All Chapters of Vulcan Empire: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
30 Chapters
Chapter 11
Lionel said with a smile, "Mr. Zachary Simmons, I plan to take you, Melissa, Mr. Kevin Simmons, and Mrs. Fanny with me tomorrow night."Zachary, Kevin, Fanny, and Melissa were overjoyed, "Lionel, thank you so much.""Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Melissa, I want to go too," Melissa's older brother and the Simmons family's eldest heir, Zander Simmons, quickly said."Dad, I want to go too," James quickly chimed in.They all did not want to miss a billion-dollar family dinner party.Zachary looked at Lionel and requested, "Lionel, can you get another silver invitation card?""Lionel, please get another silver invitation card. My big brother wants to go too," Melissa said coquettishly.Lionel thought disdainfully, 'Do you think silver invitation cards are sold in the supermarket and available for anyone to get?' However, to make himself seem capable, he did not refuse but said, "Silver invitation cards are very hard to get, but I'll try my best." He then took out his phone and made a call. S
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Chapter 12
After dinner, Dustin, Rosalie, and Queenie packed their bags and left the Simmons Residence, returning to their house. Rosalie wanted Howard and Maybelle to move in with them, but they were reluctant to leave the Simmons Residence, believing that moving out would mean they would lose the inheritance to the Simmons family's fortune.The night passed peacefully.Around 6 PM the next day, Dustin drove Queenie, Rosalie, Howard, and Maybelle to Holt Residence with Rosalie's second-hand car."Are you sure you have an invitation to the Holt family's party?" Maybelle asked worriedly. She did not trust Dustin much.Dustin reassured her, "Maybelle, don't worry. I can get you all inside."Rosalie chimed in, "Mom, trust Dustin. He would never lie to us."Maybelle said gloomily, "Dustin, I'll trust you this once. If you trick us, you'll divorce Rosalie tomorrow."Around 7, Dustin arrived with the four at the entrance to the Holt family's mansion. The mansion was brightly lit, with luxury car
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Chapter 13
Lionel looked at the wealthy heirs who were defending him and said excitedly, "Mr. Swazzen, Mr. Zingster, and Mr. Thompstone, long time no see. This punk is just a son-in-law of the Simmons family. He's also a jobless loser. He somehow stole a golden invitation card and came to join the Holt family's birthday party. Isn't that despicable?""I thought he was some prestigious heir. Turns out he's just a freeloading son-in-law. No wonder he's so pathetic." The group of heirs was disdainful.Once they learned that Dustin had no background, they became even more brazen, ready to beat him up at any moment. Bullying the weak and fearing the strong was their nature.Zachary, Melissa, and the rest of the Simmons family were excited to see the usually arrogant heirs supporting Lionel. "Lionel's amazing." They thought they could join high society as long as they followed Lionel, so they decided to make him a son-in-law of the Simmons family no matter what it took.However, Howard and Maybelle
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Chapter 14
The crowd turned their heads to see Sebastian hurrying over expressionlessly.Chester hurried forward to greet him, "Uncle, you're here."Lionel followed closely, respectfully nodding to Sebastian. "Hello, Mr. Sebastian Holt. I'm Lionel Walsh from Walsh Group. We met at the charity gala last time. I wonder if you remember me."Zachary was unwilling to be outdone. "Sebastian, I'm Zachary Simmons from Simmons Group. I once had coffee with your father."Sebastian ignored them, glaring at Chester and chiding, "Do you know what you're doing? Why are you arbitrarily kicking out my guests?"Seeing Sebastian's expression, Chester became uneasy and quickly explained, "Uncle, this guy isn't a guest. He stole a golden invitation card and sneaked in to freeload. What's even more ridiculous is that he claimed you gave it to him.""I did personally give Mr. Summers his invitation card. Do you have a problem with that?" Sebastian asked sternly."How is that possible? He's just a worthless lose
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Chapter 15
Rosalie saw that the emerald cross pendant was of high quality and exquisite craftsmanship, indicating it was an expensive luxury item. She quickly said, "Mr. Holt, this is too valuable. We can't accept it."Sebastian smiled and replied, "It's nothing. Mr. Summers is my savior. Giving his daughter a pendant is nothing."Dustin had brought down Flynn Real Estate, indirectly avenging the Holt family and granting them the development rights to Southkey Plaza, significantly boosting Holt Group's influence. In a way, Dustin was indeed Holt Group's savior.Dustin said, "Rosalie, since it's a gift from Mr. Holt, accept it."Howard and Maybelle also advised, "Yeah, Rosalie. It's rare for Mr. Holt to give Queenie a gift. How can we refuse?" They also realized the pendant was worth at least 45 thousand dollars, so they did not want to let it go.Rosalie had no choice but to thank Sebastian and accept the emerald cross pendant.Dustin glanced at Sebastian and said, "Mr. Holt, you can go abo
