All Chapters of The Lunar prophecy : Chapter 21 - Chapter 22
22 Chapters
chapter twenty-one
The silence was oppressive as Nathaniel's jaw clenched, his growling audible across the room. "Nathaniel, calm down," Tristian urged, "remember, the Thompsons have been our allies for centuries. I'm sure they never intended for this to happen." Carolina, however, was furious, storming out of the room with a muttered "idiots." She felt her husband had called an unnecessary family meeting, confident that Alpha Nathaniel could handle the situation alone. Nathaniel ignored Carolina's outburst, focusing on his uncle's words. "What do you suggest I do now?" he asked, his tone measured. Tristian's expression turned stern. "I'll think of something. Meanwhile, don't do anything rash." Nathaniel nodded, but his eyes widened in disbelief as Tristian added, "Remember, your omega also wanted the bond broken immediately." Nathaniel and Kilo left Tristian's room, lost in thought, and headed to the garden to clear their minds.As they strolled through the garden, the tension between them was palpa
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Chapter twenty-two
Katherine POVIt's been days since the Alpha's outburst at the clinic, and we've been avoiding each other like the plague. We were never close, but this time it feels worse. I used to be able to sense his emotions, but now I can't. It's like our bond is weakening instead of strengthening."Katherine, it's already 6 am, let's go to the pack house now!" Emilia yelled from across the room. I sighed as I got dressed. As punishment, the Alpha had assigned my family to cooking duties for a month. Emilia wasn't allowed to perform her beta duties until the punishment was over, and my mom had to clean the pack house for a month. My dad, who had cancer, was exempted but he isn't allowed to attend any beta meeting for a month. How is this a punishment again? But hey the alpha knows best.Emilia and I jogged to the pack house, our footsteps rhythmic on the road. I'd forgiven her for the Steve incident over the past three days, acknowledging that she'd tried to help me. However, the tension betwe
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