All Chapters of Billionaire's Famous Doctor Fiancée: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
153 Chapters
Chapter 101 Is she hurt?
“It’s not crime.”Isobel laughed and turned to face her mom.“Mom,how can you gush over men on TV when there's such a handsome and extremely attractive man at home? Don’t do that next time.”Alma looked at the dramatic father and daughter and rolled her eyes.This man was too old to still be jealous.She ignored the father and daughter and picked up the fruit on the table and passed it to Raphael."Have some,Raphael.”Raphael realized that his future mother-in-law already like him, and as for his future father-in-law, he didn’t know what the man felt about him."Thank you, Auntie.”Raphael responded.Thinking of the main purpose of this visit was that he had to get his father-in-law and mother-in-law to agree to marry their daughter,God!He was already addressing them as his in-laws.He took a deep breath and looked at Lucas, whose complexion had eased, and he decided that it was better to open the door to the purpose of his visit."Auntie,uncle, I'm here today because I want ask for you
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Chapter 102 Raphael’s whereabouts
Andrea hurriedly got down from Sebastian’s body,she ran a hand through her hair somewhat awkwardly."Grandma,I’m fine.There’s nothing wrong with me.”It was Sebastian who had insisted on carrying her.Sebastian glanced at the somewhat shy little woman beside him, the corner of his lips hooked in a smile,he said, "Grandma,stop worrying unnecessarily.I love carrying my wife.”Sebastian finished proudly, then held Andrea’s hand and went to sit on the sofa.Grandma Violeta stood still, looking at her grandson sticking to Andrea like glue,she eyed him.Suddenly,Xavier who was wearing a headphone walked into the house in a danglingmanner.He was nodded his head and humming to the song,he didn’t pay attention to where he was going and he bumped into Grandma Violeta, the headphone on his ear fell to the ground."Ouch! Grandma,Why did you stand there like a statue?I just got this headphone!”Xavier immediately bent down and picked up the headphone,going through it to make sure if it was broken
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Chapter 103 Elias and Felipe
Time went by without realizing it, and a week passed.Warm sunlight shone through the window into the room.Inside a room with minimalist yet extremely exotic decoration,a man was lying weakly on the bed.He only slowly opened his eyes, turned his head slightly, and surveyed his surroundings.Everything seemed so unfamiliar, and he reached up to rub his aching head and shake it again, realizing that his head was blank and he had no idea what this place was.The man's brow furrowed and he suddenly coughed a few times.At that moment, a young woman, dressed in a very exotic style, walked in from outside, and she glanced at the man on the bed.Seeing that the person had finally woken up, a faint smile hung on that delicate little face.“You're finally awake.”The man had been in a coma for more than ten days after she saved him from the sea.His condition had been critical and now he was finally waking up.The man turned his head and gave her an unruffled look.The girl in front of him w
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Chapter 104 Felipe recognizes Raphael
Felipe knew he might not know this man but since Estella had said that the person was pretty popular,he had to go check,it might be an acquaintance!At those words,Ella pondered for a moment, and then thought that the man had lost his memory.Since Felipe was from Buenos Aires,if they really know each other,it might help with the man's recovery.“Okay then.”Estella nodded.Felipe saw that the girl had agreed, and an enchanting smile appeared on his face.Hell, he was really curious!A few moments later,Felipe followed Estella towards the house where Raphael was.Felipe silently glanced at the elegant and beautiful girl beside him, feeling that this Estella’s eyes were very beautiful, pure like spring water, making one uncontrollably attracted to her.All of a sudden, he felt his heart was beating much faster than usual.Felipe raised an eyebrow and smiled lightly, "How old are you?"Estella smiled faintly and didn't think that much before answering politely, "I just turned twenty.”Fe
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Chapter 105 Rude
Felipe’s teeth clenched.But he still had to tell Sebastian about Raphael.A few moments later, he downed the red wine in his hand in a single gulp, then set the glass down on a side table and continued dialing Sebastian’s number.He couldn’t believe that this man still won’t pick up!Felipe was getting pissed.After dialing the number for five times,Sebastian finally picked up.“How can you hang up without hearing what I have to say?!”Felipe had to go straight to the point.Because he knew that if he babbled, the man on the other end of the line would hang up on him the next second."What? It seems you have so much time in your hand.Next time,I’ll make sure you’re sent out of this planet.”Sebastian’s somewhat impatient voice came from the other end of the phone.Felipe scoffed.How can this man be so mean?!He barely said anything yet he was threatened of being sent out of this planet?!Was he supposed to learn how to live in Mars or Venus then?He was sure his father won’t agree to
