All Chapters of Pen & Passion: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
34 Chapters
I Warned You, Haven
The house was quiet, the kind of deep, serene quiet that only comes in the middle of the night. I was deep in sleep, lost in a dreamless slumber, when the harsh ringing of my phone yanked me awake.Groggily, I reached for it, squinting at the screen. The time glowed back at me: 2:00 AM. The number was unknown.Confused and a little apprehensive, I answered. "Hello?" I mumbled, my voice thick with sleep.There was a brief pause, and then a robotic, pitchy voice came through the line, sending a chill down my spine. "Leave Joaquin or else Haven will get hurt."I bolted upright, my heart pounding in my chest. "Who is this?" I demanded, my voice shaking. "Why are you threatening me?"The voice on the other end let out a distorted laugh that sounded eerie and unnatural. "That's none of your business. Leave his house tomorrow and resign from your job, or you'll get what you deserve." The call ended abruptly, leaving me staring at my phone in disbelief.My mind raced, trying to process what ha
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Tick Tock, Haven
The sight of the blood-stained message left me trembling. I felt cold, my breath coming in shallow gasps. Joaquin's face darkened with anger as he read the note, his hands clenching into fists."This is serious," he muttered, his voice tight with barely controlled rage. "We need to call the authorities."He took out his phone and called his secretary, quickly briefing him on the situation. Within minutes, the office was buzzing with security personnel and investigators, the once bustling workspace now a scene of tension and urgency.I watched as they dusted the package for fingerprints, took photographs, and questioned everyone who had access to the office. The whole time, I couldn't shake the image of the blood-stained note from my mind.Joaquin stayed by my side, his presence a steady anchor in the chaos. "We'll find out who did this," he assured me, his voice resolute. "I won't let anyone hurt you."As the investigation continued, I noticed a small symbol on the corner of the photog
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Just the Two of Us
The dim light in the warehouse flickered as the figure stepped closer. I couldn't make out their features, but the menace in their voice was unmistakable."You must follow my instructions if you want to keep yourself safe," the robotic voice continued. "Any deviation, and you'll regret it.""What do you want from us?" I demanded, my voice wavering.A distorted laugh echoed through the warehouse. "You'll find out soon enough. For now, you'll follow these simple commands. First, Haven, you are to stay away from Joaquin. No communication, no contact. If I see you together, you'll both pay the price."I felt a surge of anger and fear. "Why are you doing this?""That's for me to know and you to find out," the voice replied mockingly. "Second, you'll publicly announce that you are breaking off your engagement with Joaquin. Make it convincing."Joaquin tightened his grip on my hand, his eyes blazing with fury. "We won't play your games," he said through gritted teeth."You have no choice," th
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Let's Not Worry About Tomorrow
The drive to Joaquin's bachelor pad was shrouded in a tense silence. The gravity of our situation weighed heavily on both of us, but there was also a shared determination to face this together.When we finally arrived, I was struck by how different it was from his mansion. The pad was more homey and comfortable, filled with personal touches that reflected Joaquin’s true personality.As we stepped inside, I couldn't help but ask, "So, what’s the story behind this place?"Joaquin smiled, a mixture of nostalgia and rebellion in his eyes. "When I was rebelling against my father, who forced me to study business, I used the money I earned from my first book to buy this pad. It was my way of asserting my independence."I looked around, taking in the cozy, lived-in feel of the place. "Did your father know?""He was furious," Joaquin said with a chuckle. "He couldn't understand why I’d buy this when I already had the mansion, which he thinks is better than this pad. But this place was my sanctu
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I'll Prove It to You
Joaquin and I settled in on the couch after finishing our midnight snack. The wine had loosened us up, and I suggested we play a game to lighten the mood. Joaquin's eyes lit up at the idea, and he pulled out a gaming console."How about a little Tekken?" he suggested with a mischievous grin."You're on," I replied, matching his enthusiasm. "Loser drinks two shots of whiskey.""Deal."We selected our characters and dove into the game, our competitive spirits flaring. The first few rounds were close, but I managed to win more often than not, much to Joaquin's mock dismay."You're a worthy opponent, Haven," he said, pouring himself another shot after another defeat. "But I think you're just getting lucky.""Sure, keep telling yourself that," I teased, my own glass in hand.As the night wore on, the game became increasingly difficult as we both became tipsier. Our laughter echoed through the cozy bachelor pad, a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere of the past few days.Finally, after a
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A Significant Clue
I woke up with a splitting headache, my body aching all over. The sunlight hit my face directly, making me squint as I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I noticed was Joaquin still on top of me, snoring softly. I stared at him in disbelief, the absurdity of the situation hitting me all over again."Joaquin," I mumbled, pushing him gently. He didn't budge. I pushed a bit harder, but it was like trying to move a boulder. Being six feet tall and heavily built, he outweighed my five-foot-four frame significantly. I sighed in exasperation. "Seriously?"After a few more futile attempts to shift him, I gave up and wiggled out from under him. Once free, I sat up, rubbing my sore shoulders.Damn it… sleeping with him here on the couch in only one position… it really does hurt the body.My face heated up as fragments of last night’s events flashed through my mind. The kiss, the touching, the way he made me feel… and then him falling asleep on my chest."Unbelievable," I muttered, shaking my
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Who's Clarise?
