All Chapters of I Dare You, Alpha Jones Capturing His Pet: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
73 Chapters
Raven thought he’d spend a moment with her. Perhaps he would have amused himself by testing the limits of his influence over her. Then he’d destroy her and return to his mission of destruction of his Pack as he seemed bound and determined to do. Raven saw no logic behind this. She knew her imagination went crazy, and it went too far. Dominic had no intention of destroying his Pack. But where did she fit in this? He’d done another change in personality. How should she interpret it? He sat with her, wrapped around her. He’d comforted her and spoken about what little he’d learned. Dominic didn’t have many details, and he seemed angered by this. Actual anger. They weren’t platitudes said to silence others. He wanted answers. Dominic informed her he and Paul had difficulty finding any because of the fire at the old Pack house. We’d been pups back then. Dominic had lived through it. He could have died in the fire. Everyone claimed my mother ha
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Paul watched his Alpha take his former Pet, now Luna, out of the Grand Hall, leaving him to deal with the Pack’s confusion. Forty wolves stood before him, uncertain of their purpose here- to testify or to protect themselves. Until Alpha Jones spoke, no one knew what he’d called the meeting about. When he deciphered the jumble of facts, confusion gave way to the horrifying truth that everyone was aware of. Paul stood there. His own understanding had changed in the last weeks. Raven was not what he expected. The Pack was still very confused. “Beta Grouse. What is going on? What had he been telling us?” “That is your Luna, and you will treat her with respect. How can you say that? Did you see her response when she heard the report? The Luna just learned that information. She was a pup when it happened. People forget she could barely speak back then. Yet you treat her as though she were a collaborator. You’re here because we’ve
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Raven pondered if Dom kept changing his approach and treatment of her to control her. Keep her off center. Or was it to amuse himself? She wasn’t sure. Did he care about any of this? How foolish a risk would it be to ask if he cared? Raven doubted his sincerity before all of this. But now at least she could see him wanting to know who killed his mother if he didn’t believe hers killed his. But to find out how killed his mother, he’d have to prove her mother didn’t kill his mother. Raven had found the gritty the reason behind the purpose for his mission. It didn’t matter if she died. Or that someone murdered her mother. It mattered that he found his mother’s murderer. How does anyone believe this? Once he learned for sure her mother killed his mother, that would end his investigation. He’d hate her again and that would end all of this between them. Raven had herself convinced of that. He’d accuse her of convincing him that someone would try to kill h
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Dom turned the laptop around toward Raven and Paul. His question echoed in everyone’s minds as they read the file and looked at the photo. Raven sat there and frowned. “I would say it looks like my mother. But I thought my mother wasn’t seen in Pack territory two days before the fire? That’s not her name either. Wait. Klyne? As in the Klyne Pack? Are you saying my mom lost control of the Klyne Pack when my dad forced my mom to mate with him? But that means Alpha Klyne’s was my first cousin. Okay. It makes sense why he left me in the basement when he took me prisoner and wanted a mate. Did you lie to me? If so, the whole idea sickens me. I hope he thought about it sight unseen and didn’t know about the blood relation. Otherwise, he’s sick. That’s just wrong.” “Yes, it’s your mother’s sister and litter mate. They’re twins. Oh, I didn’t lie about that one-bit love. It happened just like that. You’re correct about Alpha Klyne being your first cousin. Bu
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In chat Luna Aireka Wolversen of Black River Pack, Luna Raven Jones of Humber Valley Pack, Luna April? Luna Kate Daniels of the High Park PackRAVEN: [Is the Luna of the Red River Pack in this chat?]APRIL: [It’s just GTA love. The Red River Pack is in Northern Ontario. Why?]RAVEN: [Found out some odd things last night. I want to hear your thoughts on the feasibility and execution of it.]APRIL: [They declared war on your Pack again, didn’t they?]APRIL: [Yes. They experienced two attacks. We attacked once and lost three members when they attacked us. Two prisoners (forced mating), one rescued, & two deaths/They’ve lost many people in the attacks. I’m uncertain about the number or the attackers. Unsure if anyone survived or got hurt. I’m unsure of the number or identity of the attackers. They zoomed in, ravaged, and departed within minutes.]AIREKA: [You heard it?]RAVEN:
