All Chapters of Sin With Me; A Night with the Bully: Chapter 11 - Chapter 15
15 Chapters
Everything She Wants
The bath took longer than I thought, and when I finally pulled myself out of it, the water had gone cold. I wrapped a robe around me and walked. The walk-in closet was just across from the bath, and I thought it was absolutely convenient.I braced myself for yet another discovery as I opened the door. This place had been a whole adventure all through. It made me wonder what else waited. What else could be in there.I opened up the doors, and my lips fell open. Rows after rows of comfortable clothes ranging from hoodies that looked at least two sizes too big, then shorts just like I loved to wear before the whole glow up thing.Now my wardrobe was filled with silk, and I wore them even when it got too hot or felt weird against my skin.I broke into a smile as I walked inside, running my hands on the clothes. This was an absolute dream. There was, for sure, an entire closet for formal dresses and shoes, but the comfortable clothes filled the entire space.I settled on a large Hoodie and
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Lunch with a Side of Scandals
ROXANNE'S P.O.V I sat alone at the dining, my feet rapping slowly on the floor. My eyes roamed around the entire house, my chest heaving as I took in the space. Florian did have stellar taste. He always has. His clothes always stood out from my brother's and any other friends they had. He always stood out from all of them.Maybe that is why I still don't understand why he kissed me in that closet years ago.I shook off the thought as Florian appeared, carrying a white glass bowl in his hands. He was wearing an apron now, and I wondered if he had done the cooking himself.I bit down on my lips as he set it on the table and started to turn away without looking at me. My brows furrowed a little. He had brought me down here himself after complimenting this hoodie and all, but now he seemed distant. Aloof."Florian."He stopped, then turned to me. "Yes?""Maybe I should come help out?"He raised a brow. "The maids are here for that.""So why are you cooking?""Because I want to," he said
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Half Truths, Half Lies
My lips parted, but no words could come out of it. I just sat there, my eyes fixed on Florian's smile, the TV in the background acting like some sort of reminder of what I had gotten myself into.I stood up slowly, then walked past Florian and towards the TV. It showed herds of reporters, and Damien tried his best to push through them. He was still wearing the suit I had seen him in earlier, and I wondered what my parents thought right now. What they would be feeling.Would they finally take me back? Would they believe everything I had said?I turned, and Florian was behind me, his hand tucked into his pockets, his eyes cold as he looked down at me."Did... did you do this?"He looked up to the TV, then to me. "I wish I had.""Florian.""Let's face it, Rox. He slept with prostitutes and then let them take explicit photos of him like that. What exactly was he expecting? Of course, one of them would end up blackmailing him or even leaking it. This was bound to happen."I swallowed hard.
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The Things that Belong to Me
I woke up to the warmth of soft moist skin against my face. It felt like bliss, and I moved even further in, inhaling the pretty scent of masculine aroma and cooking. It felt nice, and I smiled, wrapping my hand even tighter around this pretty smelling thing, like if I woke up, it would be gone."You lied about hating being touched."I stopped chuckling to myself, then opened my eyes and looked up. As it turns out, my hand was firmly wrapped around Florian's back, my nails digging into his flesh, my face buried in his chest.My lips parted, and I started to move, but he pulled me back, a gasp escaping my lips."Florian, I...""You can stay here," he said, and I could hear him chuckle a little. "You are such a bad liar."I sighed, slowly adjusting closer to him again. He did smell incredibly beautiful, and there was perfection in the way my hands were around him, his skin soft yet firm."I didn't lie," I said slowly, my lashes fluttering against his skin. I felt him jerk a little to th
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Sharp Contrast
I ran to the closet, my eyes roaming around the section for formal to semi formal dresses that I could wear. The Continental is an elite restaurant frequented by some of the wealthiest people around. Even though I had no use for any of the glitz and glamour of the place, I have always dreamed of having their special lamb roast, after one particular day when Ronan had come home, bragging about the VIP card dad had given him to the restaurant, and how his date had been completely stunned, enough to let herself be bend over even in the bathroom floors. Of course, she never heard from him again, but she sure is satisfied. I shook my head, then reached for a black dress. It was floor length and would hug my figure down to the very edges. I took it in, nodding slowly. It was sparkly and had a slit up to the thigh that was covered in transparent black material. The sleeves were slim, almost nonexistent, and the neckline was a little loose and had an arrangement of pearls around it. It was p
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