As we finished breakfast, my curiosity got the better of me. "So, who do you think this woman could be? If it's not one of your exes, could it be a stalker? Someone obsessed with you?"Joaquin sighed, leaning back against the counter. "It's possible. There have been women who took an interest in me, especially those within the same social circle who thought a connection with me could benefit them. Some even suggested merging businesses through marriage."I chuckled at that, shaking my head. "Sounds like something out of a drama or a book. But would they really go so far as to cause a scandal like this?"He shook his head, a thoughtful look on his face. "No, they wouldn’t risk their reputation like that. But you’re right, someone with enough resources to pay off my maid and make her fear for her family... that’s someone with a lot of power."I frowned, contemplating. "Who could be rich enough to threaten your maid? And if they’re that rich, why would they even bother with something like
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As Long As You're Happy
I stood there, awkwardly shifting my weight from one foot to the other, as Joaquin rubbed his temples. The tension from my ill-timed question about Clarise still hung heavily in the air.Joaquin sighed deeply. “Alright, let’s get ready to head to the mall,” he said, his voice strained but calmer.I hesitated. “What should I wear? My clothes from last night are office wear, and I don’t really want to put those back on.”Joaquin, clearly still affected by my earlier question, responded with a hint of irritation. “Just make do with what you find in my closet.”I let out a sigh, recognizing that I had overstepped and that he was dealing with his own emotions. Without another word, I turned and went back to his room. I knew his reaction was valid; I had asked something deeply personal that he clearly didn’t want to share.As I rifled through his closet, I noticed an oversized white hoodie. It looked comfortable, and I decided it would work as a makeshift dress. I pulled it on, finding that
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Perfect Combination
Joaquin and I walked through the mall, my arms laden with bags filled with beautiful clothes. Dresses, blouses, jeans, shorts, and even office wear—everything I had always wanted but never allowed myself to splurge on. Joaquin had insisted on carrying most of the bags, which made me feel both spoiled and grateful."I really feel like a fiancée," I said with a playful smile, glancing at him.Joaquin laughed, a deep, genuine sound that made me smile even wider. "Even though it's an arrangement, I'm more than willing to spoil you. Not because of the contract, but because I want to."His words warmed my heart, and I felt a rush of happiness. "Thank you, Joaquin. This means a lot to me.""Next, let's get you some footwear," he said, steering us towards a shoe store. "Sneakers, slippers, sandals—whatever you need."I grinned, feeling a bit giddy with excitement. "Are you sure? Because I'm really loving this shopping day."He laughed again. "How many times do I have to reassure you, Haven? It
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My Turn to Spoil You
We walked through the mall, our matching outfits drawing occasional glances and smiles from passersby. It felt surreal, being in a couple’s outfit with Joaquin, especially considering our situation. Despite the pretense, it was surprisingly enjoyable.We had just returned from the parking lot after stowing our numerous shopping bags in Joaquin's car. The rest of the day stretched ahead of us, and I was looking forward to it. "Let's have lunch together and then watch a movie before heading home to relax," Joaquin suggested.I smiled at the idea. "How about we watch a movie first and then eat? That way, we can talk about the film while we eat.""Sounds good to me," he agreed, and we made our way to the cinema.As we stood in line, I glanced at the posters of the showing movies. There was a range of options: romance, action, and horror. Joaquin turned to me, raising an eyebrow. "What would you like to watch?"I felt a thrill of excitement. "Let's watch a horror movie."He arched an eyebro
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