All Chapters of The billionaire's coalition. : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
96 Chapters
chapter 1
My father was in debt.Yes, he was a millionaire. He was.The house was enveloped in a tense tranquillity for the past few weeks. My father and mother were both busy discussing the debts in his study every day.While I, as usual, was inside my room all day, hardly going out. Not want to be a part of all this, not that they would include me. My father even stopped me from going to college. And even at the age of twenty, I was still living with my parents. I did hope to finish college find a job and leave here but my plans were ruined.I wanted to leave here as soon as possible because they didn't like me. I was just a burden to them. They made sure to keep reminding me of that.I was just a pathetic, crybaby. But I can't help but cry knowing I have no one in this world, I am all alone. Not even a single friend to comfort me.A few years back, I had Adrian, my bodyguard who soon turned into my first friend. He was really sweet to me, he understood me, and made me feel happy but...My f
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chapter 2
My eyes were bloodshot and puffy having cried almost the whole night. My hair was a mess, and my body looked weak, both mentally and physically. Overall, I looked like crap, not that I looked good anyway.I leaned my back against the bathtub, submerging my body in the warm water, drawing my legs closer to my body, and placing my chin on top of my knees.I contemplated several times whether I should stay here the whole day, in silence and peace instead of leaving this small space and facing reality, facing the war my heart and mind are fighting, facing how much my parents hate me that they decided to sell me in return for their company.The former sounded like a better option because I didn't dare to go out. I scoffed at how ironic my name was. It meant courage, I was supposed to be courageous, not a coward. I sometimes wonder who exactly named me that.Someone slammed their fist against the bathroom door. "Drea! Do you think you can hide in there all day, come out!" It was my mother.
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chapter 3
How many times did I dream of this moment, how many times did I play it over and over again in my mind...I walk down the aisle and the man I love, standing at the altar, waiting for me.Everything was the same, almost everything, except for my future husband who was staring at me with coldness in his eyes. It made my heart ache and tears welled up once again in my eyes. I was quick to blink them away before they caused any drama.The wedding ceremony passed in a blur and I dreaded going back to his house, to be there all alone with him. He didn't like me, not that I expected him to.During the car ride back to his house he sat as far as he could from me in the backseat gazing out of the window in complete silence.I wanted to talk to him, a normal conversation but I didn't want to annoy him so I kept my mouth shut I couldn't help but look at him, the side of his face as his head was turned towards the window probably to avoid looking at me.But that didn't stop me from staring at him
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chapter 4
I was still lost in my many thoughts when I drifted off to sleep on the couch in the main lounge. I guess I had been sleeping for hours because I didn't notice when someone walked in. I was awakened by the slam of the door and jerked up from my sleep in fear as I thought the house was about to be robbed. I had not gotten accustomed to the fact that I was already married and living with someone. And also, if not that I wasn't thinking straight, why would I think a Billionaire's house like Sorin's, was about to be robbed when there were numerous guards in the house. I began to hear different sounds coming from upstairs and I became more confused. I tip-toed into the store room and found a golf club. I picked it up and started following the sound I was hearing, I was determined to strike but I was shaking at the same time. I mean, what could a frail young woman do to defend herself if situations come to the worst?As I made my way into the room, I heard a glass shattering on the well-t
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chapter 5
"I wish I could lay my hands on that good-for-nothing girl! Urrrrgggggghhhh!!!! I sure would squeeze the living day out of her.""How could she do this? How foolish and clueless can she be!" Daisy Cole said angrily while pacing around her room."I do not know why you would agree to such a useless arrangement in the first place. Just look at you." She continued as she bent towards Sorin to check his wound which was now covered with a band-aid. Her beautiful black eyes traveled around his entire face to see if there was any other wound inflicted on her precious boyfriend, Sorin.Sorin tried to calm Daisy down and explain the whole situation to her but she wasn't having it. She was fuming in anger. Only if she could lay her hands on me at that moment, I'd be dead and gone."Calm down, Daisy. You're just being unnecessarily dramatic." Sorin said to her.Daisy shocked at Sorin's words, stopped to look at him,"Dramatic? Did you just say I am dramatic?""Yes, Daisy, you're just being overl
