All Chapters of The Fated Mate to The Powerful Lycan King: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
88 Chapters
Chapter 61
ARIA'S POV:I woke up to pains all over my body and what looked like a cold. Getting out of bed, I stretched myself, walked to the window by the study desk in my room, and opened it. The warmth of the sun hitting my face was as sweet as the sensation of the hot bath I soaked in yesterday night.Malcolm Wilson. Just thinking about yesterday brought him back to mind. He was really who he said he was—my grandfather.I never for once thought that my monster grandfather, as Dane had called him, was actually living in Zilam and had actually been living in Zilam all this time. Then how come no one knew, or did they know? This question came back to me.No, they couldn't know. He had kept a profile, which made it difficult for him to be noticed.Having had enough of the sun's warmth on my face, I moved away from the window. I picked up the reply I had written to Anthony, which I had forgotten to give to Auntie Lillian, thanks to the revelation my uncle gave me.Sitting down on my bed with the
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Chapter 62
ARIA'S POV:That's what I had planned to do, and that's what I was going to do. Pester him until he has no other choice but to tell me all that he knows.I walked into the kitchen and gave the bowl of apples to one of the chefs."We have more than enough apples, my lady." She said to me,. "I know." I replied. "It was a gift.""I'm sorry my lady." She said bowing her head."That's okay. " I said to her leaving the kitchen for my room.My life was getting messier and much more complicated. Uncle Jeremiah and the elders all told me to forget about the diggings. Then a strange elder also told me to forget about the diggings too.Why would they all tell me to forget something unless they knew the magnitude of the thing I was searching for.All I wanted to know was about the curse. It's origin and cure. That's if it does have a cure. I couldn't be infertile forever! Already, I have given up hopes of wolfing out, thanks to the purge failing, and all the greater thanks to Cordelia. So the on
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Chapter 63
ARIA'S POV:I had come back from the journey of no return with nothing but the meeting of my grandfather which yielded no fruit save that he knew about the curse. How he knew he wouldn't spill. Claire, Anthony and even Elijah were all glad to see me back. And deep down, it felt good to be back to a place of kindness, warmth and relaxationClaire helped me carry my bag to my room as she chatted happily about how she felt now that I was back."It's hard been boring without you my lady." She said. Her face full of the radiation of happiness she was feeling."I hope you know that she needs rest Claire." Anthony said. "It has been a long journey for her."I'm sorry my Lord." She said bowing to him then keeping youth for what seem like 10 seconds before she took off again."What was it like over there?" Clairebasked."Claire!" Anthony called flashing her his eyes of warning."I'm sorry my lord." She said meaning it this time."I never knew that you were such a talker Claire." I said to eas
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Chapter 64
ARIA'S POVI stared at him then at the archives and then back at him. He was the one that had cleared out my drawer."So you were the one that cleared out my drawers?" I asked him."No I wasn't the one." He said "You weren't the one!" I asked not knowing if I was disappointed or surprised."I found it when I was looking for you."he said."Oh" was all I could say. "You mean when I left?" I asked even though I knew the answer."Absolutely." He said."But that was in my room." I said pointing at the archive. "I wasn't there.""I'm not denying that fact." He said. "I was just..." He trailed off."Just?""I was lost." He said."I didn't know what to do or where else to search for you. I..." He sighed. "So I went into your room to see if maybe, you left without maybe a note saying where you went to. I also..." He paused. "I also missed you so I went to your room to be reminded of you." He said looking away from me and then at me, eyeball to eyeball.My ears were ringing with the why's I had
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Chapter 65: A Solemn Vow
ARIA'S POV:"What do you mean by Malcolm is alive?" Anthony asked still holding into me as we were on the floor."I met him." I replied cooking at his face through tear filled eyes. "In Zilam." I said. "He is in Zilam.""Malcolm is alive?" He couldn't believe his ears. "But all the history books say otherwise.""He lives there... In Zilam." I said to Anthony. "He's keeping a low profile and no one knows that he lives there.""No one?" He asked. "Wait. You told no one when you met him?""I couldn't..." I said looking away from his face, the tears running down my cheeks all over again. " I first, needed to get answers from him before I would then let my uncle in on it." I said sniffing Anthony didn't understand what I was saying at all. The look on his face said it all."I don't understand you Aria." He sad. "Let's get up from the floor, sit down and discuss this." He said trying to pull me up from the floor."No." I whispered. "You don't understand. You have to listen to me... Please.
