All Chapters of Forbidden Embrace : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
85 Chapters
chapter 22 Home at Last
Chapter 22 Home at Last Once they arrived, Kie personally oversaw the transfer of his loved ones back to their home with added security and comfort in mind, and a team of skilled healers and guards stood watch around the clock. Bella wanted to be with her mom so he had her bed placed next to Raven's but He told her whenever she was ready she could have her own room. Brent agreed as he came in to check on them. Sam had taken his old room back and moved in there. Kie had a recliner between Raven and Bella's bed. with Lucas's bed across the room As the days passed, Lucas slowly began to stir, their minds and bodies healing from the trauma they had endured. Raven, too, showed signs of improvement, with each passing day. Kie was overjoyed to see them recovering, and he spent every spare moment by their sides, holding their hands, and talking to them, willing them to come back to him fully. "Kitty!" Bella said as she reached for scuttlebutt. He was more than happy to get pets and belly r
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chapter 23. Raven Wakes Up
Chapter 23 Raven Wakes UpKie's face lit up, his fingers intertwining with mine. "Raven, my love, you're awake!"My eyes widened as I took in my surroundings, my gaze scanning the room, taking in Sam, Brent, Lyra, Lucas, Bella, and Scuttlebutt, all watching me with hope and excitement.And then, in a moment that left everyone breathless, I sat up. I looked at Kie, and my eyes blazed with fierce determination. "Kie, Shade is coming after Bella!" still weak from my coma and unable to determine what was a dream and what was reality. "Not if I have anything to say about it." he helped me to lie back down, "You're all safe now, I won't let him anywhere near any of you." "Daddy, watch!" Bella exclaimed, with a wave of her small hand, she spoke in an ancient language, as an energy dome grew until it engulfed the entire house with a shield of protection.Kie's eyes widened in amazement. I smiled weakly, pride shining in my eyes. "She's powerful, Kie," I whispered as I laid my head back down.
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chapter 24 Nicolaus Pays a Visit
Chapter 24 Niklaus Pays a VisitKen learns that Marie's mother, also named Marie Laveau, was a powerful voodoo priestess who had a secret relationship with the inn's former tenant, Jacques Saint Clair, one of the oldest Vampires in New Orleans. Kie, says that he has heard his Father mention Marie in the past and that he would be coming soon to meet his Grandaughter, Bella.. and they could ask him about her. He asked Lyra to reserve four rooms for them. She goes to her laptop to make the reservations. My heart skips a beat when I hear that he's coming. *********************** Niklaus arrives.. Kie's father, Niklaus, a towering figure with piercing deep blue eyes His long hair drapes down his back. He is powerful and has a commanding presence, He walks into the lobby, where we all are waiting to greet him. His gaze scans the space until it lands on Bella. A soft smile spreads across his face, and he kneels, his long coat billowing around him."Bella, my little princess," he says, hi
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chapter 25 Bella's Birthday
Chapter 25 Bella's Birthday The day finally arrives it's Bella's 6th birthday. She wakes up before everyone else and runs to our room. Jumping on the bed she snuggles between us. We both say 'Happy Birthday!' at the same time. Super excited for her day at the zoo, Bella squeals with delight, her eyes shining with excitement. "Today's my birthday!! Can we go to the zoo now, please? Pleeease?" We both laugh, hugging her tight. "Of course, little one," Kie says, "We've got a whole day of adventures planned for you." "And don't forget, we have a special birthday surprise for you later tonight. But for now, let's get ready for the zoo!" I added, Bella bounces up and down, her black curls bouncing with her. "Yay! Best birthday ever! Thank you, Hurry up, get up let's go!" she is bursting at the seams with excitement. As we get ready to leave, Bella puts on her favorite, a bright yellow sundress with white flowers, and her favorite sparkly tiara. She feels like a true princess, she ca
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chapter 26. The Secret Garden
Chapter 26 The Secret Garden As my health continues to improve, I am eager to return to my Bed and Breakfast, the charming inn, That Kie helped me to build from the home, that I inherited from my adopted parents. I missed the warmth and comfort of The Mystic Manor, the cozy rooms, and the friendly guests. Brent and Lyra, my sister and brother-in-law, have been managing the inn in my absence, but I know they are eager to have me back at the helm. I'm grateful for their support and help, but she's ready to take the reins again. As I walked through the lobby the wood floors creaked, and a sense of nostalgia washed over me. The familiar scent of fresh-baked cookies and the soft, warm glow of the chandeliers envelop her, making me feel like I'm finally home. My staff welcomes me back with warm smiles and open arms, They are thrilled to see the inn's beloved owner return. I throw myself into my work, pouring my heart and soul into every detail, from the fluffiest towels to the tastiest b
