All Chapters of Hold on, Mr billionaire. : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
21 Chapters
Chapter 11 ; Bella’s Decision
"I've been thinking about your proposal," I began, my voice steady despite the butterflies in my stomach. "And I’ve decided to accept it. But I have a few conditions."Adrian raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair. "Conditions?"I nodded. "Yes. I want to maintain my independence. I’ll work on your project, but I need to be able to take on other clients as well. And I need assurance that my work will remain my own, that I won't be just another cog in your corporate machine."A slow smile spread across Adrian’s face, and he nodded. "Fair enough. I respect your need for independence, Bella. I wouldn’t want to stifle your creativity. You have my word that you’ll have the freedom you need."His agreement was surprisingly easy, but I could sense the underlying tension in the room. Adrian was a man used to getting his way, and I wondered how long it would be before our professional relationship tested these boundaries."Thank you," I said, relaxing a little in my chair. "I think this c
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Chapter 12; Luca’s Concern
As I stepped out of Adrian’s office, the unsettling echo of his phone call still resonated in my mind. The excitement of the new project was tempered by the chilling glimpse I’d had of the real Adrian Langston. Trying to shake off the feeling, I focused on the positive – I had set my boundaries and Adrian had respected them.I walked down the sleek, modern hallway towards the elevator. The polished marble floor gleamed under the bright lights, and the walls were adorned with tasteful contemporary art. As I approached the elevator, I was surprised to see Lucas Simmons waiting. He was impeccably dressed as always, his dark suit fitting him perfectly, and his blue eyes sharp and observant."Ms. Martinez," he greeted me with a polite nod, his voice smooth. "Do you have a moment?""Of course, Mr. Simmons," I replied, curious. "What can I do for you?""Please, call me Lucas," he said, offering a faint smile. "I wanted to have a quick word with you about Adrian."I raised an eyebrow, puzzled
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Chapter 13; Sweet Gestures
The next morning, I woke up with a sense of determination. Despite Lucas's cryptic warning and the unsettling encounter I had witnessed, I was committed to making this project a success. Adrian's world might be intimidating, but I wasn't going to let it consume me.After getting dressed in a professional but stylish outfit—a navy pencil skirt paired with a cream silk blouse and black pumps—I grabbed my laptop bag and headed out. The weather was cool and crisp, the sun just beginning to peek through the clouds. I made my way to Adrian's office, my mind focused on the tasks ahead.When I arrived at the office, I was greeted by Diana, Adrian's efficient assistant. "Good morning, Ms. Martinez. Mr. Langston has asked to see you in the conference room," she said with a warm smile.I nodded, my curiosity piqued. As I walked down the hallway, I couldn't help but wonder what Adrian had in store for me. I reached the conference room and paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before pushing th
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Chapter 14; The Battle Begins
The air in Adrian's office was tense, almost suffocating. I could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on us. Adrian stood by his desk, his jaw clenched and eyes narrowed in concentration. He was already typing furiously on his laptop, no doubt formulating a strategy to counter the attack from Monica’s company."Adrian," I started, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me, "how bad is it?"He paused, glancing up at me. The hardness in his eyes softened for a brief moment before he sighed. "It’s bad, Bella. Monica’s accusations could damage our reputation and our stock prices. We need to respond quickly and decisively."I nodded, feeling the urgency. "What can I do to help?"Adrian's gaze held mine, a flicker of appreciation crossing his features. "We need to prepare a public statement and gather evidence to refute Monica's claims. Your design skills could be invaluable in creating a visual presentation to support our case.""Consider it done," I replied, determination la
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Chapter 15; The crisis unfolds
The office buzzed with frantic energy, the tension palpable. Phones rang incessantly, and hushed conversations filled the air. It was clear that Monica's attack had thrown everyone into high alert. Adrian stood at the center of it all, a pillar of resolve amidst the chaos. His expression was a mask of determination, though I could see the strain around his eyes.I took a deep breath and approached him, my own nerves threatening to overwhelm me. "Adrian, what’s our next move?"He glanced up from the documents spread across his desk, his gaze sharp and focused. "Damage control. We need to counteract Monica’s claims with solid evidence. The legal team is working on a detailed rebuttal, but we need to manage the public perception as well."I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I can help with the PR strategy. We need to turn the narrative around."Adrian gave a curt nod, appreciating my readiness to dive in. "We’ll need a press release, a media briefing, and a social media