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chapter 6
"Sir? Are you okay?" Kelvin asked his boss, as soon as he got into the car but got no response from him.He immediately knew something was wrong. Having been with him for years, he knew something must have happened for Sorin to walk into the car and slam the door the way he did. He also didn't wait for the car door to be opened for him before he entered the car.Getting no response from Sorin, he didn't want to ask too many questions so that he wouldn't anger him more.Sorin's phone began to ring but the moment he saw the caller ID, he silenced the phone and looked away.Kelvin peeped from the front seat and saw the caller too- It was Daisy. "Sir, your phone has been ringing. Aren't you going to pick it, sir? Kelvin asked, concerned because the phone kept ringing but Sorin wouldn't budge.Sorin raised his eyebrow and stared at Kelvin with utmost anger which made Kelvin look away immediately."Mind your business! If you know what is good for you, you'll drive this minute!" Sorin comma
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chapter 7
Sorin Araimis ZaveriI stood in the garden, my eyes fixed on the woman my parents had chosen for me to marry. Andrea "Drea" Miles. She was...different. Not what I expected. Her awkwardness and naivety were almost endearing, but I couldn't let my guard down. I had a reputation to uphold, a business to run, and a past to keep hidden."Drea, show Sorin around the house," my mother had said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. I knew she was thrilled to have finally found a suitable partner for me, but I wasn't convinced.As we walked through the house, Drea's nervous chatter filled the air. I listened intently, trying to gauge her personality and her interests. She seemed innocent, almost childlike, but there was something beneath the surface that drew me in.When she asked about my girlfriend, I felt a pang of guilt. I hadn't expected her to know about that. "No, I don't have a girlfriend," I lied, trying to sound convincing. The truth was, I had ended things with my ex, Rachel, months
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chapter 8
I showed the text to Drea, my eyes locked on hers. "Who is this, Drea? Tell me the truth."She paled, her lips trembling. "I...I don't know, Sorin. I swear."I didn't believe her. She was hiding something, and I was determined to find out what.I took her hand, my grip firm. "Come with me, Drea. We're going to get to the bottom of this."I dragged her to my study, my mind racing with possibilities. Who was Adrian, and what did he want from Drea?As we entered the study, I locked the door behind us. "Tell me everything, Drea. From the beginning."She hesitated, her eyes darting around the room. Then, with a deep breath, she began to speak."Sorin, Adrian ex-boyfriend. We were together for three years, but it ended badly. He was possessive, controlling...and violent."My grip on her hand tightened. "Violent?"Drea nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Yes, Sorin. He hurt me, physically and emotionally. I thought I was in love with him, but I was trapped."My anger boiled
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chapter 9
When the light faded, we found ourselves in a completely different location. We were in a large, dimly lit room with concrete walls and a single door. The armed men were nowhere to be seen, but the woman who claimed to be my sister stood before us, a determined look on her face."Welcome, Sorin," she said, her voice firm. "Welcome to your true home."I stared at her, confusion and anger warring within me. "What do you mean? Where are we? And who are you?"The woman smiled a hint of sadness in her eyes. "My name is Ava. And I'm your sister, Sorin. Your real sister."I shook my head, trying to process this information. "No, that's not possible. I don't have a sister."Ava's expression turned grim. "You do, Sorin. And I've been searching for you for a long time. You see, our family...we're not what we seem. We're not just wealthy and influential. We're...more."I frowned, my mind racing with questions. What did she mean? What was our family's secret?But before I could ask any questions,
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chapter 10
The atmosphere was tense, suffused with the weight of impending decisions and unspoken tensions. Drea found herself thrust into a surreal situation, faced with the prospect of marrying Sorin Zaveri, her long-time crush and the subject of her unrequited love. Despite her initial disbelief and hopelessness, circumstances forced her to confront this unsettling reality.The dinner with Sorin's parents had been a nerve-wracking affair, filled with awkward silences and unspoken expectations. Drea, overwhelmed by the surreal turn of events, struggled to maintain her composure. The casual request from Laura, Sorin's mother, for Drea to show Sorin around the house only amplified her inner turmoil.As they stood in the garden, Drea battled with her emotions, trying desperately to find the courage to interact with Sorin. Her mind raced with conflicting thoughts: the disbelief that Sorin was here, the guilt of potentially disrupting his life with her forced marriage, and the lingering questions a
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