All Chapters of Reborn For Revenge. : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
133 Chapters
chapter 122
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWORED BREEDER PACK ELLAI stood in front of River's room, searching the whole place with my eyes. I had seen him walk out through my window, so I knew he wasn't in. I made sure no one saw me before I walked into the room. The last time I was here to see Elara, I saw a suspicious box here. I had always wondered what it was all about, and now that I remembered, River wasn't in. Why should there be a delay or anything?I opened the door gently and walked into the room. I began to search the room with my eyes. Who knows, there may be other things in the room that would be useful to me. River and Elara were keeping so many secrets. I was curious enough to want to unravel at least a secret. That way, I would feel fulfilled. My phone began to ring in my pocket. I brought the phone out angrily and stared at the screen. it was the secret guard I had asked to go after Elara and find out everything about her. I picked up the call and placed my phone beside
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chapter 123
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THREERED BREEDER PACK RIVER I watched Ella walk away from the room. I wondered why she had the box and what she wanted to do with it. I told myself that it was finally time to dispose of the box and let her rest. There was no point keeping it here and stirring questions. "Get some soldiers and find out the cause of this explosion," I ordered the guard. He nodded and walked away from the room. I walked back to my bed, and once I got seated, I sighed deeply. My door opened, and Harrison walked into the room. "Have you gotten the records?" I asked him. He shook his head. I slapped my forehead and stood up to my feet. "How can?" I shouted.I quickly shut my mouth and breathed in heavily. I lifted my hands and folded my right fist. "How can a whole record disappear without a trace?" I asked him. "I swear, I placed it on the shelf. I do not have any idea how it disappeared."I paced the room for a while. My thought was completely blank. How would
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chapter 124
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOURRED BREEDER PACK I wanted to get more information about Elara from my investigator when I heard an explosion. I dropped my phone and rushed out of my room. I saw River's room on fire, and my heart quickly sank into my stomach. It was his building alone that exploded. Something was wrong somewhere. Without thinking twice, I rushed into my room and picked up my phone. I called the pack's emergency line as soon as I opened my phone book. My fingers wobbled, and I kept pressing the wrong button. My heartbeat tripled, and I could hear it as though my heart was in my ear. I tried to steady my fingers to avoid more damage before I could even make the call. "Hello," I called out immediately when they picked up. "Are you okay, ma'am?" He asked me. "There's an explosion in my brother's room, and he's in there. Please, come with your rescue team. The room is on fire."I spoke as quickly as I could. "We can not hear you clearly, ma'am. You were too qu
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chapter 125
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE ELARAI lay in my room, smiling like a complete idiot. It's been almost an hour after the long talk with River, yet it seemed as though I was still talking to him. I couldn't wait to be back with him in the pack. I missed how he made me feel. His touches and all that. "Elara," I heard Lucy scream my name as she pushed the door open. I jumped out of bed. Lucy was panting terribly, and her face was buried to the floor. "Are you okay?" I asked her. Both hands were placed on her chest. She lifted her head to look at me. "There was an explosion in River's building. They said his condition is terrible and he's now at the hospital. "My heart sank into my stomach. "How?" I asked, blinking continuously. I placed both hands on my head. "Where is my River?" I asked Lucy. "Is he going to be fine?""I don't know. He's at the hospital, so."I bit my index finger. There must be a way to get to the ref breeder pack without being noticed. "Do you know an
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chapter 126
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SIX ELARAI watched River as he slowly opened his eyes. I gasped for joy and hugged him. I wrapped my arm around his neck. He quickly grabbed my hands and pulled me off gently. "I'm so sorry," I apologized. "I was just too excited that you are awake."My heart beat fast for joy. I couldn't explain the excitement I felt about the fact that River was awake. "I'm so happy that you're awake!" I told him. "I can not die easily," River told me with a smile. "It would take a lifetime to kill me."I smiled. I stood up to my feet and wiped my knees. "I would get the doctor to check on you," I told River. I didn't wait for him to respond or react, I just began to run towards the door. I stopped abruptly when I got to the door and turned around. I shouldn't let anyone know that I was here. Not even the doctors of the red breeder pack. I turned to River, and he gave me the "see?" Look. I smiled. I didn't think about that earlier. I was completely carried a
