All Chapters of Enemy Mate: Chasing My Rejected Luna Queen: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
41 Chapters
Chapter 21:Punished
Cynthia’s POVAll I can do is watch as two ruthless Eclipse warriors drag the boy away.I want to help. I really do. But I’m so weak, and it happens so fast. I stare, mouth agape, the Alpha’s command still rattling through my skull. ‘Take him away,’ the Alpha had said without a hint of mercy, and the warriors had just obeyed. The boy goes kicking and screaming off to who knows where. The Alpha follows behind them, and even from my position twenty yards away, I swear I can see the steel in his eyes.Once they’ve left, I approach the spot where they’ve just argued. My heart sinks when I spot a small patch of orange fur nestled in the grass.The fox’s body.Limp.Lifeless.And the way he killed it–knowing how to kill is a skill any Alpha needs, surely, but that’s a measure reserved for enemies. Beings that could actually hurt you. A fox? A small injured fox? Killing something like that is sheer cruelty. Tears start to fall from my eyes as the heartbreak and shock ricochet through me. My
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Chapter 22:The Smell of Blood
Cynthia’s POVVikrov may not care about what most people think, but I’m his mate. He has to care about what I think.For just a moment, he seems startled by my question. His apparent indifference towards Galen–his own brother–hurts me. Without waiting for his response, I press on. “You can stay neutral about this if you want to, Vikrov. I’m going to save Galen.”Before he can say a word, I start to sprint in the direction Galen has been taken.“Cynthia!” Vikrov’s voice echoes from behind me, but I ignore it as I run.Even in the best of health, Vikrov must be a faster runner than me, and with all my injuries, I’m moving at less than half the speed I’d be able to travel at before. I know at this point that Vikrov is letting me run ahead of him at this point. If he wanted to stop me, he would, which means he’s decided to let me go.Some part of me resents the level of control he’s exerted over me, even subconsciously.Even though I’ve lost my wolf, my sense of smell is as acute as ever
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Chapter 23:Dungeon Horrors
Cynthia’s POVThe moment Alpha Maverick leaves the clearing, I collapse into Vikrov’s arms.“You were right,” I cry as he wraps his arms around me. “He–it happened just like you said it would, I made things worse…” I can’t believe it was all true. Just like Vikrov had predicted, the Alpha made Galen’s punishment worse, just because of my interference. My rash actions have only brought more suffering upon the poor boy. I find myself wracked with guilt, helpless in Vikrov’s secure embrace. I bite my lip and try to swallow back the sobs, unsure of what to do next. “I know. I know. It’s okay,” Vikrov whispers in my ear, patting my shoulder gently. “Let me take you back to your room.” I shake my head, still pressed against him. I know he just wants to comfort me, but I can’t just walk away now.After what I’ve made him go through, what he’s about to go through…“I owe it to both him and myself to see him,” I explained quietly. “I have to see Galen before I leave. I need to know if there
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Chapter 24:A Father’s Love
Vikrov’s POV“What are you doing here?”I glance down at Galen, who’s only just started to stir. His voice is weak, but far from friendly. Looking at him sprawled out in the hay, he almost looks like he could be dead without a bit more examination. His werewolf instincts are still strong, though, no doubt, so it’s easy for him to sense Cynthia and I. It’s not his first punishment. But it’s his first time ever seeing me in the dungeon. “Drop the pretense. I don’t need it,” Galen snarls. I roll my eyes at his dismissal, but make sure to speak to him with kindness. “Save your strength. It’ll be awhile before you have access to food and water.”“That’s none of your business!” Galen snaps. He’s right, I suppose. We’ve never really acted like we care about each other like we should. It’s almost as if we’re not brothers. My gaze shifts to Cynthia, who seems to be observing the nature of our interaction with profound curiosity as she looks from me to Galen to me again. She was bound to
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Chapter 25:The Truth
Cynthia’s POV“You’ve been beaten by Alpha Maverick?”I ask the question before I can debate whether it’s something I should ask or not. I look up at Vikrov in shock, unable to believe that he could’ve gone through something like that.I mean, he’s strong, smart, always victorious, a vicious fighter for his pack–he’s his enemy’s worst nightmare, and his pack’s greatest hero. Everyone in the Eclipse pack fears him as much as they love him. Alpha Maverick respects him. So how could he have possibly been…Vikrov looks at me quietly with sad, solemn eyes.He doesn’t answer.But his silence feels like an admission. “Oh, Vikrov,” I say quietly, taking his large hand in both of mine and holding him close. “When you’re ready to talk about it, I’m here.”Something in Vikrov’s expression relaxes, softening ever so slightly. His endlessly piercing ocean eyes, once probing, turn warm. My face starts to flush. I realize that we’re standing awfully close together–he’s standing in front of me, and
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Chapter 26:“You Owe Me”
Cynthia’s POVHow do you plan on thanking me?I can’t help but blush at the words. There are a lot of things I could do to thank him. My skin still tingles with the memory of his soft kisses along my neck.I have bigger things to worry about, though. I tilt my head, trying to come up with a more appropriate answer. “It doesn’t seem like there’s much you’re lacking,” I say finally.The words amuse Vikrov. He laughs a little. “So you owe me, then?”“Owe you?” I repeat.“As repayment,” he explains. “You’ll have to fulfill a wish of mine. I haven’t decided what I want from you yet.” Vikrov winks playfully. “So you owe me one wish.”I figure with Vikrov’s status and abilities, there can’t be much he desires that he doesn’t already have, or that I could provide for him. Maybe he’ll never need that wish. Maybe he’ll forget about it by tomorrow.Or maybe he’ll cash it in for something fun. “Alright,” I agree. “Here’s how we’re going to do this,” Vikrov says as we walk to the pack hospital.
