All Chapters of Mafia Lord’s Sinful Desires : Chapter 71 - Chapter 77
77 Chapters
———————————————————————She was laying on the bed , sleeping peacefully . Her bare back pressed against his chest , his muscular arms around her waist slowly rubbing her soft skin .Her head laid on his bicep while she was curled up . He gazed at the marks he gave her , on her back and smiled before softly grazing his finger on them making her shudder in sleep .She let out a soft whimper in pain and He slowly turned her around , so gently and he could see discomfort and pain on her face . Her Left hand on his shoulder while his left hand , sneaked under , around her waist resting on her hips before slowly massaging .“ Good morning “He noticed her slowly fluttering her eyes and her face turned bright red as soon as her eyes met his . Hearing his raspy voice , shivers ran through her body as she whimpered .“ Look at me “He noticed her avoiding his gaze and demanded her making her look up nervously . Her lips trembled as he felt her squeezing his arm tightly . “ does it hurt ? “No
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———————————————————————Evelyn stepped out of the airport, the cool breeze brushing against her face. The moment her feet touched the pavement, a barrage of camera flashes greeted her, the media's eager voices calling out her name in a relentless chorus. Her hand was tightly gripped by Dominic's, his presence a steady anchor amidst the chaos. She glanced up at him, finding comfort in his calm demeanor. Together, they navigated the path through the throng of reporters, their hands clasped firmly as they moved forward.The cameras clicked incessantly, capturing every step, every glance. Evelyn kept her head down, her heart racing with a mix of anxiety and anticipation. She squeezed Dominic's hand tighter, drawing strength from his unwavering support. The car waited for them just beyond the media frenzy, its sleek black frame a beacon of safety. As they approached, the driver quickly stepped out and opened the door. Dominic guided Evelyn inside, shielding her from the prying eyes and p
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———————————————————————Evelyn sat on the living room couch, surrounded by her family, when the front door opened. Sam and Lilah entered, their faces lighting up the moment they saw her. "Evelyn!"Sam exclaimed, rushing forward with Lilah right behind him. They enveloped her in a warm, tight hug, their presence adding another layer of comfort and security. "I missed you both so much," Evelyn whispered, holding them close."We missed you too," Lilah said, her voice choked with emotion. She pulled back slightly, her eyes scanning Evelyn’s face for any sign of distress. "Are you okay? We were so worried.""I'm okay now," Evelyn assured her, though her voice wavered slightly. "Thanks to all of you."The girls sat down, drawing closer together, and Sam took a seat nearby, his eyes soft with concern and relief. Lilah glanced at him, and then at Evelyn, a thoughtful look on her face."You know," Lilah began, "Dominic was absolutely beside himself while you were gone. He was relentle
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———————————————————————Dominic entered the dimly lit interrogation room, his jaw set with a fierce determination. Lucian sat in a metal chair, his hands cuffed to the table in front of him. The sight of the man who had caused Evelyn so much pain ignited a fire of rage within Dominic.Without a word, Dominic crossed the room and slammed his fist into Lucian’s face. The impact sent Lucian’s head snapping back, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. He glared up at Dominic, a smirk forming despite the pain.“You think that makes you a man, Dominic?” Lucian taunted, his voice dripping with malice. “Beating up a defenseless prisoner? Evelyn must be so proud.”Dominic’s vision went red. With a roar of anger, he lunged at Lucian, his fists flying. He landed punch after punch, each blow fueled by the memory of what Evelyn had endured. Lucian’s smirk disappeared, replaced by grunts of pain and fear as he tried to shield himself from the relentless assault.Alex burst into the room
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———————————————————————EVELYN ...I lay cocooned in the warmth of my blankets, eyes squeezed shut against the encroaching morning light that streamed through the curtains. I could hear the faint rustling of Dominic as he moved around the room, his presence a comforting constant. Despite the soft hum of the city outside, I felt a heaviness in my limbs that refused to be shaken off.Dominic, having finished getting dressed, approached the bed and sat down beside me. He leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on my temple making me smile in my sleep. "Evelyn, love, it's time to get up,"He whispered, his breath warm against my skin making me feel ticklish. I groaned softly, burrowing deeper into the covers. "Five more minutes," I mumbled, my voice muffled by the pillow as I stretched my legs feeling tired. I could hear him chuckle, trailing a line of kisses from my temple to my cheek making me giggle. "You said that ten minutes ago, and then ten minutes before that," he teased.I p
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———————————————————————Evelyn adjusted the hem of her beautiful summer floral dress as she sat in the car, the fabric light and breezy against her skin. The dress was a burst of vibrant colors—pinks, yellows, and greens—that mirrored her excitement for the day ahead. She glanced over at Dominic, who was himself driving with a contented smile on his face, his hand resting comfortably on the gear shift."I still can't believe we're going on our honeymoon,"Evelyn said, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "It feels like a dream."Dominic glanced at her, his eyes twinkling with amusement and love. "I wanted it to be a surprise," he replied. "You deserve something special, something unforgettable."Evelyn reached over and squeezed his hand. "It already is. Thank you, Dominic."The car sped smoothly through the streets of London, heading toward the airport. Evelyn watched the cityscape change, her excitement growing with each passing minute.When they finally arrived, Dominic parked
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The first rays of morning light filtered through the sheer curtains of the luxurious suite, casting a golden glow over the room.Evelyn lay awake, her stomach rumbling softly. She glanced at Dominic, who was still fast asleep, his rhythmic breathing a comforting presence beside her.Unable to ignore her hunger any longer, Evelyn carefully slipped out of bed, making sure not to wake Dominic.She wrapped herself in a silky robe and padded to the phone by the bedside table. After a quick call to room service, she ordered a selection of pastries, fresh fruit, and coffee, her mouth watering at the thought.Moments later, there was a soft knock at the door. Evelyn opened it to reveal a young waiter with a warm smile, pushing a cart laden with delicious-looking food.“Good morning, ma’am,” he said cheerfully. “Here’s your breakfast.”“Good morning,” Evelyn replied, her own smile brightening. “Thank you so much. Everything looks wonderful.”As the waiter set up the breakfast spread on the
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