All Chapters of Getting Lucky: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
146 Chapters
EmberObjectively speaking, though I didn’t think of him that way at all, he was good looking. He clearly had a great body. He was intelligent and funny and kind—at least, I thought he was. He was also a successful architect with a promising career ahead of him. He should’ve had girls lined up around the block, but it didn’t look like he did.There were no traces around his apartment suggesting he’d had a girl over last night or that there was one stashed in his bedroom. In fact, his apartment was surprisingly neat and orderly.It was the first time I was there, and I was shocked to see not only the apparent size of the place, but how impersonal it was. Aside from a framed picture of our parents with us at a fair when we were little, there was some sports memorabilia I could see, but that was it.The furniture looked like it had been picked out of a “Masculine living” catalog, all dark leather, wood, and steel with stainless appliances in the open-plan kitchen.It was jarring that my
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Never End
KADENThree days since I’d last seen Ember, and I was really starting to get worried. Despite how loathe I was to go there, I put my feelings aside and drove over to Marx Inc. on Tuesday morning. I still had a parking spot, even though my training with Ember was fast coming to an end.I could have called and asked to see her later, but something kept making me come back to the office. I knew she didn’t need me around for much anymore, but I still wanted to check on her and make sure she was okay. If she needed me, I wanted to be there for her. If she didn’t? Well, I still wanted to spend time with her.I didn’t want our training to end. I couldn’t stand the thought of no longer seeing her during the day, missing those times her eyes lit up when she did really well at work or figured out something new or came up with a great plan. There were hundreds of moments every day I didn’t want to miss with her.Working together was how we finally found each other after all these years. It made
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Protective Older Brother
Kaden“What are you doing here?” Ryan asked, grinning as he got up to shake my hand and give me a one-armed hug. “My sister giving you trouble already? Because you, my man, look troubled.”I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pretended to check it so I would have something other to do than look him in the eye while he waited for an answer to that question. If I did, he would demand I sit down and tell him everything. Since I didn’t know what there was to tell, that seemed unnecessary.When my screen lit up, I saw I had another missed call from my dad. The time matched up to when I was walking past his office earlier. A small envelope sat in the corner, alerting me to a voicemail. Since I already knew what it said, having heard it being left, I stowed the phone away without listening to it and walked to Ryan’s window. “I came to see if you wanted to have lunch.”“Lucky for you, I’m starving,” he replied while already sliding open his drawer to retrieve his own phone. “I don’t have an
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EMBERI watched Kaden’s face smirking up at me from the display on my phone. It was painful not to answer, but I couldn’t talk to him right now. Keeping such a big secret from him was becoming harder and harder.I couldn’t even look at him earlier when he came by, knowing that if I spent too much time looking into those deep blue eyes, I was going to spill my guts without giving it so much as a second thought. I hated not being able to be honest with him. It went against every fiber of my being.Staying away from him was just as hard, but I couldn’t very well spend time with him when I couldn’t look him in the eye and lie right to his face. I missed him so much I couldn’t stand it. I had become so used to being with him all the time that spending so much time apart was much harder than I ever could have imagined. Knowing he was feeling it too and not being able to do anything about it was even worse.I missed his laugh, his sense of humor, his way of being there and just getting me ev
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Tell Him Myself
Ember“And you never had pancakes again?” He chuckled, his color slowly returning.“We had pancakes every morning for the next two months,” I told him, watching the questions enter his eyes. “I told mom I was up early to help her with breakfast because it wasn’t fair she was always cooking it alone, which was true. But I also used the opportunity to sneak some extra salt into the batter. Only a little bit every week, until no one could stomach them anymore.”Giving me a long look, he cocked his head. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”I shrugged. “It wasn’t harming anyone. I was simply playing the slow game. In the end, even Ryan was begging for scrambled eggs instead.”“How calculating,” he said, approval glinting in his eyes.“I prefer thinking of it as strategizing.”“Don’t ever lose that quality,” he said finally. “You’re going to need it one day soon.”I hesitated for a minute, considering my question before finally asking it. “What’s your biggest regret? That story I just told
