All Chapters of A Night with the Hot Boss: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
31 Chapters
Chapter Twenty One: Stealing Kiss
"WHY were you surprised? Don't you want it?"She shook her head. "I want the job, sir."Mr. Cordova smiled and handed her a piece of paper. As she read what was written on it, she saw that it was her appointment as the secretary of the president of ALV FINANCIAL. When she looked at the validity period of the appointment, her eyes widened in disbelief. The appointment was valid for up to ten years.She looked at Mr. Cordova in astonishment. "Sir? Ten years?"The man nodded. "Yes! Sign it, and you can start today, but there are some things you need to know before signing it."Ruby furrowed her brow. "What's that, sir?"He handed her a white folder. "Just read what's inside that folder, Miss Smith, so you can be enlightened."Instead of reading it, she set the folder aside. In those moments, she was overwhelmed with joy, and whatever was inside that folder did not matter to her anymore. All she could think about was that she had a job again. She quickly signed her appointment.The job wa
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Chapter Twenty Two: Wet Dreams
UPON arriving at the parking lot, Ruby's tears immediately flowed. She was annoyed with herself because no matter how hard she tried to control it, she couldn't. She couldn't fight her feelings for Adam. "I'm so stupid! I responded to his kiss again and I'm once again captivated by his smiles!" she said to herself before finally sitting in the driver's seat.She buried her face in the steering wheel while continuing to cry. Her mind was in chaos right now. She never imagined that Adam had planned everything. Imagine being a secretary again to that asshole. She thought she had escaped from that man, but here she was, following him again.Several minutes passed before her sobbing stopped. When her chest felt a bit lighter, she then drove the company car.She only drove for almost half an hour before she arrived in her new apartment. She was about to get out of the car when she suddenly remembered her belongings.All your belongings were in my house!"Shit!" she cursed softly. This can't
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Chapter Twenty Three: Eavesdropping
THE next day, Ruby entered the office with a frown on her face. She was still upset about what happened last night. She couldn't accept that it was just a dream. However, a part of her mind was telling her that it was okay, especially since she should still be mad at Adam.Upon arriving at the office, her boss was not there yet. She breathed a sigh of relief because, in a way, her frustration would not be aggravated further. She could work properly without anyone annoying or giving her orders.After working for almost thirty minutes, her cellphone suddenly rang. She quickly answered, "Hello.""Where the hell are you?" an angry voice came from the other line."I-I'm in the office, sir," she stuttered in response. It was Adam. His number was not registered, so she had no idea that her arrogant boss was the one calling."Liar! I was there earlier, and you weren't. Don't tell me you arrived late?""Of course not, sir! I arrived here exactly at eight in the morning, and I believe that was o
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Chapter Twenty Four: Hallucinating
WHEN she arrived at the bar, Emerald greeted her immediately. "Hey, why did you take so long to get here?"She exchanged kisses with her two friends. "Uh, sorry, my boss had some last-minute tasks for me." She explained."Come on, we've reserved a seat, and you need to tell us about your new boss," Sapphire said, pulling her arm."Who's your new boss that made you suddenly resign from Whitlock's Corporation?" Sapphire persisted as they finally settled into their seats.Meanwhile, Emerald was busy chatting with the bartender."Gosh! I'll tell you later. Let's have a drink first. I'm so exhausted from work, I need to recharge with some alcohol," she said, causing Sapphire to laugh.After a couple of minutes, the drinks that had been ordered by Emerald arrived."Let's cheers!" Emerald shouted.They started taking shots of martinis one after the other. Until she began to feel the warmth in her cheeks and a slight dizziness."So, who's your new boss?" Sapphire asked. She thought her
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Chapter Twenty Five: Confused
RUBY felt dizzy and had a splitting headache. Despite feeling unwell, she forced herself to get up. She needed to go to the office because she was sure her boss would get angry if she was absent or late again.She sat on the edge of the bed and looked around."Gosh, this is my room! How did I get home?" she exclaimed.She struggled to remember everything that happened last night."OMG! Adam! Right, he was the one who brought me home!" she covered her mouth, almost going crazy thinking about what else might have happened.How about Emerald and Sapphire? How did they get home? Did they leave me with Adam?She suddenly stood up and went to the vanity mirror. She examined herself from face to chest, then felt the lower part of her body. She didn't feel anything unusual between her legs, so she breathed a sigh of relief. However, a small part of her mind felt regretful.Wasn't I even kissed by Adam? Wasn't he attracted to me anymore?She took a deep breath before grabbing a towel and lazil
