All Chapters of Reborn Wife Is A Revenge Genuis : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
89 Chapters
I made a terrible mistake
    Chapter 61: I made a terrible mistake     Aidan's expression softened slightly as he looked at her. He reached out a hand, but Elsie flinched, instinctively pulling away. A pang of hurt flashed across his face, and he quickly withdrew his hand     Aiden stilled, and Elsie recalled that he had promised not to force her to do anything she didn't want. She realized that this situation was turning into something else. Fear gripped her as she spoke up, "Aiden, you promised not to force me. This is rape, you know."     The word "rape" hit Aiden like a punch to the gut. His body grew stiff, and realization dawned on Elsie that she had touched a nerve. When their eyes met, she felt a dangerous air that sent a chill down her spine. She had never seen him so angry yet so calm, and it frightened her. 
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You want an alimony chèque ?
Chapter 62: You want a big fat chèque of alimony. In the city of B (Boston), the crowd of over two hundred grew wide as the blonde bombshell triple-threat artist took to the stage, singing and dancing to her catchy tunes. Amongst the crowd in the first row, wearing a baseball cap and a fan art t-shirt of the artist to blend in, Trixson inquired, trying so little to hide her irritation. "Why did you ask me to meet you at a Taylor Swift concert?" "I like her music. She is going to sing 'midnights' next," April answered cheerfully, moving her hips and arms sideways to the edgy beat of the song. "Uh...we need to talk somewhere...less loud," Trixson had to scream the words out to ensure April, who was so engrossed, could hear her. Trix hated live music. She could never believe that these musicians could sing so smoothly without actually lip-syncing. She would say, "Singing and dancing without panting for air or looking tired for three hours straight? I don't think s
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We are not blood related
Chapter 63: We are not blood related. "Are you done talking?" Elsie began with a smirk. "For an educated woman, you are quite stupid, you know. You are fond of jumping to conclusions!" "I jump to conclusions? Hah! I am willing to listen to the lie you've formulated," April retorted, brows snapping together. She needed to keep Aiden on her side that way, kicking Elsie will become much easier. "Lie? Why would I lie? Aiden, do you really believe I did this to make you look bad? You know me better than this," Elsie defended herself, taking a step towards Aiden. She reached out to his hand but he pulled away. "April, you should not talk to Elsie so rudely. She is my wife, and you need to respect her," Aiden intervened. Even though he was not in exactly talking terms with April, his urge to protect her still existed. Enlarging her pupils, April became dumb founded. She accused angrily, "Why are you taking her side, Elder Brother Aiden? She made a fool of you at Grand
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I get overwhelmed by the idea of you!!
Chapter 64: I get overwhelmed by the idea of you "April, you either apologize to my wife, or you leave my house!" Aiden's voice thundered through the room. "Why should I apologize when I am not in the wrong? This is injustice," April retorted defiantly. From her tone, one could think she was actually wronged here. "April!" Aiden's voice grew sterner. "Aiden, it's fine if your sister doesn't want to apologize for humiliating me in public and creating a gap between us. It's fine. I'll be fine," Elsie interjected calmly. 'This little witch,'April thought to herself, 'She's deliberately angering my brother. Elsie is so pretentious.' "Brother, I..." April's voice faltered. The mere thought of apologizing to Elsie who was of a lower class, sounded absurd and down right humiliating. She needed to swallow her pride and gain courage. In an instant, Aiden's temper took over. He pointed brusquely at the exit, instructing, "April, leave my house. Now." "What?"
