All Chapters of Their One and Only: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
42 Chapters
Chapter 11
“Everything okay?” Jasmine asked as they came back into the living room and smiled seeing her on the floor with Lilly coloring in some books, they had brought with them. “Yeah,” Raziel smiled even though she could tell it was forced. Something was going on more than just Mason, she could tell. “We were just talking about heading to my family’s cabin for a few days,” Asher said shrugging. “Might be nice to get out in the country and away from everything for a few days. How does that sound to you? Away from the city and all the noise?” “That sounds really nice,” She beamed then frowned, “I would need to go to my house first and get a few things.” “Like what?” Raze asked, “I thought you grabbed stuff for a few days.” “I only grabbed stuff for one night,” She admitted. She shook her head, “I didn’t think we would stay more than a night.” “Just order it online and have it sent to this address, T
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Chapter 12
She sighed and rolled her eyes, “I don’t want to be spoiled, Raziel. I don’t want to be put on a pedestal and be waited on hand and foot. I’m not that naïve little girl comparing my life to Cinderella waiting on Prince Charming to come rescue me anymore. I can’t depend on a man anymore. I have to provide for my daughter and show her that while it’s okay to believe in fairy tales as a little girl, she is a smart, strong independent girl that can create her own happiness. That means not allowing a man, not even my childhood best friend, to provide for us, especially when I have the things we need at our house. It’s pointless to buy things I already have, and I just need to go over there and get them.” “It’s not safe, Baby,” Daemon said in her ear as he rubbed his thumbs up and down on her waist. “Why do you keep saying that?” She asked getting frustrated. “Because of what Mason said?” “Not only that but your stalker sent something,” Razi
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Chapter 13
“I though you said this was a cabin,” Jasmine gasped as they pulled through the gate, “This is a mansion!” Jasmine gasped as she pushed her black hair behind her ear. “It’s huge.” “I guess,” Asher shrugged, “There’s 10 bedrooms and a few offices, oh and a library.” “Mommy, horsies!” Lilly gasped as she spotted some horses in a field. “I see them,” She smiled softly. “They are pretty.” “We will visit them later,” Asher smiled at Lilly, “but you have to promise that you will not go out there on your own, okay?” “Otay,” She smiled as he unbuckled her from her car seat. “You like, Trouble?” Raze asked wrapping his arm around her shoulders as she looked at all the open land then the huge house in front of her. “There’s like no neighbors as far as I can see,” She gasped. “It’s so….so….so country!” “Yeah,” Asher nodded. “We’re out on 100 acres, we like our privacy.
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Chapter 14
“Oh, Mr. De Vil, Mr. Bates, Mr. Lecter, and Mr. Malaika, welcome home,” An elderly lady beamed as she walked into the house an hour later. “Mrs. Beverly,” Asher smiled as he walked over and hugged her. “How are you and your husband? I thought you retired.” “You know that fool is up to no good. He had a conniption this morning because the lawn people tried to mow our place and he didn’t want them upsetting the ducks. Now, why didn’t you tell me you were coming home? I would have made sure we had everything stocked for your bottomless pits you call stomachs.” She swatted his hand making Lilly giggle. “Oh, who is this?” Her eyes lit up like Christmas. “Hi Dearies.” “Hello,” Jasmine smiled getting up from the floor with Lilly. “I’m Jasmine March and this is my daughter Lily. I was a childhood friend of Raziel’s.” “Oh, this is the little lady you were so worried about all the time, Mr. Malaika,” She beamed. “I’m so glad you ha
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Chapter 15
“Hey Boss!” One of the men yelled and Asher turned to see a few of the men standing in front of the barn. “Need your help with Onyx!” “Can I, Asher?” Jasmine asked softly, “Please?” “Sure Babe,” he nodded liking how her eyes lit up at him trusting her with the horse. “Move Men,” He ordered, and they looked at him confused. “Move NOW.” “Yes Boss,” they said stepping out of the way. “Where’s my Sweet Boy?” Jasmine called out as she walked toward the barn. “Onyx Sweet Boy, where are you?” She turned to Asher, “where’s he suppose to go?” She whispered. “Right here Ma’am,” One of the men said pointing to an open stall. “What’s going on Boss?” Another scoffed, “Why are you letting this woman call that nightmare of a horse? She’s just going to get hurt.” “Shut your mouth,” Asher growled. “Just watch,” The man from outside chuckled. “Oh Sweet Boy,
