All Chapters of The Wrong Night with Mr. Right: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
304 Chapters
Chapter 281 Marriage
The chair toppled over.Connie fell backwards, hitting the floor with a thud.The police officers guarding the door came in and checked on her. ‘She passed out.’Alessia left the room with Logan.She held up her phone. ‘Do you think the recording can be used as evidence?’‘That’s up to the court to decide. I’ll give a copy of it to Heath.’Logan thanked Heath, then drove off with Alessia.She was quiet.‘How are you feeling?’ Logan glanced at her.‘I don’t know.’ Alessia scrubbed her face with both hands. ‘It’s a lot to take in.’‘Do you believe her?’‘About my parents? I don’t know. But I guess it makes sense—why she hates me and Veronica so much. But she shouldn’t have hurt my baby.’She turned to Logan. ‘Do you think the court will convict her? I mean, given the state she’s in.’‘If she’s sane, she’ll be put behind bars. If she’s not, she’ll be locked up in a psych ward. Either way, she’s going to be put away for a long time. And Brayden will be there to keep her company.’Alessia
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Chapter 282 Compromise
Alessia bit her lip. ‘Marriage? Logan, we’ve been through a lot, and I appreciate the sentiment, but marriage is a big step. And it just feels too soon.’‘I know, Alessia. But think about it, for Arlie and Milo. They deserve a stable family, with parents who are committed to each other.’Alessia was hesitant. ‘I understand, but I’m still dealing with the aftermath of the whole thing, and there’s also my grandma’s ashes that I need to take care of.’Logan said softly, ‘I get it. I don’t want to rush you. How about we compromise? We can register for marriage first, just make it official, and then we can plan the big wedding ceremony for later when things settle down.’Alessia pondered this. ‘Register first? That could work.’It would give her time to handle everything else.And to be honest, though she still felt uncertain about tying the knot with Logan, there wasn’t really anyone else she wanted to marry.Logan held her hand. ‘Exactly. We’ll take it one step at a time. The important t
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Chapter 283 First Marriage
The park offered a sanctuary, a silent witness to Alessia’s pain.A distant rumble of thunder echoed, a subtle reflection of the storm within her.Alessia felt the weight of the betrayal, the shattered dreams, and the uncertainty of the future.The man she thought she knew had been a stranger all along.As she wiped away tears, Alessia’s phone buzzed with a message.She hesitated before checking it, expecting the worst.It was a message from Logan. ‘Alessia, where are you? Answer your phone.’That was when she noticed the dozen missed calls from him.Alessia switched off her phone and stuffed it back into her purse.With a heavy heart, she stood and made her way through the park, leaving the sanctuary of solitude behind.***Logan, bewildered and desperate for clarity, rushed back to the city hall.The once familiar corridors felt alien as he approached the clerk who had dropped the bombshell, demanding answers to a puzzle that seemed impossible to solve.‘What the hell is going on?’
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Chapter 284 Back from the Dead
Minutes after Logan left, a yellow taxi slid to a stop in front of Ralph and Naomi’s house.The engine hummed as the door swung open, revealing a pair of long, toned legs gracefully stepping onto the pavement.The woman emerging from the taxi was a vision of confidence and mystery.Ralph and Naomi, who had been sitting out on the terrace, couldn’t believe their eyes.Their daughter, presumed lost to the world five years ago, was standing before them, alive and well.Sirena waved at them. ‘Hi, Mom and Dad, I’m back!’The coffee mugs clinked against each other, forgotten, as they rushed to embrace Sirena.‘Sweetheart, is it really you?’ Naomi exclaimed, tears streaming down her face.Ralph was equally overwhelmed, wrapping Sirena in a tight bear hug.Sirena grinned, a glint of mischief in her eyes. ‘Surprise, Mom, Dad. Missed me?’‘Missed you? We thought we’d lost you forever!’ Ralph said, his voice cracking with emotion.‘I’ve been through some stuff,’ Sirena replied mysteriously, pull
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Chapter 285 Dig into the Past
‘Alessia, we need to talk,’ Logan began, the urgency evident in his tone.Alessia sighed on the other end, her silence urging him to continue.‘Look, today has been insane. I need to tell you everything, from the moment Sirena and I drunkenly got married online to the legal mess I’m trying to untangle. It’s complicated, but you deserve to know,’ Logan confessed, his words pouring out in a rush.As he laid out the convoluted details, from the unexpected marriage to the struggles of annulment, Alessia’s silence lingered.The weight of the revelations settled heavily on both of them.Finally, Alessia spoke, her voice a mix of shock and contemplation. ‘Logan, I need time to process this. I can’t believe what I’m hearing.’Logan’s heart sank, but he understood the gravity of the situation. ‘I know, Alessia. I messed up, and I’m trying to fix it. I just... I need you to understand.’A heavy pause filled the air before Alessia responded, her words measured. ‘Logan, before we talk about us, y
