All Chapters of DARKHAVEN VOL 1: THE ALPHA AND THE BULLIED: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
60 Chapters
EMBERLYN WOLFSONG What frightens me is that it was incredibly soft by nature, much like human skin. Are you aware of the possible meaning of this? This could indicate that there are other people in this dimly lit room besides me right now. I wonder with astonishment if there is someone there, but the fact that I am not feeling anything and that this particular person has not hit me in the face yet. What are the chances that this is some kind of bizarre death chamber where several people are hanging in various corners, either with chains around their necks or, more likely, dead? I close my eyes and cover my face with my hand while I scream nonstop in my head because my mind keeps conjuring up so many horrifying, terrifying pictures. I do not think I am capable of doing this anymore. This is just fucking ridiculously irritating. I shake my head resolutely as I make every effort to rise from my kneeling position, pressing my hand against my waist while experiencing that excruciating
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EMBERLYN WOLFSONG I must escape this trap and this old witch's wicked scheme. I move off the front lawn of the cottage without thinking and start running as quickly as I can into the bushes. I heed my gut and head in what seems to be a safe route that will keep me far away from the blood wolves. Running through the bushes at top speed, I feel their determined grazes against my skin as if they are trying to stop me from reaching my destination, but I ignore them all and keep moving forward. I keep running, cold sweat trickling down my brow and my heart thumping louder in my chest. This is the appropriate moment. I have some free time this afternoon. I have no restrictions. I am thinking to myself the entire time I am running, using all of my strength to swing my hands. And then I reach a spot that appears to have some people living there. Although the area I am looking at is still covered in forest, there is one area that has been cleared in a way that appears to have been done b
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EP 9: INTERVENTION EMBERLYN WOLFSONG Oh, beloved lunar mother, I do not think I can handle this much longer. The hurt is unbearable. My skull is being torn apart into a million pieces by it. My bones are scattered all over the place. I can not even begin to describe the pain I am experiencing right now—my brain is breaking and vibrating nonstop inside my head. There is only a split second left before it bursts in my brain and likely sends me to the afterlife. This is simply beyond comprehension. As I remain where I am, screaming and crying, the beast with an evil snarl on its face continues to pin my broken elbow against dry grass. "Are you able to sense it? Emberlyn, are you experiencing that pain? You should feel that way since you have taken possession of something that should have belonged to our descendants a millennium ago. We are simply going to take it back at this moment. Therefore, you deserve to have every bone in your body broken so that you can no longer walk. You ou
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EMBERLYN WOLFSONG I recognize this particular scene so well. In my head, it keeps flashing incessantly. I finally realized after giving it a lot of thought that it was exactly like the dream I had while lying in bed the night before the competition. This is how it comes to pass. Even now, I have no idea. Nothing is feeling up to me. My whole body is trembling with pain, anger, fear, and weakness. I am not even sure which emotion to identify. In a lot of situations, my mind is all over the place. It is very vulnerable. I am unsure of what action to take. I make every effort to move slowly into my position and try to pick up more speed to get away from the beast that is currently approaching me slowly while laughing hysterically. "What then was your gain, now that you have completed the run? How much ground were you able to cover? Discourse with me, Emberlyn. Tell me about the accomplishment you made. I have you lying here in front of me, at my mercy. My free will allows me to inte
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EMBERLYN WOLFSONG "Regretfully, you would not be eligible for this kind of assistance. " The beast keeps making jokes. In a desperate attempt to free myself, I open my mouth and scream nonstop. "Please refrain from treating me like this. Someone, please lend a helping hand!! " As I raise my left hand in desperation to press it against the beast's teeth, I keep screaming. Then I fight to get its head to come away, but it is just too strong for me to handle. I wish the incredible power I possessed a few moments ago could come alive right now and allow me to shoo this beast away. The creature sneers. With a growl, it says, "I do not think that kind of ability can repeat itself a second time. Thus, just give up on trying to set yourself free. Nobody can release you from my control. " The beast grabs my left hand and slams it against the parched grass once more, declaring that no one can release me from its hold. I am about to hear my brain rip apart because I hear another loud crack