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Chapter 16
“Let her go,” Daemon growled as he pointed his gun at the man. He just needed the right moment and he could end this. “No can do,” He chuckled as he tightened his hold on her. “She’s mine.” “Never,” She whimpered as tears slipped down her face. “Oh yes you are,” He growled as he pressed the knife into her more while taking some steps back. “I told you that you would be mine sooner or later. It’s time to come home with me.” “She belongs here,” Asher said taking a step toward them. The man pressed the tip of the knife into her neck and she tensed up as she felt her skin break. “Let her go.” “Boss,” A few of the men said as they approached. “Stay back,” Asher said holding his hand up as the blood leaked down her throat more. “Go check on Lucian and Lilly.” He hated seeing the tears on her skin and swore revenge for every single drop that left her eyes. As much as he wanted to just shoot the ma
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Chapter 17
“Keep searching,” Raziel ordered. “Find them NOW.” David nodded and took off. “I’ll stay so I can check her out and make sure she is okay once you find her,” Doctor Olsen said calmly as he smirked seeing all four men so concerned for this woman and her daughter. “Thanks Doc,” Raziel said nodding. “I’m going to stay with her so she doesn’t panic when she wakes. Let me know when you find Lilly.” They nodded and he opened the door then gasped. “What are you doing, Trouble? Get your ass back in bed,” he said seeing her standing at the foot of the bed holding the pole that was holding up part of the sheer canopy curtain. She whimpered and clung to him as he wrapped his arms around her. “Boss,” David said as he came into the doorframe. “What?” Asher asked and David shook his head. “Lucian is awake but has no idea where the little girl is. We have searched the entire house and she isn’t here Boss,” he whispered.
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Chapter 18
“Thank you, Sweet Boy,” Jasmine said as she petted Onyx after he laid down in the stall. “Thank you for keeping my baby safe.” He nudged her and she smiled then kissed him. “Come on Trouble,” Raziel said from outside the stall, “you need to rest after everything.” “Little One needs to rest also,” Daemon nodded. “No seepy,” Lilly shook her head then yawned. They chuckled, “Okay, well how about we watch some movies and just rest?” Asher asked and she nodded. “Pichu,” She smiled as she laid her head on Lucian’s shoulder. “Sounds perfect,” Lucian nodded. “Will you give him extra snacks?” Jasmine asked Asher, “please?” “Of course,” Asher nodded, “He deserves it. Now come on, let’s go inside.” She got up, kissed Onyx one more time then walked over to Raziel. He picked her up and they headed back to the house. “Shhh, I got you,” He whispered when she
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Chapter 19
“Where are the girls?” Raze asked as he came into the kitchen. “Getting riding lessons from David,” Asher said. “Little on is on Amber and Babe is on Onyx.” “Of course she is,” Raze chuckled. “Might as well just put her name on all his paperwork. He clearly won’t let anyone tame him but those girls. Well, do you want to go take care of our problem while they are occupied? It’s been a few days now, she is bound to start questioning while there are men at the old building soon.” “Yeah,” Daemon nodded. “We can’t draw it out like we normally do, they won’t have very long lessons with Little One.” They strolled over to the old building and the two men standing guard moved. “Go find a place,” Daemon growled and they nodded then walked off. Asher walked in and grabbed the bucket of ice water. “Wake the fuck up,” he said tossing the frigid water on the man that was hanging from chains in the center of the room. He
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Chapter 20
“Get the fuck cleaned up,” Daemon said tossing Raziel a rag. “Where would she go?” Lucian asked. “The house,” Raziel said wiping his face. “She will grab Lilly and try to leave.” “How are we going to approach this?” Asher asked. “With the truth,” Raziel shrugged, “That’s all we can do.” “How the fuck did she even get in there?” Asher asked as they approached the house. “I thought you locked the door,” he said looked at Lucian. “I thought you locked it,” Lucian said looking at Daemon. “I thought you locked it,” Daemon shook his head. “Doesn’t fucking matter,” Raziel said as he slid open the glass door. “Trouble?” he called out. “Mommy Wazy,” Little Lilly’s voice came from towards the front door. The guys raced to the front of the house. “Wazy!” Lilly dropped her bag and ran to him. “Little One,” he smiled as he picked her up, “W
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