All Chapters of The Alpha's Reject: Craving his Wolfless Luna: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
21 Chapters
IRENE'S POVI led Alpha Lucas out of the bar and while he walked majestically beside me, putting up a tough front before the others, I knew he was really drunk. I still had my hand on his wrist, carefully pulling him along."Where are you parked?" That question was directed to myself more than him. I didn't think he would be any sober to help right now-Surprisingly, he pointed to a spot and dug out his keys. With sloppy eyes that closed every second, he handed them over and sighed. I could only imagine the hangover by morning. He drank three months worth of beer, even his wolf wouldn't help him out of this."Thanks," I took the keys and I noticed his car where he directed me. First things first, I put him in the backseat and made sure to fasten the belt. I didn't want him throwing up all over the seats if there was a slight bump on the road.I got into the driver's seat and I started the car. I drove out of the bar and shifted the rearview mirror, checking up on Alpha Lucas in the ba
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KARSON'S POVShe walked out. She ignored me and she walked out while latching onto that man. I squeezed my fist by my side, holding myself from storming after her.I was sober now thanks to that. Even after drinking over twenty bottles of beer, Irene's attitude and fierce eyes were enough to slam me back to my senses.When did she start to talk back to me? Up until the time she left, whenever she stared at my face, I could smell her arousal in the air. She would blush silly and I knew if I dared to touch her, she would melt under my hands.She was always eager for my touch and yearning for it. What happened to that obedient girl and who was that woman who glared at me without an atom of affection on her face?She proved resolute in her decision to pick Alpha Lucas over me but what did she see in him? Did she suddenly have a thing for older men or was five years too long to let her feelings for me die?It felt as if almost yesterday, she was brought into my house and introduced as my a
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KARSON'S POVNo, this wasn't Irene. The scent was different, even the touch. Whoever it was, she grinding her waist against my crotch that had already hardened due to the mistaken identity. I groaned in tight response as she continued humping over me. Her lips were hot against my neck as she peppered me with kisses, sucking on every spot till there was a mark.Her hands fumbled with the buttons on my shirt as she unbuttoned them at a fast pace that I could barely keep up with. She grabbed my hand and guided it to her soft mound on her chest."Karson," her moan in my ear was what I needed to snap out of it.With the little strength I had left, I pushed her to the other side of the car where she belonged. It was only a little strength yet she was sent flying till her back hit the door and her head bumped against the window.She groaned in pain as she stared at me with tears in her eyes in awe of my actions. Her face was clearer now. How could I have mistaken her for my woman- I mean, I
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IRENE'S POVMy eyes had grown heavy and staying awake was impossible. I had succumbed to the darkness that pulled me into its cold grip.I jerked awake with wide eyes, panting as I looked around. For the first few seconds everything looked foreign to me. I could hear noises beside me and I flinched when I felt someone touch my arm.It was a woman and the panic on her face made me frown. Wasn’t she the enemy? Her mouth moved in a rush but her words were inaudible."…just calm down, Irene," I was starting to hear her little by little. "It's alright. You're back at the hotel now and Alpha Lucas brought you in." she said in a calming and soothing tone, trying to get me to lower my guard."Alpha Lucas," I repeated. The last time I saw him was when he charged at the rogues and chased them into the forest."Yes, Alpha Lucas," she said. "He's alright. He's right outside. Please calm down,"I heaved a shuddering breath as I started to cool off. I lifted my hand to my face-"D-Don't do that, Ir
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The night was a long one for Karin. As she rubbed her eyes and yawned, she stiffened in her room. Despite how quiet it was in the house, she could hear the little whimpers coming from the room next to her.Her little ears picked up the sound faster than anyone would. How could it not? She had Alpha blood running through her veins but her mother had never mentioned that so little Karin thought others to be weaker than her when in fact, she just had Alpha blood and it was only natural for Alpha's to be stronger.She rolled out of bed, landing on her feet and with her usual scowl on her face, she made her way to the room next door. His whimpers grew louder and her scowl deepened even further. She reached on her toes to open the door and she walked into the room where her brother laid on his bed, crying and hugging his toy.Carl was always a crybaby and while it was hard on the twins that they hadn't seen their mother in two days, it was harder on Carl.Karin patted his head gently and he