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chapter 27 The Hurricane
Chapter 27 The Hurricane As the carpenters finish boarding up The Mystic Manor, I feel a sense of relief washes over me. The inn is secure, and now it's time to focus on getting everyone on board the yacht. The limo waits outside to bring them to the marina, as Kie talks with Landon his other Chauffeur, instructing him to gather his family in the limo and meet us at the Marina in Brownsville Texas, where they will board the Yacht and wait out the storm with us. Lucas and I were placing their luggage at the door, just as Matt's parents walked in with all their luggage, a loud crack of thunder booms outside, making us all jump. "Perfect timing," Kie says, eyeing the dark sky rolling in, "Let's get moving, folks. The storm is closing in fast." The winds are picking up, as we arrive at the marina. Whipping my hair into a frenzy as we step out into the rain-soaked dock. The massive yacht barely sways in the choppy waters, its engines rumbling to life as we prepare to set off. The staff
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chapter 28 Whale's Song
Chapter 28 Whales Song The sun breaks through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the battered yacht and its exhausted passengers. I let out a sigh of relief, my body and mind exhausted. We've made it through the worst of it, but I know the storm's aftermath will bring its own challenges. For now, I'm just grateful to be alive, surrounded by the people I love. The next day.... As we step off the yacht and onto the dock in Brownsville, Texas, I feel a sense of relief wash over me. We've made it through the storm, and now we can finally rest and recover. After a good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast, we set out to explore the sights of southern Texas. The warm sun shines down on us as we stroll along the Rio Grande River, taking in the vibrant culture and rich history of the region. Bella's eyes light up as she marvels at the colorful murals and street art that adorn the walls of the city. "Mommy, look! A rainbow butterfly!" she exclaims, pointing to a beautiful mural. I smile,
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chapter 29 Nine Years Later
Chapter 29 Nine years later... The scene unfolds like a luxurious red carpet event, with paparazzi flashing cameras as the Billionaire's daughter exits the limo, and a step-and-repeat backdrop emblazoned with "Bella's Sweet 16" flashing on the sign of the Cajun Super Domes entrance. The same group of people, now nine years older, are gathered including 'Karma', Bella's new best friend forever, and of course, Matt and all of the girls from the gymnastics team at school, surrounded by exquisite cuisine, and live music, performed by one of the top teen bands, it's a formal affair. Bella has grown into a stunning young woman with a radiant smile and is the epitome of elegance in a custom-designed, floor-length gown. Kie and I, beaming with pride, Matt escorts our daughter, looking effortlessly chic and sophisticated. As the grand doors swing open, Bella and Matt emerge, Bella is a vision of loveliness. The delicate fabric hugs her curves, showcasing her graceful figure, while her hair,
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chapter 30 The Real Matt
Chapter 30 The Real Matt Then, as suddenly as she appeared, the girl vanished into the crowd, leaving Bella feeling shaken and confused, the feeling of unease lingers, like a shadow in the corner of her mind, waiting to pounce. Bella knows she'll never be able to shake off the feeling of being watched or being hunted. Kie and I, standing across the room, we were immediately aware of Bella's distress through our mind link. We turn to each other, our eyes locked in a flash of understanding as we link minds with the others. Without a word, Kie moves with Vampire speed to Bella's side. Lyra and Sam join him. Niklaus was already there scanning the room for her, with Lucas and I, not far behind them, our movements were swift and urgent. As we reached her side, the girl had vanished into thin air, leaving everyone staring at the spot where she stood. The mind link between them crackles with tension, their thoughts racing with the implications of what just happened. "Bella, are you okay?"
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chapter 31 Prom Night
Chapter 31 Prom nightMatt took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves as he prepared for prom night. He adjusted his tie for what felt like the hundredth time, he called to his mom for help.Afterward, headed outside to call Kie. "Hey, Mr. Kie, it's Matt. Just wanted to thank you again for the limo tonight." Kie's warm voice came through the line, "No problem, Matt! You don't have to call me 'Mr.', just Kie is fine, Sam will be your driver, so you two will be safe and sound. No funny business, got it?" Matt chuckled and replied, "Got it, thanks again!" Hanging up, he crossed the street, corsage box in hand, and ran into Lucas and Brent heading for seafood take-out. "Hey, looking sharp, Matt!" Lucas said, giving him a high-five. "You two are going to crush it tonight!" Brent added, grinning. Matt smiles, feeling a sense of brotherhood with them. "Thanks, guys!""You two are going to crush it tonight!" Brent added, grinning. Matt smiled, feeling a bit more at ease, and c
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