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“Fine, Paul, follow up with Alpha Wolversen. Then get on with administering the punishments. I want our people to understand I won’t accept. I’ve got something to do here.” Dom said. He used his head to point toward Raven, who sat in the corner with the phone Luna Wolversen insisted she have. Now he wondered if he envied electronic devices. “She’s still not gone to see the healer?” Paul asked. “Should I ask him to come see her?” “No, I think it’s time I took an interest in finding out why she’s avoided seeing a healer.” Dom said. He didn’t like the idea that Raven shirked as he’d requested, commanded and demanded now. He didn’t understand what her reasoning for this could be. When he’d asked her, Raven pretended not to hear his question, and he’d reached the end of his patience. Did she assume he said this for appearances? No, he said it because he didn’t want his mate dying from an infection or internal bleeding. They may have fast heal
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Dom watched the healer examine and treat Raven’s injuries. He noticed how many of those within the infirmary stopped and gawked at the sight of the enormous, dark bruises covering her back. She dismissed what they saw as normal and ordinary for her. Dominic, infuriated by the sounds, wanted to punch walls. This shouldn’t be an everyday occurrence. Dominic noticed the enforcers’ shocked faces mirroring his own. They learned about this full story of Raven and her mother as he uncovered the information. Who or what followed Alpha Klyne niggled at him. Was there a reason for him to worry about the attackers targeting Raven? Alpha Wolversen feared it too, and he had no answers either. It’s another reason he’d taken such a commanding lead in this. Alpha Wolversen wanted Dominic to gain a stable bond with his mate like himself. The stronger his belief, the better everyone's survival in Toronto. Raven didn’t know that almost four decades ago. Bef
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Dominic took Raven back to our living quarters because the healer insisted Raven rest like some hothouse flower. She half expected him to ignore the healer’s recommendations, but he insisted Raven rest and follow all the instructions given to her. Eating, resting, and now looking, she was alone in Alpha’s living quarters after what felt like forever. Raven didn’t believe he’d ever trust her alone again. He left her to handle the investigation and his duties as Alpha. She’d noticed something odd as they’d made their way back up to their apartment. The silence and staring were odd and telling for Raven. Though she couldn’t understand what the silence meant. It could be icy disdain, detachment, or respect. She deemed it improbable. Raven rested, even though she doubted she would. Hours later, Dominic returned. He climbed into bed with her. Dom intended on sleeping, but Raven snuggled up to him when he least expected it. A simple check told him she wasn
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Raven woke to find Dominic beside her. His arms wrapped around her. She couldn’t decide if he held her in a possessive or protective way. Raven knew she’d learn which when she learned what his mood was to her when he woke up. She wanted the truth, but could she handle it? Why hadn’t Dominic told her about what he’d found? He seemed so determined to find answers and punish those guilty of harming people. But Raven wasn’t sure if he was searching for who framed her mother because that’s who killed his mother. Or if he intended to find out what happened to her mother. Did she dare him to solve what happened to her mother? Or explain to her how he feels about her? Raven wondered if she asked for more trouble than she could handle if she dared him again. How would he react if she dared him? Raven never expected his first over the top reaction. After mating, would he react like this, it seemed, odd? Again. Females were supposed to be emotional with changi
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Paul reported into Dominic a week later. “How is the Luna?” He asked, catching Dominic off guard. “She’s doing better. Most of her injuries are gone. Remember, how she remembers her aunt’s face with vagueness even though she’s her mother’s litter mate and twin? That appears to extend to entire periods of time in her life.” Dominic tried to keep his anger and frustration from his voice, but he couldn’t do it. The arm of the chair he sat in suffered his wrath too, as his claws gouged into the wood. “What? How did this happen?” Paul sounded as confused as Dom. It explained so much about her odd behavior. She seemed so broken. Well, if she didn’t remember chunks of her memories. Then yes, she would feel broken. How did they miss that? Dominic assumed that she’d remembered her time with a person whose face blurred in her memory. Not that the memory was gone. “Uncertain about it, but I won’t pressure her to know. I made the mistake of asking h
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