All Chapters of My Best Friend’s Girl: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
61 Chapters
FELIX.There’s been nothing.Brynn has been missing for more than two days, and there’s been no news of it. Not on the internet. Not on the TV screens and not in newspapers.Considering who she is, I expected otherwise, but there’s no change. Everyone is living their lives like one of them hasn’t just been taken. Even her school.I stand next to the wall and watch students walk by and laugh. Loud chattering. Couples doing weird stuff against their lockers. Some of these guys are her classmates and no doubt every single one of them in here knows of her, yet they’re living and acting like something hasn’t gone wrong. I know most of them probably can’t do anything even if they learn of it, but watching the smile on their faces and their loud laughs pisses me off for a reason.Brynn Addams is missing. The world should be in a damn upheaval; not so bright, with so much happiness overflowing."Hello.""Not interested," I say without looking at the one in front of me, and I hear her scoff bef
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BRYNN.My throat is so dry.How long has it been now? Less than twenty-four hours? A day? More than a day? I can’t tell what’s going on in the outside world while I’m locked in here and I can’t tell how much time has passed, either."Fuck." I hiss as the ropes I’m tied with tighten around my wrists when I attempt to shift from my initial position. It burns into my skin and I have no doubt my wrist has turned red.This is fucking hell.I can feel the soreness in my throat and I know my voice would be hoarse if I even attempted to speak—that’s what happens when you’re locked away in a dark room, both your legs and hands tied like you’re the next sacrificial lamb, with no food and water for a long time.I don’t know who these people are or what they want from me. They just appeared from nowhere. I was going back to the party after sending Felix away and a car came out of nowhere. Two men thrice the size of me emerged from the door and threw me inside. I wasn’t scared at that time. Even wh
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BRYNN."Shocked?" She laughs as she grabs the chair from the middle and pulls it to sit before me. She crosses her arms to her chest and cocks her head, “Not that much of a resemblance now that I’m looking at you this close.”"Who the fuck are you?" I say through clenched teeth as I glare at her and she clicks her tongue. She uncrosses her arms and leans forward in her seat, stretching her back till there are only inches between our faces and we’re sharing the same irritated breaths. "Who I am, you ask? I answered that. I’m your sister."Is she sick?When I don’t respond and stare at her the way I think, she laughs loudly, throwing her entire body to the back with her head falling over her neck.The sound of her laughter echoes through the empty room for long minutes, annoyingly the only sound I can hear before it eventually dies down, and she drops her head, her dark eyes meeting mine. “I guess Dante didn’t tell you all about family history, did he?”"Is this some kind of sick game?"
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BRYNN.My heart skips a beat and a fearful breath leaves me until I see Felix is unharmed on his knees. I look behind him and see two guys are in a fight."Dad! Dad, are you alright?" Sasha screams from my side and hurries to the front. My eyes go to Felix and he rises back to his feet. He glances behind him at the guys fighting before meeting my eyes. The shot was fired, but he was able to dodge it. Still, my eyes go down his frame as he starts to walk to me."Kid, you good?" There’s a tall man with long dark hair standing by the entrance with his hands gripping the doorframe. His panicked eyes scan the room and once they land on Felix, I see him visibly relax. Are they here together?"I am. Thank you for the save." Felix mutters before lowering himself to my side. His hand grips my arm. "Hey. Are you okay?" When I don’t answer, his right hand closes on my cheek and he sighs as his fingers caress the skin. "I’m so sorry it took me so long to find you. They didn’t touch you, did they?