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EMBERLYN WOLFSONG She is pointed in the direction of the beast that is rushing to capture her and probably ends her dynasty when the bat-like wings on her back suddenly develop sharp structures that resemble blades at their tips as they swing forward. I watch as they both slam their fists against each other, creating an earthquake that rocks the area around me with tremendous force. As I roll in agonizing pain, attempting to regain control over my feeble hands that continue to ache so intensely that it is likely tearing at my membrane and seeping into my brain, I feel a powerful gust of wind from their collision that pushes me away and makes me shake uncontrollably in place. I grit my teeth in agony as I try to open my eyes and see that the two of them are still fighting. They appear to be equally powerful based on what I can see right now, but the beast appears to be much more powerful due to its size and unquestionable strength. For what purpose has this beast been around? It
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EP 10: DOOM RETURNS EMBERLYN WOLFSONG A lovely, gentle melody is playing in my head, as though it is trying to get my attention and pull me out of the pitch-black world I am currently staring at. It is difficult for me to concentrate and detect that song's distinct aroma. I feel like I am stuck in the middle of nowhere with my current situation. I am staring around me, seeing nothing but pure blackness and not a single opaque thing to speak of. Sounds like they are trying to get my attention—loud voices whispering or perhaps echoing my name. This makes me clench tightly into my fists and scowl a little in my position. What in the world am I doing here? I contemplate in my head. What is preventing me from seeing? I groan as I continue to wonder, and then suddenly, with a jolt, I find myself jerking back to reality against the bed as I experience the sharpest headache pain, causing me to wince a little and press my hand to my forehead. Oh my god, screw it! Gripping tightly against
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EMBERLYN WOLFSONG "Your potential is imprisoned inside of you, and unlocking it will require all of your willpower and accountability. Emberlyn, you are not just any typical child. You should trust me when I say this. Your power surpasses that of the lords of Darkhaven, and believe me, should they find out about your existence, they will use all of their might to track you down, use you for their advantage, manipulate you, or even bring you to your demise because, in one sense, you are both a threat and an advantage. If you refuse to give in to that advantage, they will likely view you as a threat to them and likely send you to the land of the dead because, centuries ago, your kind was forbidden from ever occurring in our history." She says these things that make me fold my arm. "So why don't you come clean and tell me who I am," I say, and she laughs. "I am sorry I can not do that Emberlyn; telling you will reduce your capability, your determination, and your belief; I can't eve
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EMBERLYN WOLFSONG I stay where I am, staring at her with a slight frown, and she says, "You should get up and hurry up as fast as you can." " I would like to talk about my parents and find out more about them, so please wait while you relax and just take a seat again. Why was I left behind, and how in the world could you not have picked me up and taken care of me as you claimed you would? " She gives me a sidelong glance, sighs, and then turns to face forward as soon as I ask her those questions. "You do not want me to share this lengthy tale with you at this time, Emberlyn. Give me your faith and confidence. When you reach the age of ascension, these are the kinds of things you should know if you are willing to stay with me and follow the path your mother advised me to take with you. Please, you have chosen a different route, and you do not seem to have a right to be aware of everything. I will just let you live the life you want," she says, shrugging as she walks towards the doo
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EMBERLYN WOLFSONG I sigh in bewilderment and shake my head angrily while running my fingers through my hair. Why is it that things never seem to work out the way I want them to? Frustrated, I grit my teeth and think to myself. Then, a few moments later, I take a quick look around the room before moving over to the window. I press my hand up against it and swing it open, revealing bright daylight beyond. I relieve myself with a sigh and give a small nod. Now is probably the time for me to decide. I have to decide whether to stay or leave right away. I turn around after giving it some thought and hear some faint movement. She is standing by the door, holding a change of clothes, when I turn to look at her. "Everything is set for me. These outfits I picked out for you will fit the requirements of your educational institution. It seems that this might fit you because your mom attended that school before she found her true self and returned to join our clan." She says as she approache
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