All Chapters of Wickedly Twisted : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
174 Chapters
CaraHe spreads my legs roughly, on his knees in front of me in the back of the car. "Are you sure Alonzo can't hear us?" I hiss at him. My bodyguard's behind the wheel tonight."Soundproof," he confirms."And he won't stop? The windows are totally tinted?""Yes and yes." His lips work up my inner thigh as my fingers twist into his hair. "Stop talking.""It's hard to shut my mouth with you touching me like that, and we're in the freaking car, with like a hundred—oh, fuck." He pushes my panties aside and licks my clit in slow circles. "Ah, okay, I think, yeah, I can try to ignore all that other stuff.""Good girl." He slides his fingers slowly inside of me. "I want you to do nothing but feel me enjoying you, your taste, your moans, everything about your lovely little pussy.""Okay, I can do that." He spreads me wider, fingers moving in and out, curling devilishly, driving me insane. "That definitely helps." He licks my clit, sucking me, driving me insane. "You're really hell-bent on sp
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CaraI wake up feeling refreshed and happy. There's a pleasant glow that hangs around for a while after a night of really good sex—and last night was really good. I'm guessing my post-orgasm floaty-feeling is going to last all day, and if I'm lucky, Eros might keep that going into tomorrow.Except he's not in bed with me. I touch his pillow—it's cold. Which means he must've left a while ago. That man works too damn much.I close my eyes, smiling slightly, unwilling to let this little wrinkle ruin my solid vibes.Last night was absolutely fantastic. He wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to treat me like this wife. That beast was absolutely insatiable in a way he hadn't been before. It was like one taste and he needed to devour me, toes to teeth. Orgasm after orgasm for both of us, and when I thought he was through, his cock somehow got hard again and he was fucking me into sweet oblivion.I yawn and stretch. Some men are freaks of nature. Eros might be a sex freak of nature. It shou
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ErosI hear the scream as I come up the steps, a bag of breakfast sandwiches in one hand and a carrier with two coffees in the other. I'm humming to myself, floating on a cloud. I figured I'd treat Cara to breakfast from my favorite local spot not too far away and wanted to take the drive myself to clear my head.Last night's debauchery still lingers like a comforting blanket.But that scream has my body pounding with adrenaline.I know that sound. I know that tone. It's a scream of pure, utter horror, of an animal trapped in a life-or-death struggle.And it's coming from my room.I drop the coffee and sandwiches as I sprint down the hall. My heart's racing, my brain working. I released Alonzo early this morning, told the kid to get some rest—which means Cara is alone.Nobody else would go near my wing of the house, not this early in the morning.She's alone, all alone, with no weapons, no protection, nothing.Fuck, I shouldn't have left her, but I thought my enemies were busy fightin
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ErosI stand behind my desk in the office of the Lord of the Khazan Family. To my left, Cara leans against the bookshelf, looking exhausted. Her eyes are bloodshot from the struggle of staying alive and there's an ugly yellow bruise forming on her cheek. Dr. Kalivas says she'll be okay—she doesn't seem to have any permanent damage, which was a relief beyond measure.To my right is my mother. She's in all black like always, her face cold and passive, showing no emotion. She stares straight ahead, unwilling to look at me.That's okay. I can't blame her. This won't be easy for my mother. She's lost so much already, but now there's more to lose.Straight ahead, Anissa and Sophia kneel on the floor, their hands tied behind their backs. Sophia doesn't look great—apparently, she tried to fight when Lycus caught her, screaming obscenities, halfway to the dock and the jet skis, and the guards might've gone a little overboard when they captured her. Aunt Anissa came peacefully though, and her h
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ErosI sit alone in the steam room, no towel around my waist, my arms on the bench behind me, my head leaning back against the wall. My eyes are closed, and the heavy, damp air sits on my skin, pulling sweat from my pores.I'm exhausted. I'm more tired than I've been in a long, long time. The steam room helps relax me after an extremely trying day, but even this isn't bringing me back.It's like everything in my life is conspiring to break me, and if I don't find some hidden reserves of energy, I fear it'll work.But I'm so close. Bosco is dead along with his underboss, and word is the Pavone Famiglia quickly fell into chaos and infighting, just like I wanted. They're squabbling with each other over who will take command of the remains of their fractured organization, and I'm hoping that by the time a strong leader takes control, they'll be so diminished that I can either destroy them outright or demand absurd concessions in exchange for peace.Killing them with the Yakuzas' help will
