All Chapters of Wife by Deception: The Billionaire And the Impostor : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
36 Chapters
“You're lying. If this dress was already reserved, it wouldn’t have been on the model. I know what this is. You just want to sell it to her.The store manager took in a deep breath and repeated more firmly to Gemma, “I already said it was an error on my part. Miss Miller, please take off the dress quickly. We won't be able to sell it if it gets dirty.”Luna glanced at Rhea who had a self-satisfied smirk on her face.If only Luna didn’t look so good in the dress, maybe Rhea would have let it go. But Luna looked stunning in it. “Mrs. King, they simply don’t want to sell the dress to you. It’s outrageous!”Gemma’s voice was filled with indignation.Luna touched her waist, then raised an eyebrow as if a thought just crossed her mind.“You're right,” Luna said, looking at the store manager. “I shouldn't be trying to get the dress when Miss Evans already reserved it. I'll go and change right away.”“What? No, Mrs. King, you can’t just let them win!”Gemma was really mortified, but Luna gave
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As soon as Luna’s card passed and the payment was done, the shop assistant smiled so much that her eyes were barely visible. Luna took one of the bags and gave it to Gemma. “Take this, Gemma. It’s for you.”Gemma’s mouth dropped wide open as she looked at the bag. “No, Mrs. King. Thank you, but I can’t accept this. It’s worth ten thousand. It’s too valuable for me.”Luna pursed her lips disapprovingly.“Stop with the false modesty and just take it, Gemma. It was obvious from the way you stared at the dress that you wanted it. Now you have it. Take it so we can go.”That evening, in the most luxurious private room of the Skyline Restaurant, gathered around a table of cards, were four exquisitely dressed men. The fragrance of tea filled the room as they played good-naturedly.Preston threw out a card he had picked up. He had been in a very bad mood since he came in.Mylo Barrett, who was seated closest to him stole a glance at him and asked, “Is it because of the news that was published
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Their conversation distracted Luna. She saw that one of the men in the room was familiar. However, she didn’t waste a second to figure it out when Grace was probably dying somewhere. She skipped past them and walked inside.These bastards must have hidden Grace in the back room.The lounge was empty, but Luna didn’t give up. Her eyes stopped on the closed wardrobes. She rushed towards them and pulled them open one by one, creating a loud continuous sound in the room.Mylo observed Luna for a while, then suddenly looked back at Delmor and winked as if he had just figured something out.“Grace is a girl’s name, right? Look at how angry Mrs. King is. She is ready to tear this place apart. Preston, did you cheat on your wife with another woman called Grace?” Mylo asked, looking at Preston in disbelief. That was the only explanation he had for Luna’s actions.Preston blinked several times in confusion. What was Mylo talking about? An affair?Luna became increasingly desperate. There was no
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"Explain your absurd behavior tonight right now. That is an order. If you can’t give me a good explanation, I'll throw you out the window and you'll fall to your death. Just so you know, this is the eighth floor.” Luna’s eyes darted towards the window anxiously. She was going to blame this stupid man if anything happened to Grace.Looking for an escape route, Luna’s gaze fell on his strong and powerful arm exposed by his rolled up sleeves. Without any warning, she lowered her head and sank her sharp teeth into the arm.Preston roared at the pain, but didn’t relinquish his hold on her.“Let go!”“You let go first!” Luna returned and sank her teeth back into his skin.The more she bit into his skin, the weaker he became until he finally let her hand go.Immediately, Luna stood up straight and shook her aching hand. Why did it hurt so much? Maybe he really broke it.Then, she felt something cold and wet on her lips. She touched her lips and brought down her hand only to see a red liquid
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Their conversation distracted Luna. She saw that one of the men in the room was familiar. However, she didn’t waste a second to figure it out when Grace was probably dying somewhere. She skipped past them and walked inside.These bastards must have hidden Grace in the back room.The lounge was empty, but Luna didn’t give up. Her eyes stopped on the closed wardrobes. She rushed towards them and pulled them open one by one, creating a loud continuous sound in the room.Mylo observed Luna for a while, then suddenly looked back at Delmor and winked as if he had just figured something out.“Grace is a girl’s name, right? Look at how angry Mrs. King is. She is ready to tear this place apart. Preston, did you cheat on your wife with another woman called Grace?” Mylo asked, looking at Preston in disbelief. That was the only explanation he had for Luna’s actions.Preston blinked several times in confusion. What was Mylo talking about? An affair?Luna became increasingly desperate. There was no
