curse slipped from his lips in frustration. The realization that the alluring woman had simply led him on, disrupting his enjoyment at the club for nothing, left Ethan skeptical. He had believed that the night held promise, that the night was going to be the best night ever only to be left empty-handed. A beep from a car horn interrupted his thoughts. Vanessa, seated behind the wheel, impatiently signaled for Ethan's attention. "It seems he's lo
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Casual outfit.
About an hour or two after Bruce had left the house, Stacy surprisingly started feeling itchy all over so she got up from the bed to have a shower after having a long nap. It seems the drugs the doctor had prescribed and given to her were already working cause the fever didn't have that much effect on her body any longer. She got out of the blanket and tied her long black hair into a messy bun. She slowly slid out of her ripped-off dress and turned around to go into the bathroom but was shocked to find one of the bodyguards she had seen earlier when she came into the mansion that morning standing right before her! Stuttering she asked… "W-what are you doing here?” Stacy gasped, clutching her ripped-off dress together as she reached out for the bedspread on the bed. "Nothing. I'm just standing. Not looking,” He responded with a firm face, and his nose in the air. He truly wasn't looking at her. But what the hell was he doing in the room? "I need you to leave, I need my pr
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"Stand guard where?” Bruce asked cause he had just returned home. So what was his wife talking about? Or was she talking about his personal bodyguard? Seems more like it. His eyes slowly drifted away from her face, tracing down her figure. "What on earth are you doing in my clothes?" Bruce's surprise was evident in his voice, though he fought back the urge to burst into laughter. His gaze lingered mostly on his shorts, which Stacy had cinched around her waist with...a rope? Unable to contain himself any longer, Bryce chuckled. "I bought you new clothes. There was no need for you to wear those. Do you even realize how you look in them?" he teased, his smile softening his typically serious demeanor. "You look like the milkman on a home delivery, Stacy! Did you not look at yourself in the mirror before stepping out?" Although Stacy had anticipated such a reaction, the actuality of it unfolding before her was more than she could bear. She felt utterly mortified. "I'll go
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Sassy Little Bunny.
"It's nothing?" he inquired. "Yes, it's nothing, haha," Stacy chuckled, trying to contain the playful young girl who was squirming in her grasp. "I see... You're certain?" Bruce questioned again, a hint of suspicion in his raised brow. "Yes, absolutely," Stacy affirmed with a nervous smile. "We were just having some fun while you were away." "Alright then,” He nodded, diverting his attention to Cherry. "Pookie, it's getting late. You should head to your room now," Bruce advised Cherry. Stacy shook her head slightly. "Oh no, if Cherry goes to her room then it means...I and Mr. Yates would remain here and we will have to sleep on the same bed?!” "So soon?! But I just got here. I've already had my bath and everything. I want to sleep next to my new mommy on the bed," Cherry protested, crossing her arms and pouting as she climbed onto the bed. Okay," Bruce agreed. "Really?" a radiant smile illuminated Cherry's face, her gray eyes mirroring Bruce's own widened in delight
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Vanessa Dawson.
They soon got to the restaurant and were given a book filled with the menu for dessert and as expected, Cherry was the one who chose the flavors and fillings she would love to have on her old stone ice cream. And then a family-sized pizza with some French fries. It didn't take long before everything was presented before them and Cherry started to dig into her ice cream like she had been craving for it for ages! "Mum? Why aren't you having your own ice cream?” Cherry asked with a creased brow and then a naughty thing came into her mind. "Do you want me to feed you the same way Dad did to you yesterday?” She raised her eyebrow more with a teasing smile on her lips. "huh?” She raised her eyebrows twice and then threw a wink at her mum. "No way! I'm feeling much better now, I don't need anyone’s help to feed me,” Stacy scoffed, folding her arms underneath her ample bossom. "Great! Then start digging into your ice cream before it melts. It tastes much better when cold and not
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