All Chapters of Dark Chemistry : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
110 Chapters
On The Way To The Club
After dinner, Marjan and Reema helped me to get ready. Marjan picked a red short sexy dress and black heels for me. Reema did my make-up and hair. Not to mention, they made me wear the most sexy lingerie I had in my closet. It was a red lacy underwear set. "I doubt Nicolas could control himself after seeing you in this dress." Reema giggled when she was curling my long hair.I blushed and glared at her through the mirror but that only made her laugh.When I was done, I looked at myself in the mirror. I never looked sexy like tonight.It was almost twelve so we three ran toward the balcony to see if he came or not. And when we made it to the balcony, we saw a black SUV stop a few meters away from our house.The street was calm and most of the people in the area were asleep including my parents. Heavy serene wind was blowing outside as nature was welcoming the spring. The sweet smell of flowers lingered in the air. The heavenly vibe of nature was screaming that tonight was going to be
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What's The Poison, Babygirl?
Mariano and Marjan looked so perfect together. Reema and I enjoyed the whole ride but I was sure it was damn awkward to Marjan. The car stopped in front of Nicolas' club Cimitero in our town. This was the club where Nicolas first saw me and determined to claim me as his. We all got out of the car and Marjan seemed to huff in relief. Reema and I giggled as she threw daggers at us. We all entered the club and the familiar smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit my nostrils. We made our way upstairs to the private floor.Mariano disappeared with Marjan and Alex took Reema with him. Now Nicolas and I were left alone.I removed my coat and scarf and threw it on a couch before sitting on it. When Nicolas' eyes met mine, his mouth parted slightly."Fuck, amore! You look ravishing in red." He smirked and pulled me on his lap."Um. Thank you." I blushed as he smirked."This is gonna be a long night," Nicolas whispered in my ears as I stopped breathing.A waiter came toward us to take our orders
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My Romeo
I woke up perceiving the birds' soft chirping sound on the mango tree beside my bedroom. The spring breeze calmly hushed in my room, making the thin curtains dance like waves. I groaned at the itching sensation in my eyes when the sunlight met my vision. I rolled over my bed lazily before slowly getting up.I was so happy, literally dancing in my mind. The crazy thing Nicolas did last night, the adrenaline-pumping moments he let me have a taste, and the wild desires he ignited inside of me each time he looked into my eyes, I was obviously in love with them. After freshening up and taking a shower, I made my way downstairs, totally unaware that it was midday and lunchtime. I heard people chattering in the living room.When I finally made it downstairs, my breath hitched in my throat and I almost choked because in front of me was sitting Fardinn and his dad David. They were smiling and seemed to have a stationary conversation with my parents. I almost forgot that my parents and the c
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Trusting Him
"Fucking bastard! I'll kill him today." David growled.All of a sudden, Fardinn wrapped his arm around my neck from behind and placed a knife on my throat. I winched in pain as my mom, Marjan, and Reema screamed in horror."No! Fucking leave her!"My father shouted angrily and made his way toward me but David pressed his gun on top of my father's head."Leave us, David! You don't know what'll happen to you after Nicolas enters the room. He'll fucking kill you mercilessly." I hissed in anger and hatred. "Oh, fuck that! We won't leave you until Nicolas gives us the business he was running in our country. We're the king here! He can't rule in our country! His death is written on our hand!" Fardinn growled."But we have nothing to do with this! It's you and Nicolas. Why are you pulling me and my family into this?" I shrieked as my blood boiled in anger."Oh, Natalia. You still don't get it. Nicolas wants you and he has a feeling for you. I hope he doesn't want us to slit your throat in f
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Torn Apart
"Sure." He smiled and sighed in relief."What the fuck are you doing, Natalia?" Dad growled."Dad, we'll talk about it later." "I fucking can't believe he brainwashed you this much that you're willing to let them explode this only house we have!" My mother reached me and slapped me on my face."Arina!" Both Nicolas and my father growled."Don't ever think about it again." Nicolas hissed as his eyes were burning in rage."She's my daughter. I'll decide what I'll do to her, not you. You're some low-life criminal. How dare you order me what to do with my daughter?" My mother shouted with the same hatred and anger."Alexander, I think they won't leave this house like this. Call some men and help them to get out." Nicolas gritted out before turning his attention toward me.Two men of Nicolas entered the house and grabbed my parents, before walking out of the house with them. Marjan and Reema followed them. My mom was cursing and shouting at Nicolas but dad simply walked away. But he was s