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Chapter 66: Without An Origin
ANTHONY'S POV: When she had fallen asleep in my arms, I didn't know. She just lay limp in my arms. I couldn't believe that she was going through a lot of things all by herself. And this hurt me more than anything else had. Pulling her face up from my chest, she had a look of tiredness and suffering on it. And these things were the last things I had wanted to see written on her face. I wanted her to be happy. I wanted to make her happy and safe. Just the thought of her being hurt, brought a sharp jab to my heart. She was cursed. After the war. None of that were mentioned in the archives. My grandfather never mentioned anything like that neither did my father. Was there more to the war that was still hidden? And how was Darcy able to conceive and Aria unable to do so? Questions just kept flooding my mind. Nothing, making sense as it was supposed to. She stirred in her sleep. I failed and was unable to keep my promise concerning the poison and it's purging but as for this curse
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Chapter 67: Letter From Hell
ARIA'S POV:"It's a dead end." I said to Anthony as he took a hold of me. "That's it for me." I said to him. "All is just repeating itself as it did during the course of the poisoning.""No Aria." He responded. "There are still other healers out there that we can reach out to." He tried to assure me. "I will make sure that they come see you before making any conclusions." He said taking me to sit on the bench in the garden."And what if the answers still remain the same?" I asked him. My voice filled with hopelessness."We will find a way to lift it." Was his response. "I will." He said."I need to return to my room."I said rising from the seat."Leet me escort you." Anthony said joining me on my feet still holding my hand.I slowly pulled my hands from his. "That rest you spoke about," I spoke not looking at him."I really need it now." I said heading for my room, walking away from Anthony and Elijah. Behind me, I could hear Anthony giving orders to Elijah telling home to search farth
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Chapter 68: Damsel, Watch Your Back
ARIA'S POV:With every sight of the letter I took from the floor, my breathing grew stronger.In the background, I could hear Claire's faded voice calling out to me, but I was just too engrossed in my thoughts. With the little level of consciousness I had, I saw Claire move out of my room with urgency and speed.Coming down from my bed, I moved to the letter as cautiously as I could. What could the letter contain? Was it just a letter, or was it more? Poisonous pen ink fumes? Poisonous paper? Dane was capable of these things even worse.Picking up the letter, I held it at arm's length, opening it. After some screening, I realised that it was just a letter. That was fear number one, down.If it wasn't poisonous ink fumes or poisonous paper, then why was he writing to me? And why now? What was his motive?Bringing the paper close to me, I read with care. "My lovely Aria, it's Dane Seymour. Ring a bell?"How would it not?"I'll have to give good kudos to your knight in shining armor; ho
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Chapter 69: The Goddess
ARIA'S POVWe took off by five a.m. so as to get to the moon goddess's temple."Do we have all that we need?" Anthony asked Elijah."Water, food—that's pretty much all that's there." Elijah said.The strange mage just sat in the back of the carriage, sitting like she was hearing and seeing things. Claire gave me a flask with chamomile tea for the ride."Thank you." I said to her. She gave me her usual smile. This was a few minutes to five a.m.."We need to head out." The mage said: "The earlier, the better.""We will be leaving now." Anthony said to Elijah, and Elijah nodded."Let me help you." Anthony said as I tried to climb the carriage."I'm fine." I said to him, rejecting his help. "I can get on on my own." I knew what I was doing was hurting him, but this had to be done for the greater good. At least, that was what I thought.We climbed into the carriage, and off we went to the temple of the moon goddess."You didn't tell us your name " Anthony said to the mage."How important i
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Chapter 70: An Affair With Grandpa
DARCY'S POV:I squeezed my eyes shut, my body rocking with the force of Malcolm's thrusts. I did my best to dissociate from the situation, reminding myself that this was all for the greater good."You feel so fucking amazing right now," he groaned, grabbing my hips and hitting me hard. "Don't leave a mark," I said, turning my head to look at him. He had his head thrown back, exposing his throat. If I had a dagger, I would have slit his throat right now. But I didn't. So I turned back and buried my face in the pillow, waiting for this to be over. Once he was done, I pushed him off me and pulled my clothes back on."Not so fast," he said, grabbing my arm. "Let go of me!" I yelled, struggling with Malcolm. I had to get back to Nightfang in time before Logan would notice that I was gone. I didn't want to think of what could possibly happen if Logan found out that I was missing. He would search the entire vicinity, looking for me. Then what excuse would I have to justify the fact that
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