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Chapter 106 Impatient
Andrea instantly felt relieved, she knew that Sebastian probably had good news.“Hubby, come here quickly! Do you have news about Raphael?"Andrea beckoned and asked towards the man.She held his hand and looked up at him,expectantly.“Well, not long ago,Felipe gave me a call, he said that Raphael was rescued by a certain Estella Rojas, and that he's now in San Juan, but he‘s badly injured.”The last thing Andrea expected to hear was that Felipe of all people knew where Raphael was.But regardless,this was still great news.“Oh my God!He’s alive!He’s alive.I’m so happy.I want to see him!”Isobel let out and tears spilled from her eyes.Andrea sat down next to her, taking a tissue from the coffee table and wiping the tears from Isobel’s cheeks.“Well,Raphael’s alive, so now you can finally eat something good,get some sleep so you’ll have the energy to go see him tomorrow.”Isobel grinned as she hugged Andrea and said sincerely, "Andrea, thank you!"The past few days had been hard for her
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Chapter 107 Without his memories
Andrea turned to look at Isobel’s sudden tensed state,she was somewhat puzzled, "Isobel, what's wrong?"Just now she was smiling, why was she tensed all over again?Isobel looked at the door in front of her and she was somewhat abashed.She whispered, "Andrea, do you think that girl,Estella might have hit on Raphael?”After all Raphael was a very attractive man.Estella happened to have saved him and has been taken good care of him.They had spent lots of days together,what if they had gotten attached?Isobel carved that scene in her head, and all of a sudden, the courage to walk forward was gone!Felipe heard Isobel’s words from the side, turned around with a smile,so he decided to put his mind at ease.“Well,they didn’t really get attached.I’ve seen them together.Raphael only feels gratitude for her and Estella really doesn’t seem to like him that way.Plus,Raphael is very confused at the moment,didn’t I mention that he lost his memories,so I think having feels for another man will b
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Chapter 108 So lucky
“I’m sorry,I shouldn’t be mad at you,you…you look…you have so many wounds,oh Raphael,you must be in so much pain.”And then Isobel burst into a new round of tears.This time,feeling bad for Raphael and wishing she could take away his pain.Raphael smiled at her and moved closer to hug her.“It’s okay.Stop crying.I’m going to be fine.”Estella couldn’t stop admiring the love between them.She was super glad that she could save Raphael.This woman wouldn’t have recovered if she had lost him.Estella saw that Felipe had brought a few other people in, so she walked over.“Sir Felipe.”She nodded towards him and Sebastian.Felipe’s narrow eyes were full of smiles when he saw Estella walk over.He took a few steps closer towards the girl and spoke very gently, “Estella,I told you before,, just call me Felipe.”After saying that, he introduced, "These are Sebastian,Andrea and Bruno,they are my friends."Bruno frowned at him.Felipe really was good at sweet talking.Who was friends with him here?
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Chapter 109 Estella’s request
When Andrea saw Isobel in such an eager mood, she raised her eyebrows slightly.She knew the girl was worried, but as for when Raphael would regain his memory she couldn't say. after all, injuries inside the head weren't manipulable like injuries in the body.“The injury in his head hasn’t healed yet.I’ll give him acupuncture treatment for the next few days, and then I’ll dispense more medicine for him then.As for when exactly he’ll get hid memories back, it's hard to say.”“But when he gets a bit better,we’ll take in back to Buenos Aires,if he’s in a familiar environment,it’ll quicken his changes of regaining his memories.”Isobel sighed and took a deep breath,she had to remain positive.Though it was sad that he couldn’t remember anything but it was a good thing he was still alive.Memory or not,she was greatly happy that he was alive and that he was going to get better.Sebastian took a few steps closer towards Andrea and reached out to wrap his hand around her slender waist.He gl
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Chapter 110 The sound of that
Sebastian leaned over and pecked Andrea on the lips, then he sat down and pulled her to sit on his laps.Andrea reached out her hands to wrap around his neck.She looked and his handsome face and couldn't help but smile.She recalled when she had gone to Buenos Aires to find him.She wasn’t even interested in marrying him then.She had expected him to refuse and then her grandma could see that she did try to get married to him.She could recall how tensed she had been when he agree to marry her.And now,he had a special place in her heart.A place that no one could replace.Andrea couldn't help but kiss the man's thin lips as well, a faint smile on her lips.She so loved and cherished every moment with Sebastian.“Nothing,I was just thinking about Estella’s mother.I hope I’d be able to treat her.I do not want to disappoint Estella.”“It’s okay.I’m sure you’re going to do everything possible to treat the woman.No matter the outcome,you still remain my beautiful star doctor and wife.”Andr
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