All Chapters of Fifty Shades Of Ugly: Chapter 11 - Chapter 15
15 Chapters
ARC "Your place is not too shabby." Arc ignored the comment and turned on the lights. "Close the door." Chelsea paused and gave him a 'seriously?' look but complied. "So where do I put this?" "You're taking it back with you when you're done saying whatever you want to say to me." Chelsea blanched. "Nobody rejects a fruit basket, it's a taboo in the sanctioned order of taboos." "I don't care." He scoffed. "Of course you don't." He muttered something under his breath that sounded like a curse but Arc wanted this done and over with. He didn't like seeing him in his space, he didn't belong there. He looked so extravagant and that was the furthest thing Arc's lovely abode was. He looked as Chelsea pursed his lips and huffed. "But there are mangoes in it and strawberries too. There's even tangerines, sweet melons, coconuts and chocolate. Don't you like chocolate? I like them but I don't eat them or else I won't
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Chelsea "Wait, let me get this straight. You went to his house and got into an argument with his sister, then you argued with him and called him an Orc." "Then I slammed your business card on a table." "You slammed my business card on a table." Her voice was unbelieving. "What? I did it for dramatic effect." "And how did it effect?" "My palms are sore." "Oh Chelsea." "Don't make it sound like I did it all wrong." "You did do it all wrong. You're definitely not scoring any points in winning lover boy over." "Don't call him that. He's no lover boy. He's an over the top egoistical maniac with psychotic tendencies. He threatened to murder me and hide my body." "Cannot wait to help him accomplish that plan." Sarcasm laced her voice. "Lily!" He exclaimed. "What! Lots of people want to murder you Chelsea. Your dad is at the top of that list. Has he even called you yet?" "No"
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Arc Arc stared at the brown brick building and wondered how in the hell he'd been persuaded to come. "You have to go, get a chance to meet new people. Socialize for once." Penelope had urged and a few minutes later, she'd prodded him out the door and waved goodbye as he'd driven off. He could still picture the successful grin that'd stuck to her face as he'd checked the rearview mirror. The black envelope was in his hand and he was a few minutes early as determined by the old watch that wrapped loosely around his left wrist. He didn't want another tear mark since they hurt alot and was a hassle when he worked. His limp was mild and he felt alright, better than he'd been the past couple of days. He could do it. He'd get the usual stares which was something he could handle, he'd sit through the whole thing and leave later, never to come back again. He was going to have to return the envelope to Sarah, he'd deal with that later. The
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ARC He leveled his gaze on the fatso, daring him to look at him again but he didn't. It was confirmed then. Fatso was uncomfortable around him. Arc didn't care. Although, he couldn't help but tap from the nervous energy that oozed from the frightened green eyes that avoided his own, and the way his lips were clutched between his teeth, Fat filled his cheeks and neck, making him look like a mature baby, and even with the fan swirling above them, sweat stained his armpits and the neckline of his blue shirt. The roundness of his tummy couldn't be hidden, and his chubby hands rested on the protruding belly, as if trying to conceal it. "We've been seating here for close to twenty bloody minutes and the organiser hasn't even shown his ugly ass yet." Grey groaned out. "Who exactly are we waiting for?" It was Eddie asking. "The hell do I know? Ask the black woman over there. I hope her brain is as sharp as her tongue." "Now you bett
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Chapter Fourteen
Chelsea Chelsea has not left his suite for two days. He was glum and irritated, snapping at the butler who'd delivered room service and objectifying the cleaning lady when she'd come at 1:30pm. It was already night and his tongue lingered on the bittersweet taste of a Chateau Mounton Rothschild. He was lying on one of the many lounges on the sky terrace. His phone was somewhere there too but he didn't care enough to know where. Gloom waved at him everywhere he wandered. He was losing it. Contacting and venting to Lily had prompted her to block him for the time being according to the angry words she'd thrown at him on the phone. Frequently, he'd stand by the screen balustrades and look at the view below. The large swimming pool glowed blue at night, he sometimes wondered if some chemical was put in it to give it that kind of effect. He couldn't ask now for sure, he avoided talking to any of the hotel's staffs because he'd learned times
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