All Chapters of Mated To Two Alphas : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
23 Chapters
Chapter 11: Who Are You?
By the time Alexander and Vanessa got to the white phoenix pack, night had fallen already. Alexander was very weak and barely conscious. Vanessa pulled over infront of the mansion. The guards outside gave her a weird look as she stepped out of the car. She opened the other door of the car and helped Alexander out, when the guards saw their Alpha, they quickly walked over to him. "Alpha," the guards said in unison, and bowed. They didn't bother to ask any questions, instead they helped him.Vanessa walked behind them. They entered the mansion and the mansion was quite different to Lynx's mansion, it was twice as big as Lynx's mansion. The interior was majestic with magnificent designs.Alexander's appearance triggered different types of reactions. Vanessa could tell that the guards and the maids were confused and curious, but they could only keep their confusion and curiosity to themselves.Alexander was placed on the bed in his chamber, Vanessa moved quickly to his side. She could s
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Chapter 12: The Message
Elliott was pacing back and forth in the cell where he was locked up. He looked very disturbed, he kept thinking back at the conversation he had with Zoey."If it's true that our pack will soon be attacked by Lynx, then I have to do something now," he muttered to himself.Just then, Zoey entered the dungeon. "I can help you with that," she said. Elliott turned to face her immediately. "How?" he asked urgently.Zoey took out her cell phone. "With this," she replied."However, you have to be very fast in sending the message because the guards will be here soon," Zoey said.Elliott quickly collected the cell phone from Zoey, and sent a message to the white phoenix pack's council hotline, the hotline is where they receive important messages regarding the affairs of the pack.He got notifications from the cell phone that the message has been sent successfully, and he handed the cell phone back to Zoey.Zoey collected the cell phone and she left the dungeon immediately.Elliott let out a s
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Chapter 13: Another Apocalypse?
The hallway then became silent all of a sudden, with everyone of them staring at Vanessa. Vanessa had her eyes fixed on Zedicus , trying not to allow her fears to get over her. Her mind was filled with the question: "What if they say I am lying?""Excuse me young lady, what did you just say?" Zedicus questioned."I said I am carrying a baby. Alpha Alexander's baby," she said again, her voice firmer.Other members of the pack's council wanted a chance to speak. Anything concerning the child of an Alpha is a serious matter. An issue that should not be taken lightly."How can we believe her? This could be a deceit. All her answers have been shady since she came here," Someone said from the back. Vanessa's eyes drifted to him and she shot him a small glare. Zedicus thought for a while before talking, "You said you are carrying the child of our Alpha but we don't know you, you are a stranger to us," he paused for a moment and then continued, "There is a possibility that you are lying and
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Chapter 14: The Phantom Wolf
Lynx's eyes twinkled with hope. "The curse can be broken?" He asked.Genevieve nodded. "However, you have to do something," she said.Lynx narrowed his gaze at her. "What's that?, I can give anything to break the curse," Lynx said."You have to apologize to the girl's family," Genevieve said. "What?" I, Alpha Lynx, should apologize to a refugee? No, that's not possible," Lynx retorted."That's the tradition to lift a curse like that, and you should gladly do that" Genevieve replied. "You are not the one to tell me about any f*cking," Lynx said."You failed to listen to me that day when I told you not to be reckless in your actions, but you went ahead to kill the girl and her mate," Genevieve said. She wanted to continue her statement when Lynx suddenly banged the table."That's enough!" Lynx said angrily."I appreciate you for coming here to tell me how the curse can be broken. However, I will decide whether to apologize or not. You can leave now," Lynx said, dismissing Genevieve an
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Chapter 15: The Proposal
Alexander let out a heavy breath, this was not the time to get emotional, it was time to move out of where he found himself. Her mother's last words resonated in his mind; "Think of what matters most to you." Alexander thought of his pack, he was thinking about how big it was, how they were accorded respect by other packs, and all the good times he had in his pack. However, he was not able get out of where he found himself trapped.Alexander groaned in frustration. "Where am I!" I need to leave this place!" He growled, his voice echoing through the path."My pack, my child, my mate. I need to see Vanessa," he uttered in frustration. His mind drifted to the first time they met, and the passionate moment they had together.All he wanted was Vanessa, her mate. He had made a vow to her in Lynx's dungeon to protect and be with her no matter what. He didn't mind loosing the billion-euro contract he had with Lynx. As long as he have Vanessa, he was ready to give up anything.Suddenly, every
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Chapter 16: The Path Of Death
Elliott stared at Lynx, his face expressionless. Lynx raised a brow to remind him that he was waiting for an answer.Suddenly, Elliott lets out a mockery laughter which resonates throughout the entire dungeon.Lynx became confused, he wondered if he said anything funny or if he had something funny on his face. "That's what you want?" Elliott asked after he stopped laughing."Yes, join hands with me, and freedom will be yours," Lynx replied."That's one of the most stupid joke I have ever heard to be honest. What made you think I will accept?" Elliott asked.Lynx could sense the irritation in his voice. Elliott didn't allow him to reply to his question. "With all due respect, you sound dumb, Alpha Lynx. Keep your f*cking proposal to yourself. I can never join you," Elliott said, shaking his head.Lynx's anger flared up, he could no longer control it, rejecting his offer is one thing to him. However, going on to insult him is another thing he would never overlook.Lynx moved into the c
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Chapter 17: What are you doing here?