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Can't get used to this
Chapter 65: You look good in my clothes Later that night, Aiden and Elsie lay on the bed in a spooning position, his fingers gently raking through her hair. There was a comfortable silence, accompanied by a romantic aura in the air. Cold air blew in through the open window, and the stars sparkled above them. Aiden took a deep breath, still in a daze about the new reality. He placed a kiss on her cheek and said, "I just want to live in this moment forever." "Me too," Elsie croaked, a huge smile springing up on her lips. The night turned into morning as they slept in peaceful silence. The next day, Elsie was in the bathroom brushing her teeth when she heard a knock at the door. It startled her at first, as she had never shared a bathroom with someone before. Back when they were sharing his room, she used the bathroom in her own bedroom. She told him to come in, but because her mouth was occupied, it came out muffled. Wearing a sheepish smile, she spat out the
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Only a pawn
    Chapter 66: You are only a pawn.     In another city, Trixson slumped into a chair which had her name on the back. She blew out a sigh of exhaustion, her body weak like a pressed marshmallow.     "Trix, have some water," the muscular Boris handed over a Fiji bottled water. He had a complex look on his face which hid the sympathy he held for his beloved at the moment.     Receiving the water, Trix straightened out her arms and twisted her neck in a stretch. She smiled at him, gulping almost one quarter of the bottle's contents. It felt useless because she wanted vodka in its place.     However, her good girl reputation wouldn't allow her to drink alcohol in the presence of Boris or anyone at all. She couldn't help but imagine the cool bottle of Rosé she had hidden un
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I can't let it happen
    Chapter 67: I can't let it happen      "What are you talking about?" Trixson yelled, her voice filled with anger, as she slammed her hand on the table. The sound echoed through the restaurant. For the first time, the ugly head of Trixson reared out of its golden cage in unfiltered rage.     She wore a black, cross-back maxi dress that exposed her soft, fair skin in all its tenderness. Trixson's hair was styled in a bun, with curling strands falling on each side of her face. The contortion of her face made her look like a villain.     Sitting across from Trixson in the half-bakery, half-restaurant, Director Lee wore a somber expression. His face showed concern and a hint of guilt as he delivered the news that had provoked Trixson's outburst. He wore a black Henley that clung loosely to his frame, emphasizing his tire
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Another day
Chapter 68: Another day At this moment, Aiden came in. He took a double take on April, panic flashed in her eyes when their gaze met. She quickly dropped the jacket on the couch and stood up. Her cerulean blue-colored phoenix eyes darted to meet his grey-colored ones. "Hi, brother," she waved at him, smiling brightly. Even though she acted like he hadn't caught her doing something inappropriate by sniffing his jacket, she played it cool. Toying with her fingers behind her back, a behavior he had told her many times made her look cute. "What were you doing?" he inquired, skepticism evident in his tone. "Sniffing your jacket," she said blandly. April's gaze darted to the jacket once more. "What is the name of the perfume?" Her question was received with a raised brow. She understood it was not like her to act in such a way. She had to think fast. "Back when I was in school, I was dating this guy who was a cognoscenti. We played this game where he would sn
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Chapter 69: I couldn't resist either
Chapter 69: I couldn't resist either Her eyes widened at the scene. There was Aiden, wearing a black designer suit and playing soft tunes on the guitar. There was something about the air that surrounded him that created butterflies in her belly. When he opened his mouth, she felt weak in the knees. She gasped, "Aiden." However, Aiden struck the chords again, singing 'Breathless' by Shayne Ward. "If our love was a fairy tale, I would charge in and rescue you. On a yacht, baby, we would sail To an island where we'd say I do." Hearing him sing, Elsie could not hold back the laughter. She rushed to him, tossing her arms around his neck in an embrace. She laughed, throwing her head back. "You are a terrible singer!" It was his turn to laugh, a deep and hearty sound that filled the room. He kissed her cheek lovingly, reciprocating the embrace. "I know." "Where did you get the idea to serenade me?" Baffled, confusion flickered across his handso
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Chapter 70: I'm planning to stay there
Chapter 70: I'm planning to stay there Before Elsie could answer that question, Aiden's phone rang. It did not take a soothsayer for Elsie to guess who was on the other line. It was April calling. He had saved her contact as 'Silly Girl'. There was no good reason Elsie could think of that would make April call except to ruin their evening. She glanced back at Aiden, who was about to pick up his phone, but she beat him to it. She calmly answered and placed it on her ear. "Brother, I need you," the familiar voice cried in between sobs. But Elsie knew better than to fall for April's cheap tricks. "What happened?" "Elsie, how dare you answer my brother's calls," April raged in anger on the other line. If she were present with Elsie, she would have clawed out her eyes. However, Elsie kept calm. She needed Aiden here and wouldn't allow him to leave, especially when it had something to do with his two-faced sister. Hence, she replied softly, "Why, yes. I am hi
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