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Chapter 16; Turning the Tide
The office hummed with a frenetic energy that mirrored my own internal chaos. It was a new day, and we were ready to face Monica’s attack head-on. Adrian and I had spent hours strategizing with the PR and legal teams, ensuring every detail was perfect. Today was our day to turn the tide.Adrian stood at the center of the conference room, his presence commanding as he addressed the team. His crisp white shirt and tailored navy suit projected an image of unwavering confidence. The cufflinks, glinting in the sunlight streaming through the floor-to-ceiling windows, were the only hint of the underlying tension he carried."Everyone," Adrian began, his voice steady, "we have a solid plan. Our rebuttal is strong, our evidence is irrefutable, and our narrative is compelling. Let’s execute flawlessly."I watched him, a mix of admiration and determination coursing through me. Adrian’s ability to remain composed under pressure was inspiring. I knew that with him leading us, we stood a fighting ch
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Chapter 17; Unveiling the Shadows
The next morning, I arrived at the office earlier than usual, a sense of urgency driving me. The anonymous messages had ignited a fire within me—I needed to uncover the truth. As I made my way to my desk, I couldn’t help but notice the tension that still hung in the air. The fallout from Monica’s attack was not something we could afford to ignore.Adrian had already arrived, his office door closed. Diana, ever efficient, was organizing a stack of documents on her desk.“Morning, Diana,” I greeted, trying to mask my anxiety.“Morning, Bella,” she replied with a polite smile. “Adrian asked to see you as soon as you arrived.”I nodded, steeling myself for the conversation ahead. With a deep breath, I knocked on Adrian’s door and entered.---Adrian looked up from his desk, his expression a mix of focus and concern. He was dressed in a charcoal gray suit that accentuated his commanding presence, the stark contrast of his crisp white shirt highlighting the intensity in his eyes.“Bella, com
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Chapter 18; Doubts…
The sun was just beginning to rise as I sat at my kitchen table, a cup of coffee growing cold in front of me. I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that had settled in my chest since yesterday. Adrian’s explanation about the corporate sabotage incident had left me with more questions than answers. I trusted him, but how much of his world was I willing to accept?I absently swirled the coffee in my mug, replaying our conversation over and over in my mind. Adrian had seemed genuinely remorseful, but there was a hardness to his words, a resolve that made me wonder if he truly regretted his actions or if he was simply pragmatic about the lengths he’d go to secure his position.My phone buzzed on the table, pulling me from my thoughts. It was Grace, her timing impeccable as always.“Hey, Bella! How’s the world of billionaires treating you this morning?” she chirped.I couldn’t help but smile at her cheerful tone. “Hey, Grace. It’s...complicated. Can I call you later? I’ve got a lot on my min
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Chapter 19 ; Adrian’s Perspective
I watched as he answered the call, his tone tense and guarded. The conversation was brief, but it was clear that something significant had happened.When he hung up, Adrian turned to me, his face grim. “There’s been another development. We need to act fast.”I nodded, feeling the weight of the situation settle on my shoulders. As much as I wanted to trust Adrian, the shadows of doubt loomed large. And as we moved forward, I couldn’t shake the feeling that we were on the brink of something that could change everything.Adrian’s POV The morning light cast a golden glow over the buildings, but I could barely appreciate it. My mind was consumed with thoughts of the latest attack from Monica. The public fallout was severe, and I had to find a way to mitigate the damage.I heard Bella’s voice in my head, her words from yesterday echoing like a refrain. “But where do we draw the line, Adrian?” Her voice, filled with concern and doubt, was a stark reminder of the delicate balance I had to ma
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Chapter 20 ; The brother returns
The day started with the usual chaos, a flurry of emails and phone calls, the weight of a multi-billion dollar empire pressing down on my shoulders. But today, there was an added layer of tension, an unwelcome disturbance that had been gnawing at me since my mother’s call yesterday. Oliver was coming back.I sat in my office, staring at the city skyline, the endless stretch of glass and steel that represented my dominion. Yet, for all its beauty, today it felt like a cage. I couldn't help but think of the years of animosity and silent competition that had defined my relationship with my brother.My phone buzzed, snapping me out of my reverie. A text from Lucas.**Lucas:** “Oliver’s flight just landed. He’ll be here in an hour.”I sighed, running a hand through my hair. The last thing I needed was another power struggle, especially now. I glanced at the clock. One hour to prepare for a confrontation I had been avoiding for years.I decided to distract myself by reviewing the Sterling d
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