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Chapter 27:Alpha’s Suspicions
Vikrov’s POVThe moment I sense my father’s Alpha aura approaching, I mind-link Galen.‘Get Cynthia out of there,’ I urged. I can’t help but worry for Cynthia. I can see my father in the distance, and Cynthia, now, climbing out one of the cabin’s windows. She’s not going to make it, I think to myself.She’s climbing slowly and awkwardly–it must be her old injuries acting up again. By the time Cynthia manages to jump out of the window, I can see that my father has spotted her too. I sprint towards them. I have to protect Cynthia.“Alpha,” I say, stepping between the two of them to separate her from my father.My father’s eagle-like eyes bore into me angrily. I can feel his skepticism. “You seem exceptionally concerned about your brother, Vikrov.”I purse my lips. “I’m only here to ensure that the warriors carry out the punishment as ordered, without showing any leniency just because Galen is the Alpha’s son,” I explained smoothly. Cynthia’s eyes flash with confusion for a second, but
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Chapter 28: Strange News
Liam’s POV“The Eclipse pack has captured Cynthia!”“What?” I look up in shock as Elena bursts into my office, clearly in distress. Her face is flushed, and her eyes, lined with deep purple circles, are gleaming with unshed tears. Cynthia’s absence has done a number on both of us. “My father just got the news,” Elena says, collapsing into an armchair. “Liam, she’s been with the Eclipse pack this whole time.My heart tightens as though gripped by an invisible hand. “Tell me everything.”“There’s not much to tell,” Elena says shakily. “The Eclipse pack recently expelled a pair of maids. My father apprehended and interrogated them. They confessed that the Eclipse pack’s Beta returned to the Eclipse pack with a girl covered in blood about half a month ago, and that she’s been held hostage ever since. Liam, she–” Elena looks like she’s holding back tears. “It’s Cynthia.”“Damn it!” I roar, slamming my fist onto the desk. Elena jolts in shock. “If the Eclipse pack has her, they’ve been to
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Chapter 29: Wounds
Cynthia’s POVWhen Vikrov finally returns from Alpha Maverick’s office, there’s something undeniably off about him. I’ve been pacing around Vikrov’s office for at least an hour waiting for him to come back, and I’ve spent every second of it wracked with nerves.“Did Alpha Maverick suspect anything?” I ask nervously, walking up to him. Vikrov doesn’t speak. He just shakes his head lightly, sitting down on the couch and pouring himself a glass of water. He doesn’t drink it, though. His gaze is far away and glassy. “Can we bring Galen more food tomorrow?” I ask tentatively. Vikrov stares at me for a long moment, then nods slowly. “If you want to.”I’ve never seen him like this before.My stomach sinks. Is it me? Did I do something wrong? Or has something much worse than I could ever do happened?I hesitate a moment before asking the question. “Vikrov, what happened?”“Nothing.” His answer is quick this time.I pause, looking him up and down for a moment. Since Vikrov is saying it’s
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Chapter 30:The Fight
Vikrov’s POV‘Alpha Liam and his warriors have breached our borders,’ Beta Brooks mind-links me when he sees Cynthia in the office.So that slimy bastard finally found out.I sigh, pursing my lips. I don’t know how long Cynthia’s memory will stay gone for–I have no idea what her seeing Liam might do. What will she remember, if anything?And if she remembers even the littlest thing, will she try and leave?“I’ll handle this,” I tell Cynthia, kissing her forehead lightly. “You go back to the room and rest.”“But you…” she trails off, gaze dropping to my chest, where my shirt is covering my injuries once more. “It’s nothing,” I assure her. “Not the first time this has happened.”I’m not sure if the reassurance will soothe her nerves, but it’s a start. Cynthia sighs, looking up at me with concern, but shuffles out of the hallway and presumably into her bedroom. “They’re gathered at the west gate,” Alpha Brooks tells me as we walk to the border. His expression is grim. “I’ve already dep
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