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“Explain your absurd behavior tonight right now. That is an order. If you can’t give me a good explanation, I'll throw you out the window and you'll fall to your death. Just so you know, this is the eighth floor.” Luna’s eyes darted towards the window anxiously. She was going to blame this stupid man if anything happened to Grace. Looking for an escape route, Luna’s gaze fell on his strong and powerful arm exposed by his rolled-up sleeves. Without any warning, she lowered her head and sank her sharp teeth into the arm. Preston roared at the pain but didn’t relinquish his hold on her. “Let go!” “You let go first!” Luna returned and sank her teeth back into his skin. The more she bit into his skin, the weaker he became until he finally let her hand go. Immediately, Luna stood up straight and shook her aching hand. Why did it hurt so much? Maybe he really broke it. Then, she felt something cold and wet on her lips. She touched her lips and brought down her hand only to see
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“How dare you glare at me, you bitch? You two, make her drink. I’m going to kill her,” Harvey hissed, angered by Grace’s audacity to talk back at him.Immediately, two bodyguards dragged Grace away from Luna, forced her mouth open, and poured alcohol down her throat.Luna’s pulse quickened with rage. The people in the room were a vile bunch of scum. She ran toward the man closest to Grace and swatted the glass of alcohol away from his hand. She then slammed a wad of cash on the coffee table.“I don’t care if you want this money or not. I won’t let you punish her for something that isn’t even her fault. I'm taking her with me.” Luna pulled Grace to the door, but the bodyguards blocked their way. Harvey suddenly clapped his hands.“You have a lot of guts, woman. I don’t know what you look like because you're wearing a mask, but I can tell that you have quite a temper. Let’s make a deal, shall we? I’ll let your friend go.”Luna looked at the sly smile on his face suspiciously. “If you're
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She ran her fingers down its rim and studied the room’s illumination stealthily. She was waiting for the bright light that flashed in the room every fifteen seconds.As soon as she saw it coming, she immediately removed her mask.“Everyone, watch closely. I’m going to drink now,” Luna declared. Tilting her head back, she downed the drink in one go. Suddenly, a bright light emanated from her face, giving her an eerie appearance, and the room took on an eerie atmosphere. With a quiver in his voice, one of the men asked, “What did I just see? Did you all see that too?”Everyone in the room had perplexed looks on their faces.Just now, when the bright light fell on Luna’s face, they purposefully widened their eyes, expecting to see a beautiful woman. Instead of that, however, they were confronted with a terrible visage. Luna's scars, which covered her entire face, were a web of red and black lines. When her dark lips parted to expose a gaping mouth, she looked like a demonic monster.They
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"We want to get even with him.” The drunk man got to his feet. His words slurred as he said, “Uh, yeah, sure.” With that, he staggered out of the room. Currently, Preston was in Room One. A few minutes after Luna left, everyone scattered from the card table and entered the lounge area. Preston loosened the top two buttons of his shirt as he settled on a white sofa made of fine leather. He furrowed his brow as he rested his elbow on the armrest and glanced at his bandaged wound. A flash of discomfort crossed Mylo’s face when he also glanced at the bandage on Preston’s arm. The man’s strength and viciousness made him a formidable opponent in a fight, but he lost earlier when the woman bit him. The sight of it was tragically comical. “Preston, is your wife a dog or something? What's she like at home? Does she bite people there, too?” Mylo asked curiously. Preston glanced at him but did not respond. Mylo touched the bridge of his nose, pretending he had not said anything. Aft
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Luna, who was completely drunk now, pointed her finger in the direction of the speaker.“You're the ugly one here, not me! For your information, I’m the most beautiful woman in the world.”“What?”The room went silent.Mylo and Delmor stared at Luna in shock. She was wearing a mask, so it was impossible to see her face now.Both of them took a quick look around the room, their gazes sweeping at the drunk scumbags. If they understood it correctly, these people threw up after seeing Luna’s face.Preston’s eyebrows wrinkled even further.Did these grown men really vomit just because they saw Luna’s face?Did she really look that repulsive?Luna, who was too drunk to care about anything, abruptly broke free from Grace’s hold, lunged at Preston, and hugged his arm. “Honey, don’t listen to them. They’re lying. I’m very beautiful. Hold on. Help me; I can’t stand on my own.”Preston glanced at Luna by him who reeked of alcohol. How could she have drunk so much in such a short time?Preston tr
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