All Chapters of The Fated Mate to The Powerful Lycan King: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
86 Chapters
Chapter 21: Alpha Anthony, Why?
ARIA'S POVWhere I got my boldness to speak to Cordelia in such a manner, I don't know. But one thing was for sure: I was no longer afraid of her. She had to be humiliated to know what humiliation feels like and to learn to behave herself.Looking at the archive between the books in my hand, I wondered why it was handwritten and what exactly it held. Walking towards the seat at the window, I sat down and began to read. A documentation that was never recorded in the history books. I had never heard or read of this in all my life, so how does this make sense? Why does Alpha Anthony have this with him? Was that his reason for building the secret library? To hide this?***Day thirteen***All through the night, I had been restless. I only managed to get a little sleep by six a.m. this morning, and now, half past seven, I'm awake again.I got up wanting to read what I had read all over again just to be sure that I wasn't imagining things, but the courage to face the truth, I just couldn't
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Chapter 22
ARIA'S POVThe walk from the purging room to the pack house was long and tiring. After the purge, I had to apologize to Lady Ina once again, promising not to be late anymore. She was so angry that I could have missed a day, and messed up the work of thirteen days. I understood her point of view. But at the same time, how could I explain to her that my mind was miles and miles away from the Lycan pack right now? That what I had read from those books and archives weighed so heavily on my mind and consumed my thoughts??A war. Nothing was new about wars. There were wars all the time. Mostly for power and land, but sometimes for more personal reasons. Nightfang Pack was pretty much peaceful. We didn't bother any packs; we knew our strengths and weaknesses. And we weren't power hungry.That was the shallow history of the Nightfang Pack.Everything I knew about the Nightfang Pack came crumbling down yesterday. The peaceful image of Nightfang was shattered. Completely. Just like my heart wa
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Chapter 23: Cooked with Love
Aria's POV:"Alpha Aria, that's okay, but listen, whatever Cordelia has said to you, do not take it to heart." Anthony was saying, his voice worried and sincere.  I can't buy into that now. I have to be firm in my words. And I'm tired of this back and forth with Cordelia. Whatever they had going on is none of my business. "I already told you that she said nothing to me, or was there something to be said that you are afraid she will say?" I asked with a hint of betrayal in my voice. "Alpha Aria, what do you mean?" It's nothing like that." "Whatever it is, Alpha Anthony, it doesn't matter. I just want to be alone." "Open the door, please," I felt tears prick my eyes. "Good night." I said, firmly. There was a moment of silence for a while. Then I heard him sigh. "Okay. Take your time. Good night." 
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Chapter 24: Poisoned
ARIA'S POV People are talking. One voice is calm and soft, and the other is loud and sounds full of panic. "....effects are plain. She was poisoned. The purge has been interrupted. There is nothing I can do about it. " The calmer voice was saying. "No, Lady Ina, there must be another way!" We've already come this far!" The loud, worried voice said. "I'm sorry. This is how far I can go." I opened my eyes, blinking to adjust to the bright light. I remember that the last thing I did was pass out. The voices arguing were contributing to my aching head. I slowly began to piece them together as Lady Ina and Alpha Anthony. I turned my head sideways. And sure enough, Lady Ina and Alpha Anthony were talking. "Am I alright?" I managed to ask, and both of them turned their attention to me. Anthony moved to my side. He held my hands and stared at me, his eyes full of worry. "You are awake, Alpha Aria." "What's going on?" I questioned, looking between him and Lady Ina. "Tell me everythin
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Chapter 25: Barnished
ANTHONY'S POV Aria is sleeping. Even as she slept, I could clearly see the marks of sadness on her face. Looking at her in such a state  made my heart ache. I sat down beside her, watching as tears fell down her flawless face. "I would make sure to get to the root of this." I told her, wiping the tears with my thumb. "Whoever did this to you,will pay dearly for it. I promise." I concluded,  getting up from the bed to leave the room. "Claire." I called "Yes, my Lord." "See to it that she is very well taken care of. If anything goes wrong, don't hesitate to call me. "  "Yes, my Lord." She said, bowing. As I turned to leave the room, I could feel the anger within me rising to level 100. Outside the room stood Elijah, waiting to see me. "How's the investigation going?" I asked him.
