All Chapters of A Bride For The Bankrupt Billionaire : Chapter 71 - Chapter 72
72 Chapters
Caught Off-guard
Anna’s POVI was very scared to see this happen right in front of my eyes. It was more scary since we had no protection. The car was just a normal one. Bullets would penetrate the glasses for sure.But I was composed. Smith locked the doors and we were shut inside. I started to use my phone. My hand was shaking but I had to call Andy. He needed to know our location to rescue us.The men surrounded us and I could see them loading up their guns. Their leader was in the front pointing at our window.“I might end up killing both of you like this!” he shouted. “How about you just come out now? I have no other motive. All I want to do is to keep you guys around. I can see a girl there too. She can serve as a toy for me while I wait for the ransom!”“What makes you think like that?!” Smith shouted back at me. “You brought only eight men including yourself. I think it is too small to capture me. You know who I am. Back off while you can.”I could see Smith sending a text message to someone. I
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The Therapist.
Anna’s POVI took the sedatives but I couldn’t sleep. Smith got back late at night and it was when he held me in his arms that I had a bit of comfort. I cried due to the fear of death. In that moment with bullets flying around and Smith defending us, I wondered what would have happened if his plan backfired. What if the man was faster and he shot Smith first. That means both of us would be dead. Andy and William would have arrived to pick up our bodies.Shrills and goosebumps.I used to think I was invisible but I had always been wrong. I was just a normal human being who was afraid of death. Living was a big privilege for me. I still had a lot of dreams that were unfulfilled. It would be unfair for me to die like that.Smith laid me to sleep but I woke up thirty minutes later. By that time, he was sleeping already. I wanted to see his face but I knew he would wake up if I turned the lights on. I stayed like that and watched him sleep. Every sound I heard frightened me. I could not ge
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