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Chapter 286 Selfish Motive
Logan committed the name to memory. ‘Nomsa could be a crucial lead. Do you have any contact information for her?’Elaine nodded. ‘I do. Let me find it for you.’She searched through her papers. ‘Here it is. Nomsa’s contact information. I hope she can provide some insight.’She hesitated, then added, ‘I was busy with my own work back then. You really should be talking to Sirena’s parents. They were involved in the investigation every step along the way, even flew to Sierra Landa.’‘They probably don’t want to see me right now.’Logan explained that he just visited them earlier, trying to get a copy of Sirena’s death certificate to prove she was really deceased, so his marriage to her could be voided, then he could marry Alessia.Elaine’s eyes widened. ‘Of course Naomi and Ralph would be mad. You were forcing them to confront the reality of Sirena’s death.’‘But they should have closure, and this investigation would bring it to them,’ Logan said defensively. ‘It’s not just for me; it’s
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Chapter 287 A Welcome Distraction
Alessia turned around as Yvonne Sawyer, a familiar face from a previous interview, approached with a warm smile.Alessia forced a smile. ‘Just trying to distract myself, you know? Work has become my escape lately.’Yvonne noticed Alessia’s low spirit. ‘Something on your mind, dear?’Alessia sighed. ‘Just personal stuff.’She wasn’t about to share her family drama with a woman she’d just met twice, no matter how nice Professor Sawyer was.Yvonne looked sympathetic. ‘Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. How are you holding up?’Alessia shrugged. ‘I’m trying to stay busy.’Sensing her reluctance to talk about her personal life, Yvonne changed the subject. ‘You know, I have connections in the art community, and there’s a big exhibition happening in Hamborough soon.’Alessia was intrigued. ‘An exhibition?’‘Yes, and I thought it might do you good to immerse yourself in the world of art for a while. There are fascinating artists there, stories waiting to be told. Would you be interested in interv
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Chapter 288 Make Things Right
Logan nodded. ‘Yeah, I need to see her, talk to her. Figure out what the hell happened all these years.’Heath concurred. ‘Well, my friend, it looks like your life just got a whole lot more complicated. You do realise that with Sirena alive, your marriage with her still stands, right?’‘Then I’ll just have to get a divorce.’The next day, Logan approached the Barretts’ house with a mix of anticipation and nervousness.The last time he saw Sirena Barrett, she was a vivacious 21-year-old with a penchant for impulsive decisions.She loved fun and excitement, and had a way of always getting herself into trouble.Her relationship with Logan was on again, off again, interspersed with fights and make-ups and more fights.Try as he might, Logan couldn’t recall the reason for their last argument.As he stood at the doorstep, Logan’s memories collided with the present reality.The door swung open, and there stood Sirena, now 26 years old.‘Logan!’ she threw herself into his arms.The changes in
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Chapter 289 First-time Dad
Ralph’s tone turned hostile, a father defending his daughter, wounded by the perceived abandonment.He’d hoped that once Logan saw Sirena again, he’d change his mind about the divorce.After all, back when they were dating, Logan was crazy about Sirena.Logan attempted to diffuse the tension. ‘I understand this is difficult. I’ll give you all some time to think.’Naomi, however, wasn’t ready to let him off the hook. ‘Time won’t erase the past, Logan. You owe Sirena an honest conversation, not just legal papers.’Ralph, still seething with anger, added, ‘And don’t think we’ll let you hurt her again.’Logan acknowledged the hostility but wasn’t one to back down. ‘I get it. Take the time you need. But know that I’m going through with the divorce.’After Logan left, Sirena’s emotions erupted in a fit of frustration and despair.She threw her coffee mug across the room and shrieked.Naomi and Ralph rushed to her side, attempting to calm her down and provide comfort.‘Sirena, sweetheart, yo
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Chapter 290 Timing Matters
Logan returned to the study.Ignoring the digital chaos on his computer, Logan decided to abandon ship.He retrieved his laptop to set up a makeshift workspace on the study desk.Before he settled into work, he sent a quick text to Alessia, updating her on the night’s adventures with the twins.Alessia replied with a curt ‘noted.’She was, in fact, in daily contact with the twins.The three of them had a chat group.It was Logan who was kept out of the loop.Later that night, as darkness wrapped around the city, Logan’s phone rang, stirring him out of sleep.Naomi’s name flashed on the screen, and with a sense of urgency, he answered.‘Logan! There’s been an emergency. Sirena... she tried to kill herself. She’s in the hospital.’Logan’s heart skipped a beat, and without a second thought, he rushed to the hospital, the streets a blur beneath the wheels of his car.Arriving at the hospital, Logan found Ralph and Naomi anxiously pacing the waiting area.Their eyes, a mix of worry and acc
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