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Chapter 26: Stripped Half Nak*d
ARIA'S POV:Alpha Anthony had just informed me that Cordelia was behind my poisoning, "Why am I not surprised?"I asked sarcasm evident in my voice"She's receive punishment for her actions." He said. "After which she will be exiled from the pack never to set foot again in it."Great, just great. I said feeling nothing inside of me like hurt or anger. I just felt empty and tired. I had long time ago accepted the fate of being wolfless and infertile for the rest of my life that the news didin't hurt one bit."I've sent out requests for healers far and wide that could possibly have solutions.""I don't want to be a lab rat anymore, forget it!" I said turning towards the window"Till I find one, lady Ina would have to continue the purge.""Have you lost it?" The words were out of my mouth before I even realized but I couldn't care less"Why do you care so much anyway about if I get cured or not?!" I screamed Getting down from the bed I was sitting on, I walked towards him staring him in
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Chapter 27: Run Darcy. Run and Never Look Back
DARCY'S POV:Thankfully, the coronation had gone smoothly without any hitches which was a relief.I had now become the Luna of Nightfang. I was now Luna Darcy. Beautiful!The days routine remained the same save but a few changes. I had to accompany Logan to some of his meetings and I became a member of the council. A knock on the door. "Yes?"Selena walked in. "Mistress, you have guests.Guests? "From where?" I asked her"They preferred not to say but they mentioned to tell you that they where your friends.""My friends." I said scoffing. Friends they were indeed. Great friends that loved each other, we were."Yes they are my friends." I told Selena."Take me to them." I saidBut you hav an appointment mistress."Put that on hold for now. The meeting with my friends shouldn't be more than thirty minutes." I said smiling at here.I hoped she understood what I was talking about because I had no time to explain."Mistress, are you saying that I have to delay the meeting?"How did Aria s
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Chapter 28: Nostalgia
ARIA'S POV:I have to leave. That's the only way I could overcome this. But how? There were guards everywhere. In the hallways except on the Alpha's floor where I stayed but immediately the Alpha's floor has been crossed going down the third floor to the final floor, there were guards at every nook and cranny.No matter what, I had to make it out of here. Taking a little bag out of the drawer in my room, I packed three simple gowns but decided against it as I would act as a hindrance to me if I wanted to flee.Going downstairs, I found out that some guards were preparing to leave the pack for some work outside of the pack. This was my only chance. I had already missed three opportunities to leave so I had to make sure that I got into the cart they were moving with.As I got closer to them, I found out that they were going to a place not too far from my mother's pack. This was a golden opportunity I couldn't miss.Watching the guards intently, I planned how to get into the trunk of th
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Chapter 29: A Screaming Shadow
ARIA'S POVAfter the greetings were over, uncle Jeremiah took me to his home. This was a little bit different from the other houses in style and fashion including the positioning.Inside the house, was a whole new story. It was furnished in rustic tones of deep red and wood. Everything was kept simple, no extravagance anywhere. As opposed to Anthony's pack, this was much more homely and calm.The cushions felt soft as I sat on it. And all I could feel within me was peace. The peace was so beautiful that it almost had me teared up. The air smelled so good too, I didn't know what it was but it helped me relax a lot.Curious about how this uncle's place was very different from the others, and having so many servants, I asked him. "The position of your house is different uncle. It's strange.""I knew you would ask that seeing how you've been looking around." He said moving towards the cabinet that held Tea making equipments. "Tea, water or juice?" He asked smiling. "You must be very tire
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Chapter 30: Ziliam Festival
ARIA'S POVThe next morning, I kept pondering on the dream I had the previous night. What was it hidden meaning? Why did it scare the living day lights out of me?I couldn't remember the last time I had seen my mum in my dreams. And from what I remembered, I hadn't seen her before in my dreams. And suddenly she's warning me?As I walked towards the dinning room, I noticed the busy atmosphere which was very different from the previous day. In as much as there were a lot of maids and servants the previous day, there seemed to be much more today.When I eventually got to the dinning room, uncle Jeremiah was giving orders to some of the chefs, servants and some guards. He seemed very serious about something.After a while, he sat down. This was when the chefs began to bring in the breakfast.Taking a bite of the steak that was placed on front of me, "why the sudden change in atmosphere uncle?" I asked"Uh." He responded. "We have a festival today." "A festival?" I asked, my brows spiking
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