All Chapters of My Ex Wants Me Back, No Way!: Chapter 21 - Chapter 28
28 Chapters
Chapter Twenty One - Proud
Valkyrie BehatiI was pacing in Alex's office, waiting for two hours. It’s making me anxious, he hadn't checked on me yet.Was he mad? After he told me to come here, he hadn't said a word. I hope he's not upset about my chatter earlier.The secretary seemed angry too, glaring at me whenever I looked her way. “Ugh, why did you have to speak in many men’s presence? Look what you have done, you made everyone busy today.”I turned to her while raising my eyebrows, and she finally spoke. “Um, excuse me? Are you speaking to me right now?”She hissed before stomping on the marbled tiles, “Of course, I am talking to you! Who else I am with right now? God, why are you so stupid?”“I do not understand where is this behavior coming from, I believe you should have a little bit of respect.” I firmly stated.The secretary bit her lower lip before clenching her fists, “How dare you humiliate him in front of everyone? You don’t earn my respect.”I scoffed before chuckling, “Are you close with Giovann
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Chapter Twenty Two - Uninterested
Valkyrie BehatiI was peacefully eating my breakfast when someone tapped my shoulders aggressively, “I heard you took down that secretary!”Matt shook my shoulders as if it was some branch he was clinging onto, “S-Stop it now, you’re hurting me, silly.”He immediately stopped before apologizing, “But really, you lifted her in the air like a sack of rice?!”“Who told you that?” I shook my head. I do not recall telling someone about what happened aside from Alex.“The Alpha of course? Who else? He was so proud of you.” Matt sniggered before crossing his arms against his chest.I chuckled before smiling. I suddenly remembered where we ate yesterday, it was one of the place I would like to go back then. Cheese haven.“Oh, someone’s smiling, are you starting to like the presence of the Alpha?” Matt wiggled his eyebrows.“Shut up, he is a kind man, I appreciate him for helping me with my—well never mind.” I sighed deeply.“You don’t have to hide it, I know all about your agreement as his bet
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Chapter Twenty Three - Figure
Valkyrie BehatiThe sinister laugh echoed through the woods, sending chills down my spine. I glimpsed a shadow, but it vanished like a popped bubble.“Who are you? Show yourself, coward!” I shouted while gritting my teeth. I couldn’t hide my voice trembling with fear.My mind immediately scanned through my photographic memory, especially in my journal. If my bearings are accurate, this was the day I started feeling that someone was following me every time I went home to my apartment.Laine started stalking me that day, but I decided to ignore it. It didn’t happen in the woods though, things are truly changing.“I am not afraid of you, show yourself and fight me!” I furiously screamed, my hands forming into a grip.I sensed someone charging at me, so I got ready to fight. Just as I was about to take them down, they grabbed my wrists.“Kyrie, what’s wrong? Why are you here?” Alex asked while roaming his eyes around our surroundings.“W-What are you doing here?” I relaxed when I recogniz
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Chapter Twenty Four - Crimson pack
Valkyrie BehatiThe next day, I found myself in my room with Pau. She was helping me get ready for the meet-up party with the Crimson Pack later.Honestly, I felt like I had been sweating all night and it hadn’t stopped. “Are you alright, Ms. Kyrie?” Pau asked concern etched on her face.I bit my lower lip before nodding, “I am alright, just a little nervous about meeting new people and they are important to Alex.”“I want to make a good impression.” I sighed deeply. Even though I am not truly Alex’s mate, I don’t want to disappoint him and his people.“I am sure they would like you, Ms. Kyrie, you are kind and thoughtful.” Pau smiled before curling my hair.I chuckled while pouting, “I told you to stop calling me miss, right? Kyrie is okay, we have talked about this Pau.”“Sorry, Kyrie. It’s hard because I already made it a habit to call you miss.” Pau looked like she felt bad.“No worries, you should prepare yourself too, you’re part of the pack, right?” I beamed, which made her nod
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Chapter Twenty Five - Caressed
Valkyrie BehatiI couldn’t caress his chest until I heard him grunt as if he was having a hard time restraining himself for what he was feeling.“We are already in your room,” Alex muttered deeply. I don’t know why I found it extremely attractive.“Can you whisper something in my ears, I want to hear your voice more.” I requested. He was still carrying me in bridal style.“Stop seducing me, Kyrie.” Alex breathed heavily, which made me stop before tilting my head in confusion.“What? I am not seducing you, if I am, this is what I would do.” I leaned in to bite his earlobe, my chest pressed against his.My body buzzed with anticipation as my actions ignited a surge of hormones. I could feel the heat of arousal spreading through me, electrifying every nerve.I inched nearer to him, drawn by the comforting heat radiating from his form, and squinted against its gentle embrace.He grunted with desire and gently closed the door behind us, “Damn it, I can’t just leave after what you did.”Ale
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Chapter Twenty Six - Affair
Valkyrie BehatiAfter finishing breakfast, I rushed outside to meet Alex because he waited for so long. We need to go to his office today to fix matters about this new secretary that he has hired.I realized that he was no longer on the phone call when I stepped outside. My heart raced as I saw him leaning against the passenger door, eyes fixed on his wristwatch.His casual outfit, in shades of brown and navy blue exuded an effortless charm, elevating his elegance to a whole new level.How had I not noticed just how attractive this man was? When he sensed my presence, he waved his hands.“Hey, you took so long.” Alex teased. Has he seen the news? It seems like he does not know about anything just yet.“Should we go now?” I grinned, prompting him to swing open the door for me before he walked around to sit in the driver's seat.He immediately drove while speaking to me about who and what this secretary should do once we get there.“I am sure you would love her, she is perfect for the j
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Chapter Twenty Seven - Secretary
Valkyrie BehatiAfter that day, I didn’t speak with Alex even if he tried to talk to me. I am so furious with what he did.He should align those kinds of tasks with me. For example, Giovanni might question my capability, I have to be prepared for that.“What is up with your grumpy face, Kyrie?” Pau asked. I looked at her in the mirror before sighing deeply.“I-I am just not in the mood to go to the office today, there are people I don’t like to see at the moment,” I told her.“Specifically, the Alpha and Giovanni, right? This is so fun ” Matt chuckled on the back while scrolling to his tablet.I grunted in annoyance before turning to him, “Why are you here, Matt? I am getting ready for today.”“Oh please, don’t give me your attitude, I was not the one who forced you to be a secretary and the one who re—” his eyes turned to Pau, “And you know the rest.”“I know that silly. Sorry for lashing out.” I pouted before asking Pau to fix my hair because we hadn’t chosen an outfit yet.“That’s
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Chapter Twenty Eight - Challenge
Valkyrie BehatiWhile we were walking towards the parking lot. He stopped in his tracks before turning to me, “I couldn’t say it a while ago, but you look lovely today,” I averted my gaze before pouting, “You didn’t even look at me today to confirm that I am lovely.”I was not supposed to say that, but I couldn’t stop my mouth. He didn’t look at me during those hours when they were having their meeting.“Of course, I was restraining myself not to praise you all the time to avoid being biased. Plus you were upset with me.” he told me, “But you are truly lovely.”I could feel my cheeks heating up in embarrassment, “S-Stop giving me compliments like that, it might get into my head.Alex only chuckled before we drove to the restaurant I booked to meet this man he needed to speak with today.“Should I just wait outside or something?” I curiously asked after we spoke to the receptionist, and the client was already there.Alex looked at me in disbelief, “Don’t be silly, you need to hear wha
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