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IRENE'S POVI pushed myself away from Karson's hold and jumped to my feet. I had recovered from the shock of him barging into my room from the window and now the next thing was to get away from him.I didn't miss the stench of alcohol in his breath and it made me even more annoyed. Was he drunk? Even if he was drunk, why was I the one in his mind? I mean Lexie was there for him to touch whenever he wanted. Why bother me with this-'I don't mind,' Iris wagged her tail in my head and I could feel her excitement. 'Let him come,' she was eager for him to touch her. She wanted to rub scent with him and feel his wolf. Her outburst of emotion was affecting my body in a very negative way and I was trying my best to stay distracted or else he would smell my arousal in the air."What are you doing here?" I transferred my anger his way. I was losing control of my wolf as she would rather be in his arms than stay still in my own head. How could she pick this stranger over me?"Come back to bed,"
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"Let us go!" Karin whined at the man who had picked her up. He looked quite elderly, even older than Alpha Lucas. He brought her closer to his face and she remained still as he examined her like she was a toy.Karin was doing her best to hold herself back from shifting. If her mother knew that someone saw her shift, she would get scolded and she really didn't want that to happen."They are so little," the man holding her mumbled in fascination. "And cute," he smirked. "Don't you think so Raphael?"Raphael thought the same. He was holding the boy and staring into his cute little eyes so much. One would think he was being sucked in. Those eyes of his were so big and round, they looked oddly familiar…"Who are you?"Karin deepened her frown, "We're not supposed to talk to strangers."The man half snorted in a laugh while still gazing at her in fascination. She was a smart child, he had to admit. "If I tell you my name, will I still be a stranger?" he watched her ponder on it for a while.
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IRENE'S POVPrevious nightI stared at the text message from Nanny May with a small smile on my lips. It was relieving to hear about them every now and then. The message was short and simple, "The kids are fast asleep. You don't need to worry. Although, Carl keeps asking of you. He's not used to you being away for so long but you don't need to worry. I put him to bed."Oh Carl! I missed him a lot. He was the soft one; always quick to cry whenever I was nowhere in sight. I knew Karin was missing me too, she just had a hard time showing it.I rolled my fingers over the keyboard, biting a corner of my lip. I would give anything to be there with them right now; even if it was just to kiss them goodnight but with the way the things had gotten co complicated, I doubted if I would still be able to make it back home tomorrow."Thank you so much for letting me know. Please continue to take good care of them." I read aloud as I typed my reply.After sending the message, I dropped back on my bed
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KARSON'S POV'What do you mean you lost the kids?' I picked up my jacket and moved around the room to get my watch.'They were right here,' Wayne reported with a panic tone. 'We left them right in the car and we just turned away.''Then they probably snuck out,' I concluded and stared in the mirror, wondering if I dressed too casual for my mission today. It wasn't anything businesslike so there was no need to wear a suit… at least I felt that way.'Raphael and I will go look around for a while. They shouldn't have wandered in. we'll check the surroundings before checking the hotel.''Okay. I'll meet you downstairs after I'm done having breakfast,' I cut off the mindlink and finished dressing up. I headed outside and made it to the elevator and finally the table where it was just me having breakfast.I had purposely delayed for a while as I wanted to be in my own space at the table. Too many Alpha's were present and while no one was going to say it, it was hard having to work with othe
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KARSON'S POV'Tell me where you are, I'll be right there!' Alpha Lucas practically yelled in my head. I told him where to find me and while I waited, I sent another mindlink to my team to carry out the mission in my absence. With all the other teams investigating the rogue attack and the poison, it shouldn't take long before we find answers.I took my time in studying the kids' features and matching them with her. I wondered if it was just a coincidence that they had her eyes but when the girl smiled, I wondered if it was my eyes playing a trick on me or did she have a faint resemblance to Irene?But then again, have I ever seen Irene smile? She always kept such a straight face around me- almost like she didn't want to let herself go or let me know how much she was a mess for me. This was a long time ago. Now I only saw her smile around Alpha Lucas and other Alpha's. As if it was a default setting, she would lose her smile when it got to me.Shit, why did that make me pissed just thin
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