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Chapter Twenty Six: Shattered Heart
THE next day, Ruby arrived at the office early. As she reached the parking lot, she felt relieved not to see Adam's car."Thankfully, he hasn't arrived yet! I can relax in the office without any worries," she thought to herself.She hurried to the elevator. She was slightly surprised when a beautiful and sexy woman entered. The woman exuded a model-like aura with her figure and graceful demeanor. Their eyes met, and Ruby managed a forced smile, followed by a respectful nod. The woman reciprocated with a smile.She was about to press the button for the 13th floor when the woman did it instead.Her brow furrowed as she pondered what the woman's purpose on the 13th floor could be. With only the CEO's office located on that floor, she couldn't help but wonder.Meanwhile, the elevator dinged, signaling that they had reached their destination.The woman departed first.She followed her and her eyes widened when she saw that they were heading in the same direction. Who is she?The woma
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Chapter Twenty Seven: Tossing and Turning
ADAM is struggling to resist apologizing to Ruby for what happened between her and Amethyst. Despite wanting to clarify that he and Amethyst have no relationship. Another part of his mind finds pleasure in seeing her hurt and jealous. It had been a week since she became his secretary, and during that time, he had only stolen kisses from her, fearing that going further might lead to her resignation or worse, and it might affect her mental well-being. Despite his internal conflict about making her work difficult, he can't think of any other way to keep her in his life. Adam has already broken three of his rules, and he is certain that he will break the remaining rules within a month or two. As he stared at the ceiling, he reflected on the rules he set for himself.The first rule was to never engage with a virgin, because they tend to be clingy and demanding. However, Ruby proved him wrong. She was not clingy or demanding, but rather strong-willed and had a captivating personality
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Chapter Twenty Eight: Confrontation
RUBY still couldn't believe it as she gazed at Adam. His eyes were closed, and he breathed softly.Is he asleep?She sat beside this handsome creature and gazed at him intently.A deep sigh escaped her lips. "You know, if it weren't for that bathroom girl who is now your fiancée, maybe I would have forgiven you." She spoke bravely, knowing that Adam was asleep and wouldn't hear her. I'm upset with you for believing that I could still accept you after the hurtful words you've said to me. And now, with the presence of Amethyst adding to the burden that I felt right now. However, I’m more upset with myself because, despite everything, I still find myself wanting to accept you, even though I know it will only lead me to more pain and tears in the end."The look in her face softened as she looked at Adam’s handsome face. “I hate you! I hate you, Adam Whitlock, for making me love you!”She gazed at him for a few minutes before waking him up. "Hey, Sir Adam, wake up!"He opened his eyes
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Chapter Twenty Nine: Chicken Curry
RUBY doesn't care about what Adam might think of her confrontation with Amethyst. All she knows is that she needs to leave his office before the embarrassment she caused escalates. She hurriedly made her way to the parking lot and quickly drove the company car towards her apartment. Gosh! What happened to me? Why couldn't I control my emotions and my mouth?When she reached her apartment, she couldn't sit still. She paced back and forth in the living room, crossing her arms and biting her nails. She pondered on how she would face Adam again tomorrow. She couldn't be absent at work as he might get mad at her once more.What if I just cook lunch for him tomorrow? It could be my peace offering for the embarrassment I caused him. Feeling exhausted from thinking, she suddenly laid down on the couch in the living room. Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep, lost in thought.It was already dark outside when she woke up. She quickly got up and glanced at the wall clock. Gosh, it’s
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Chapter Thirty: Intimate Encounter
RUBY didn't react immediately. "You brought a lot of food," Adam continued, not hearing any response from her, "I can't finish this alone."She let out a nervous chuckle. "S-sure, I'll eat with you."Adam furrowed his brow. "Are you okay, Ruby?"Her dirty thoughts fled when Adam spoke again."Yeah, I'm okay and-" she was cut off as he suddenly fed her a spoonful of food.She gave Adam a disapproving look, but he just laughed. "Eat up, Ruby."She quickly chewed and swallowed the food. Ruby was about to continue what she was saying earlier when Adam brought his lips close to hers. She held her breath as she waited for his next move. Her heart pounded loudly as he slowly bridged the gap between their lips.But instead of pressing his lips against hers, his tongue touched the corner of her lips like he was licking off something. Her breath was caught in her throat as she waited for Adam to pull away.When Adam pulled his lips, there was a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Were you expect
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