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Chapter 16
Lionel spoke with an icy tone, saying, "Have someone from the Serpent Gang take care of him."Zachary, Melissa, and the rest felt a chill run down their spines.Although the Serpent Gang was a small-time group in Oceania, they had a reputation for their viciousness.Their leader, Tri-Serpent, was particularly known for his cruelty and twisted nature.Anyone unfortunate enough to be captured by Tri-Serpent would endure unimaginable torment until their demise.If the Serpent Gang targeted Dustin, he would be utterly defenseless.Melissa stared at Lionel in astonishment, her eyes wide. "Lionel, do you actually know Tri-Serpent, the leader of the Serpent Gang?"Lionel boasted with a smirk, "Absolutely, we're close. We hang out and have drinks together all the time."Melissa exclaimed with excitement, "That's incredible! Call him immediately, have him snatch that loser Dustin, and make sure that mean girl Rosalie gets what she deserves too.""Wait a second, it's late. Tri-Serpent i
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Chapter 17
By three in the afternoon, the Simmons family received news of the Rostin Advertising Agency securing a major contract with the Holt Group.Upon hearing this, Zachary promptly called for a meeting with the key individuals at the Simmons Group.The Simmons Group was a prominent family business, and all the top positions were held by family members."I'm sure you're all aware of Rosalie obtaining the Holt Group's business for the Southkey Plaza," Zachary stated from his position at the head of the table, addressing Melissa and the others."Yeah, we heard. It's probably because Mr. Holt is repaying a favor to that loser Dustin by giving it to Rosalie," the executives grumbled.Zachary's expression turned serious. "If Rosalie succeeds with this deal, she'll become incredibly influential, and she won't even give us a second thought at the Simmons Group."He paused, then continued, "Do any of you want that to happen?""No way," Melissa exclaimed, rising to her feet.Zachary nodded. "
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Chapter 18
Melissa grinned with delight. "Grandpa, this is nothing. My future father-in-law is a real powerhouse. The Walsh family is destined to become a ten-billion-dollar dynasty sooner or later."Zachary got straight to the point. "Melissa, give Lionel a call. Have Mr. Walsh inform Mr. Wilson to block Grand Horizon Bank from granting a loan to Rosalie."Melissa swiftly replied, "No problem at all."She took out her phone and dialed a number.After ending the call, Zachary, eager for an update, inquired, "Melissa, what did Lionel say? Is he going to contact Mr. Wilson for us?"Melissa grinned even wider. "He said yes. He assured me that he'll ensure Rosalie doesn't receive the loan. He even mentioned that if our Simmons family ever needs a loan from Grand Horizon Bank, it's a piece of cake."Zachary's heart raced with excitement. "Seriously? That's incredible!"The Simmons Group had been facing a roadblock as they could not secure a large enough loan from the banks, which hindered their
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Chapter 19
Melissa's conversation with Simon from Grand Horizon Bank was overheard by Zachary and everyone else, and it was perfectly clear.After the call ended, Zachary inquired, "Melissa, was that Grand Horizon Bank on the phone?"Melissa's voice quivered with excitement as she replied, "Yes, it was Mr. Lawson himself from Grand Horizon Bank. They've agreed to grant us the loan, and they said offering up to 1.5 billion dollars would be no issue at all.""What, 1.5 billion dollars!" Zachary was so astonished that he felt his blood pressure rise, causing his face to turn bright red.He had been overjoyed with the idea of 150 million dollars, but now, to his surprise, the possibility of obtaining a massive 1.5 billion dollars emerged.If that were true, it would not be long before the Simmons Group transformed into a colossal billion-dollar company.Melissa expressed her admiration, "Lionel is truly talented. He made a simple phone call and convinced Grand Horizon Bank to lend us the money.
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Chapter 20
Whispers spread throughout the crowd, catching Melissa's attention. She could not help but feel a sense of satisfaction as all eyes turned towards her. This was her moment to shine, and she intended to make the most of it."I'll show them what I'm capable of," she thought confidently. "After today, they won't dare underestimate me again."With a piercing glare at the bank receptionist, Melissa snapped, "Do you want to risk losing your job? Do you have any idea who I am? I'm the young miss of the Simmons family, Lionel Walsh's girlfriend, the big shot. I hold VIP status here at Grand Horizon Bank. Simon himself summoned me. Get him out here now, or we'll walk right out that door and you'll bear the consequences."The bank receptionist began to panic, stuttering, "Oh, it's Ms. Simmons. I'm terribly sorry for not recognizing you and failing to give you a proper welcome. Please forgive my mistake; I hope you won't hold it against me."Melissa felt a surge of satisfaction. "It's fine. I
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