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chapter 127
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVENELARABefore I could say or do anything, the guards dragged me and began pulling me away. My heart skipped, but I tried to stay calm. I didn't want to show any signs of weakness or panic, or else they'd say I did something wrong. I had to play smart and pretend to be innocent. "What have I done?" I asked them. "Why are you seizing me, and where are you taking me?"None of them gave me any replies. They kept pulling me forcefully. I noticed that we were headed towards Edwin's office. My heartbeat increased, but I tried to control it. I didn't want to be overly nervous. "I didn't do anything wrong, let me go."They formed deaf ears to everything I said. I struggled with them for a while and stopped struggling when I realized that I wouldn't be able to free myself from their grip. They carried me into Edwin's office and released me once I was standing in front of him. I quickly began to rehearse in my heart, what I would say to Edwin. "Where ar
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chapter 128
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-EIGHTRIVERIt wasn't long after Elara walked out of the room, and Ella walked in. "You are awake!" She exclaimed and gasped. She rushed to me and hugged me tightly. She stayed with me for a while before pulling away from the hug. "I'll get the doctor," she told me. "The nurse already came to check on me," I stopped her. She sighed and sat on the chair in front of me. "How are you feeling right now?" She asked me.I nodded. "I feel better."She smiled. Ella held my hands and stared at me for a while. I haven't been like that with her in a while now. I wasn't too close with Ella. I missed her when she was away, and I only got to love her from afar. We never really showed or told each other how much we loved each other. But I knew deep down that the love was there. I was also aware of the fact that Ella loved me too and that she always meant well to me. She suddenly paused and sniffed. She looked around the room and continued to sniff in. "Are y
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chapter 129
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINEEDWIN I let out a smirk after the maid walked out of my office. There was something fishy about her, and she was foolish to think that I wouldn't know. Maybe I appeared dumb to her. An alpha of a whole pack. "You can leave," I waved off my servants, and they all walked away from my office. I placed both legs on my table and leaned backward with my finger on my chin. "That stupid little rat would think that she outsmarted me."I scoffed. I knew she was hiding something. She was only using her mom's illness as an excuse to perpetrate evil, and I would expose her soon. Whatever she was planning, although I didn't know it yet I was sure that she was up to some mischief. I would kill her very soon. I'd do that before she accomplishes whatever her mission was in this pack. The door opened, and Clinton walked in with a smile all over his face. "We were victorious this time," he announced excitedly. My eyes went wide in shock. "How do you mean?"
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chapter 130
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTYELARA After all the talking and hugging and all. It was finally time for Lucy and I to dress the bed and get some rest.I pulled out the blanket, and a note fell off the bed. I immediately bent down to pick up the note, and an envelope was with it. I was a little surprised. I turned to Lucy, and she raised and lifted her hands in a questioning manner. I picked up the envelope and note and placed the note on the bed first. I opened the envelope. It was a picture of Edwin and Constance pushing me into the river.I scoffed. How did this picture get here? It was a picture of when I was murdered as Annalise, and whoever took this picture and placed it on this bed today knows my true identity.Lucy moved closer to me, and I handed the picture over to her. She breathed in heavily and took it from me. She gasped when she saw the content. I picked up the paper on the bed and decided to see for myself what was written in the note. I opened it up, and my han
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chapter 131
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ONE RED BREEDER PACK ELLA"You have to force yourself and eat something," I told River. "Punishing yourself like this would not work."He didn't respond. He just kept staring into space. I didn't see Harrison this morning, and it seemed like River was worried about scenting. I shoved it aside. He was probably worried about the pack. The maids had come to report to me earlier that River had refused to eat, so I came all the way to force him. Although, I already had plans to check on my elder brother and know how he was doing. My phone began to vibrate. I dipped my hand in my pocket and brought out my phone. It was the guard I sent after Elara. I turned to River, who was still staring into space. He didn't seem to notice that I got a call, so I was relieved."I will be right back," I told River. I stood up and walked away from the room. I stood in the hallway and picked up the call. "Anything new?" I asked the guy. "Elara has a mission in this pa
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