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BRYNN.Despite it being almost midnight, everyone was waiting for my arrival. My family and my friends. Mr Smith and everyone else who works for us. When I walked through the door, it felt more like a surprise celebration than a rescue from a kidnapping and the love and concern I’m shown quickly heals the isolation I’ve suffered to what I’ve learned to be the past three days."Are you okay?""That’s like the millionth time you’ve asked that question tonight. I told you I’m fine." I say, and Asher nods. "I’m sorry. I guess you can say I’m still in shock from everything and although you look okay and you’ve said the words to everyone; I still want to make sure you’re truly okay.""I’m fine, Asher. And I appreciate you coming to my rescue. Though you didn’t need to."He looks offended by my words, and he turns on his side. "What do you mean by that? Of course, I needed to." When I stay silent, he shuffles closer till there’s barely any space left between us. "I know you said we can be out
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BRYNN.Felix looks surprised by the words as I caress his cheek. When he stays unmoving for several seconds, I part my lips to repeat them, but he lifts his head, taking my mouth and slipping his tongue inside the next second.I sigh into his parted lips as I press my hands on his shoulders, drunk on the way his mouth moves competently against mine. He knows how to press softly just enough to keep me wanting more. How to sink his teeth roughly into my bottom lip to have me panting and exactly when to let his tongue wrestle against mine. He kisses me with just enough desperation, and I feel his frustrations pour into the kiss.He tastes like everything I shouldn’t want but can’t help myself with."Lie down for me." He breathes when he removes his mouth from mine, and I look over his shoulder. Felix’s eyes follow and he smirks when he meets my gaze. "I locked it on my way in." He assures me and with that confirmation, I fall back on my bed with my legs hanging off the edge. I part them
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FELIX.I smile as I open my eyes and lift them to the chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The light from it sparkles at me, and I sigh contentedly before turning on my side. The space next to me is empty and the imprint of her body tells me she hasn’t been up for too long.I move my hand across the space, remembering how she was right there. I spent the night at Brynn’s, and she was so close to me when I woke up around dawn. She was snuggled into my chest and I wrapped my arms around her, cuddling her through the rest of her sleep. I don’t take myself as the cuddly type of guy, but having Brynn all curled in my arms with her head against my chest, the sound of her slow breathing, the only noise that could be heard between us was the most heartwarming thing. The night—though quite little to my liking—might be the best I’ve spent in a while. After having sleeping nights worrying about her kidnapping, having her in my arms in her sleep felt like being given a chance to breathe properly a
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BRYNN.My brain tells me I shouldn’t do this. That I’d only get myself hurt.The reason Felix probably stayed around me for this long is because he hasn’t fucked me yet and if I finally give him what he wants right now, he’d move on to his next girl—this one thought lingers in my mind but I don’t care.I want this.I want him. And I want him to fuck me.I want this like I’ve never wanted anything else so desperately in a while."Come here." Felix turns so I’m pressed to the wall, the water from the shower pouring down on us and it mixes with our saliva as his tongue dives into my mouth. His kisses always make my head feel fuzzy and I don’t know how he does it, but he tastes so different every time. More delicious. I especially love the way he feels more needy each time our lips come together—as if just once isn’t enough. And it’s right. It’s never enough with him.I gasp into his mouth, my hand snaking around his neck when I feel his cock slides against my wetness.Jesus. I’m never tel
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BRYNN.I meet Felix’s eyes after recognizing Noah’s voice before pushing him off me. He steps back for me to drop down from the sink, his hands immediately moving to my hips to steady me and I grab the robe off the hanger.Knowing Noah, he won’t leave my room until he’s seen me for whatever he’s here for and we can’t stay here forever.I turn to Felix and press a finger to my lips, asking him to keep quiet before making for the door. I’m about to turn the knob when I’m suddenly grabbed from behind, hands squeezing my breasts through the fabric of the white robe I have on."Felix!" I seethe over my shoulder when he wraps his other hand around my waist, keeping me to him. "You have to let go. I need to—""Brynn," Noah calls from inside my room, and I curse under my breath, glaring at Felix over my shoulder before slowly opening the door, enough for my head to move through the space. I keep the rest of my body hidden behind the door with Felix, who’s still squeezing my breasts, the hand o
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BRYNN.I smile when Dad gets to my side. "Good morning, dad. I thought you’d be at the office by now.""Yeah, I forgot something, so I came back for it." His eyes rove me in one sweep before he levels my gaze. "I wanted to check on you before I left earlier, but they said you were still in bed.""Yeah, I just got up not too long ago," I respond as he approaches the front door and the guard by it opens the door. I let him walk in first before following after."You’re good, right?" Dad asks, without looking at me. His steps are long and steady, and I try to match his strides. "I wouldn’t be your daughter if I’m not," I respond, and he suddenly halts. When he turns to me, his face is expressionless and I fear I said something wrong but the corner of his mouth lifts and he drops a hand on my shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze—a gesture of his affection—before he continues his steps."There you are. I checked in your room and you weren’t in." Mom descends the stairs, falling into her husba
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