Vanessa bit his lips, she thought within herself that this is what she should have told him before having the other conversations with him because the safety of the pack is very paramount."Lynx's resolve is to launch an attack on the pack," Vanessa said. She paused to allow him to take in what she had just uttered. After a second, she continued, "While you were unconscious, Elliott sent a message, informing us of the imminent attack," Vanessa said."Where is Elliott?" Alexander asked."He couldn't make it out of the dungeon the other day, and he has been held hostage by Lynx," Vanessa replied.The report didn't sit well with Alexander. The atmosphere in the chamber had quickly changed to something serious."And Lynx is at the border with his men?" Alexander asked again, and Vanessa nodded.Alexander dug his fist into his palm."I'm really sorry," Vanessa said, feeling guilty."Why are you sorry?" Alexander asked."Because I am the cause of everything. If you had not met me at the pub
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Chapter 18: The Battle Plan
"Because, Vanessa here is.. " Alexander's eyes fell on Vanessa as she looked at him nervously for a few moments before looking down on her fidgeting hands."Vanessa is my true mate," Alexander said firmly. The members of the council exchanged gazes, and the hall was subsequently filled with indistinct chatter. However, they were not as shocked as one would expect them to be. They have been thinking of the possibility that Vanessa was Alexander's true mate ever since Vanessa said she was carrying Alexander's child.Vanessa was very shocked upon hearing what Alexander had just revealed. She had thought that Alexander wouldn't reveal it to the pack yet, which was partly true. Alexander only wanted to show the council the tip of the iceberg first, and then reveal the rest after the war comes to an end."But, Alpha Alexander…" As one would expect, Cameron was the first to talk. Alexander shifeted his eyes to where Cameron was, ready to hear his already predictable utterance."What about V
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Chapter 19: Silver Bullet
"Beta Elliott said he has been trying to send an information to the pack's hotline but it's not going through. He contacted me to inform you not to face Alpha Lynx just yet," Anastasia said."Why?" Alexander asked immediately."Alpha Lynx has got a secret shipment of silver bullets which are very scarce, one shot is enough to end a wolf," She said."Lynx has got a really big game on his hand. Silver bullet! …" Alexander exclaimed."Any other information?" Alexander asked."He also told me that a lady called Zoey is on our side now, and she is the one providing the information to him," Anastasia said.Alexander shifted his eyes to Vanessa upon hearing what Anastasia had just said. Vanessa was shocked, and Alexander was also surprised to hear that."He asked not to worry about him as he needs to get more information from Zoey, and he implore you to find a way to deal with Lynx apart from going one-on-one with him," Anastasia continued.********************Prior Events at Blackwood Pack
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Chapter 20: Conflicting Emotions
Lynx walked out of his chamber to address his soldiers to get prepared as they will soon move to attack the white phoenix pack. After addressing his soldiers, he had a little chat with Edward before moving back to his chamber. He met Zoey on the bed waiting for him. She seductively winked at him. Lynx smiled and approached her for another round of sex. They have had sex the previous night, yet they never seem to get tired of each other. After another round of passion between the two. Zoey laid on the bed with her eyes shut, pretending to be in a sleeping state. Her heart was pounding hard and fast in her chest. She opened one eye to check whether Lynx was awake, but he was not.The illumination in the chamber casted an ethereal glow across all the nooks and crannies, highlighting Lynx's chiseled frame as he quietly slept at the other side of the bed, his arms wrapped around Zoey.Her mind was filled with conflicting thoughts and feelings. She knew that what she was about to do was d
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