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In Confidence
KADENA knock at my door broke the bore-fest going on in my penthouse. I was sitting on my couch watching reruns of a reality show documenting ludicrous renovations to celebrity homes. The shit people spent money on boggled my mind, but that didn’t mean I was interested.There were empty packages of snacks all around me. Coffee mugs and water bottles littered the coffee table and floor. I wasn’t expecting anyone, but that didn’t matter. Any visitor was welcome after I spent the entire day at home alone. At least I’d showered, but I only did that around noon.I was going to have to find something to keep me busy, and I was going to have to do it soon, but for now, I gratefully left my television and couch behind me and went to get the door. Yanking it open, my smile died on my lips when I saw who was there.“Kitten? This is a surprise.” My heart raced at the sight of her. I was so relieved to see her it should have been funny, terrifying, or both. Instead, it felt like there was a vise
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Need to Feel It
KadenShe nodded, the guardedness in her eyes coming down. “I love you, Kaden Marx. Please trust me when I tell you I don’t want any distance between us.”“I spoke to Ryan,” I said, thinking back to our conversation at lunch the other day.Confidential stuff at work I could understand, but it still didn’t feel like the whole story. The nature of our work was such that we had to keep our secrets to ourselves, keep our play cards close to our chests.I didn’t blame Ember for having to keep them from me. It was a natural consequence of no longer working together, but I needed to be sure that was all it was. “He told me one of your friends is going through a tough time. Want to talk about it?”She shook her head, her fingers tightening their grip in my hair. “No, I don’t. Not now.”Her fingernails scraped against my scalp, her eyes not leaving mine. Desire and want burned in them. Groaning, I stopped trying to fight against her touch. It was useless anyway. Leaning my head into her hands,
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Rip it Off
EMBERKaden and I ripped at each other’s clothes, each getting the other naked in record time. After days of not seeing him or speaking to him at all, I needed him so badly it hurt. Just to be with him, to be close to him. To be held by him and loved by him.The culmination of all those things was making love to him, and I wanted that more than I wanted anything else in life at this very moment. It was about more than pleasure or sex. It was about the connection of bodies, hearts, and souls. It was a connection I craved desperately. One I needed to reassure myself and to enable myself to believe he really had forgiven me.Okay, and there was also a small part of me, a part below my waistline which was currently aching for his attention, that wanted the pleasure I knew only he could bring me, too. After months of him bestowing that pleasure on me every chance he got, I felt starved of it after nearly a week without.The thing about Kaden was that he awoke and enlivened every part of me
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Tricking Him
EmberI rocked my hips in time with his, my hands roaming over his back, down to cup his gloriously tight ass. Holding him to me, I lifted my chin to look at him. Kaden’s eyes were screwed shut, his lips parted, and a thin crease sat between his eyebrows.He was so damn beautiful like this, walking the fine line between euphoria and agony for trying to hold back. I could look at him for days, but seeing him like this was too much for me to bear. Already, I felt the familiar knot of tension tightening again.Each one of Kaden’s thrusts hit me exactly right to build on the tension, to pull it so tightly I had no choice but to let it unravel. I cried out when the final threads snapped and pleasure so intense it brought tears to my eyes swept through me, lighting up the world in a bright white as my head dug into the pillow and my muscles quivered.“Kitten. Yes.” Kaden trembled against me, his thrusts erratic and losing their perfect rhythm as he found his release. We kissed and clawed an
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Cutting Ties
KADENAll was well in my world now that Ember and I were okay again. We stayed up half the night last night talking, eventually making our way back to the kitchen to finish our dinner. After that, we had a couple of glasses of wine out on the balcony before going back to the room and making love again.Ember’s alarm woke us only a few hours after we eventually went to sleep. She was out of bed in a flash, remembering she had to swing by her apartment to get dressed since she hadn’t brought a change of clothes over.There wasn’t time to talk to her about that drawer I offered her again, but I would have my chance soon enough. Later that day, she texted me to let me know she was almost done at work, so I was getting ready to meet her.Pulling on a pair of dark jeans and a light blue button-up shirt, I fastened the cuffs when I was done and was ready to go.I didn’t think driving to Marx Inc., knowing I wasn’t actually going to work, was ever going to stop feeling weird. It was almost li
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