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Nicolas' Pov :My heartbeat stopped when Natalia confessed her love to me. Before I could say that I had been in love with her for a long time and it took a lot of time for me to understand, her eyes went closed and her breathing dropped."No, no, no. This can't be happening." I murmured shakily. I was madly in love with her. But I got no fucking time to say those heartbeat-quickening words. She couldn't leave me alone like this. We have a lot to do together. I was sick and she was my cure. The devil inside of me was so fucking in love with her. "No! You can't leave me, Natalia!" I roared.I was unaware of my tears falling on Natalia's face. I was fucking crying, the notorious criminal, the killer who killed hundreds of people with no mercy, was crying for a girl.I shook Natalia again and again but no response. I patted her cheeks and checked her pulse but nothing was found."Nicolas, come down. She'll be fine." Mariano grabbed my arm and pulled me back. Stephen was trying to find
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Leaving Her
After six hours of being in the operation theater, the doctors shifted Natalia to the ICU.Right now, I was staring at her motionless unconscious body through the small glass window of the ICU. She had lost a lot of blood as she looked so pale. Her beautiful angelic face was covered in an oxygen mask. Several wires, machines, and pipes were adjusted with her body. My heart was torn apart seeing her in this situation.It's all my fault.My sick and stupid obsession made her fall into this situation. I should have let her go a long time ago when Fardinn and his dad hadn't targeted her.The reality and realization hit me hard.I had no idea when I even fell in love with her. My corrupted soul was so madly in love with this girl."She's so lucky," Stephen spoke beside me, looking at Natalia's unconscious body through the window."The knife passed away just beside her heart. It merely touched the epicardium but didn't cause any harm. But she lost a huge amount of blood. If we were twenty m
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Natalia's Pov:When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a white ceiling. Roaming my eyes around the room, I realized I was in a hospital bed. An oxygen mask covered my face. Several wires and pipes were attached to my body. When I tried to move, I felt a sharp ache in my chest."You're awake! Don't move, please. I'm calling the doctor." A young nurse spoke and left the room.A few minutes later, she came back with a doctor. He removed my oxygen mask and gave me a warm smile."How are you feeling, Natalia?" He asked and checked."I feel pain in my chest." I rasped."Your wound is quite deep. It'll take a lot of time to heal. It would be better if you move less and take the medication properly." He finished with a small smile."I'll call your boyfriend then." He stood up and left the room.My boyfriend? I understood he was talking about Nicolas. He was there. Tears wailed up in my eyes. The last time I saw him, he was crying for me. I missed him so much and right now I just want
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Finding Him
Eight months passed away, without him. But my love for Nicolas was still the same.A lot had happened in these eight months. After discharging from the hospital, my family rented a house in the town as our house in town was burned. My grandma left the town and went to her house in the village. And I was quite thankful for that.You could think that I'm rude but after the incident with Nicolas, my grandma was literally killing me with her words. She also cleared that she didn't want to see my face because I slept with Nicolas and she used to think that I was a slur and curse for the family. Though I felt so broken, my confidence in my love for Nicolas made me strong. I graduated from school two weeks ago. And now I was preparing to admit myself in a good college in the city. My parents also admitted my little brother Ellerie in a nearby kindergarten and he's so happy about that. Everyday he came to me with a new story about his new friends. Everything moved on but I couldn't. Even
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In Florida
"Natalia, get up! Come on!""Mom, please. Only three minutes more." I groaned and pressed my face on the pillow as my mother turned on the lights of my room."Okay. We're leaving for Florida without you then." I felt her shrug. "No!" I jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom, avoiding the annoying light that was burning my vision. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. When I was done freshing up, I changed my outfit into a loose white top and pair of black jeans. It was still dark outside. The cab driver helped us with our suitcases. As we all got into, the driver started the car.Cold morning breezes hit my face as I opened the window. Something inside me was telling that the trip is going to be awesome. It was not only about visiting a new place but also it was something else, like I was going to get back something in Miami which I lost before. But there was nothing I lost that I'd find in Miami. I mentally slapped myself. It was nothing but a stupid feeling.But I
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