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CaraIt feels strange being back at the diner. Even weirder since I'm not in uniform."Please, can I get you anything else, Mrs. Khazan?" Demetrios asks me, wringing his hands together."You have to stop calling me that," I say with a big smile. "I'm still just Cara.""Yes, of course, Mrs. Khazan—I mean, Cara." He returns my warm smile. "It's good to see you again.""It's good to see you too."He pats my hand and walks off to help his wife in the back.I drink coffee alone at the counter. Greek soldiers come and go, the place packed with them. Alonzo lurks nearby, laughing with some of the boys. He gets along with everyone so well—it surprises me that he got twisted up into the crew that tried to betray Eros. But so far, Alonzo has done nothing but show loyalty and respect. It helps that I like him."You look different." Phel leans against the counter in front of me. "Something about you changed.""I don't know what you mean," I say innocently."Hm. You're wearing the wedding ring. Th
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CaraI poke my head into the kitchen to say bye to Demetrios before taking the back way into the alley. Once I'm outside, I stare at the ground, trying to work out what I just learned.Eros didn't tell me about killing Don Pavone, but I don't want to jump to any conclusions. I can see how that might've slipped his mind, what with his cousin nearly smothering me with a pillow. He came home that night looking like something big happened, looking more relaxed than he had in a while, and we spent all evening having sex. And in the morning, Sophia tried to kill me, then that whole trial-banishment-whatever thing happened, then more sex in the steam room, and more sex all night—I can understand how he never got around to telling me.But what does this mean?Is the war totally over?Am I safe?My head's in a million places, and I don't notice the person watching me until he speaks up."Cara. Hey. Don't freak out."I look up sharply and take a step back.Christopher's standing near the end o
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ErosTwo men sit across from me in my office. Ciro Nasato and Lucca Verga both wear crisp, decent black suits, their hair slicked back, rings on their fingers, watches gleaming as if recently cleaned. Ciro's the older of the two, heavier than Lucca, with dark bags under his eyes. Lucca's in his early twenties, athletic and muscular, a good-looking young man, but an ugly red wound that'll turn into a nasty scar through his cheek and ear tells me a lot about what these men have gone through in the last few weeks."How can I trust that you two speak for the Pavone Famiglia?" I ask, head tilted to the side. I spin a glass of whiskey on a coaster on my desk. I don't want to admit that I'm enjoying this, but watching two powerful Italian mobsters bow and scrape and beg does bring me some pleasure."There's nobody left to disagree, Lord Khazan," Ciro says, bowing his head respectfully. "It's only me and Lucca now.""Which of you do I call Don?" I ask, trying not to smile."Ciro is my underbo
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CaraI stand on the balcony outside of our bedroom and look out at the lake.Light glitters on the waves. The sun's sinking in the sky, leaving it all pinks and purples. It's funny how I've gotten so used to this place already. I'm in cashmere and silk and a pair of fuzzy slippers against the coming fall chill. I've never owned clothes like this before in my life, but Eros keeps insisting that I dress like his wife.Even though our agreement is at an end.It's strange how when I first got here, the idea of dressing in fancy outfits repulsed me. Now though, I'm beginning to love all the different styles and options I have.We haven't discussed what to do now that Christopher is gone and the war is over. I don't need to stay here anymore—nobody will chase me down if I leave the city. Our agreement is complete and our deal is at an end.But every time I work up the courage to say something, the words don't leave my lips, and he hasn't broached the subject.We keep living like this. In li
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Cara"Please, Cara, let me take those," Demetrios says, trying to grab the stack of dirty plates from my hands.I sidestep him and head into the kitchen. "Just doing my job, but thank you for using my name," I call back to him.He sighs, grinning, and shakes his head.I drop off the dishes, stick an order ticket in the line cook's window, and head back out front. I refill a couple mugs and stand for a moment, surveying the diner.It's half filled with Greek soldiers and half filled with locals. The place has been bustling lately. I think it has something to do with Eros—somehow, word got out that his wife spends her time in this place, and everyone's coming by to try to curry favor with the lord's woman.It's kind of nice. But mostly annoying.Toward the back, Alonzo's sitting alone, reading the paper. He's still my guard, though I don't need him as much these days. Eros purged the last of the stubborn captains from the family over the winter, and now that spring is here again, things
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18 Protection Status