All Chapters of Mated to the wolfless Omega: second chance mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
21 Chapters
11. Ask the Alpha
He entered his office with Eric, his assistant, behind him, only to see two familiar figures sitting on a long chair in the minipalor. "What are you both doing here?" He asked them before looking at his assistant. "Why didn't you tell me they were here?" Eric, who also looked scared, was about to answer when he heard, "Just leave." Eric had been his assistant for years, to the point that he could say he knew him well, but things seemed to have changed so much in the past few months. Aiden had become so cold and intimidating to the point that he even shivered from his silence. He bowed his head and left immediately. "You keep getting colder each day. Geez. I'm getting goosebumps," Jason said. His hands crossed in front of his chest, and he rubbed his arms in a dramatic way as if he were freezing cold. Aiden just kept looking at the both of them before he moved and sat opposite them. "What are you both looking for here so early?" He asked, to which Jason left his seat and sat beside
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12. Bullseye
She sat down on the couch in the living room, looking at the table in the middle of the room as she was lost in thoughts. She didn't even realize it when two people walked into the room.Her mom and dad, Cassandra and Gary, both entered the room, to which Gary asked, "You're back. How was the party?" But seeing that their daughter wasn't looking happy, they walked closer to her and sat beside her. "What's wrong?" Cassandra asked. Every time, they had always known that their daughter, Valerie, was the one who would change his life forever. They were happy when their daughter got to attend a party in the pack, even when they couldn't because of their status. But for their other daughter, Amelia, they didn't see her as anyone who would benefit their family, especially Gary, who was her biological father. The only thing he could do was collect Amelia's money or steal it from her.He really loved Valerie to the point that he would always give her anything she wanted just to make her happy
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13. The attack
In the woods. It was a quiet, bright day. The trees are blowing around in the direction of the breeze. They stayed hidden as they kept waiting for the enemies to show up. They'd gotten the information that the enemies would surely walk along that route as they were planning to attack a nearby village. For about an hour, they were still hiding in their respective places, and there was no sign of the enemy. "I think we might be wasting our time. What if they already know we're on to them?" Jason whispered to Aiden, who was just looking straight forward with no emotions. They were both hiding together behind a tall tree, while Liam and the other men are scattered around the woods. "They won't be able to smell us, so just calm down and stop talking." Aiden said, looking at him before looking away, but Jason didn't look like he would back down. "I shouldn't have come for this mission. I knew this would happen." He complained, but Aiden could only hiss. "Let's just..." Before Jason coul
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14. His study
That same night, she waited for him in the dining room as she kept looking at the food she had prepared for dinner. He was unusually late that night. It was almost ten p.m., and she thought maybe he wouldn't come home and she should just go to bed. But still, she couldn't stop getting worried. She hoped she could talk to him that night about her phone and if he was in a good mood. About going to school. She had been thinking of not giving up on her dream because of her father. She would love to go to school. She had even applied at one school not quite long before he started working in the Alpha's house, but couldn't continue because of the money. The money from the work she was doing now was enough, but she only had one problem. The Alpha. She waited for about half an hour again, but when she was already feeling sleepy, she stood up to leave for her room. Just when she put one of her legs on the stairs, the door opened, and he walked in. She quickly ran back to the dining room. "
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15. marked
In the study room. The room was so quiet and a bit dark. It would have been darker if not for the small light seeping through the brown curtains. The room was so quiet to the point that one wouldn't know that someone was in it. He sat on the chair behind the table. His eyes were closed as he faced the curtains, and his back rested on the chair. On his left-hand side lies a long jacket on the floor. He had removed it and threw it on the floor carelessly last night. He kept moving uncomfortably, his hand going over the cut on his arm that had seeped a lot of blood on his shirt. Just then, the door was pushed open. ** Amelia walked into the room with a tray. She slowed down as she was met with a dark room. "What does he have with dark rooms?" She thought as she walked slowly. "Alpha Aiden. I brought your breakfast." She said as she took another step forward, but when she didn't hear anything, she stopped. "Is he not here?" She said to herself as she quickly turned around to leav
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16. lock up in the dungeon
She ran to her room with tears in her eyes. Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, she cried, touching her neck. She took some soap and rubbed it on her neck before applying water, but no matter what she did, it didn't wipe off. Once again, being nice has brought her into trouble. She should have just left him. Maybe if he had died, she would have been free. But here she was saving the devil in her life and causing more problems. She sat on the floor of the bathroom as she thought of a way out, but she knew there was nothing she could do. She was hoping to escape from him, but that wasn't possible again. He had marked her. She's finally trapped. She didn't leave the bathroom, nor did she go out to cook lunch or breakfast. After some hours later, she finally dragged herself to the bedroom, and she slept off. The next morning, the rays of sunlight seeped into the room and shined towards the man on the chair, disturbing his sleep. "Ah!" He cried out as he opened his eyes slo
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17. passed out
"You have a meeting by eleven a.m., sir." His assistant said as they entered the office. "Cancel it. I'm not in the mood for any meetings right now." For the first time, they got to the office late. It was almost time for his important meeting, but still he told him to cancel it, which shocked Eric, his assistant. But sir... He couldn't finish his words when Aiden snapped. "Seriously Eric! Do you need me to come open your ears and scream into them before you do what I told you?" "I'm sorry, sir." He said and quickly ran out when he heard. "Leave." He was already having a headache thinking about the problem he had gotten himself into, and he wasn't ready to deal with his assistant's nonsense again. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe what this omega has gotten me into. Did she think I'm weak like her?" he said, rubbing his hair before looking up. He knew that she had saved him, and that was the mistake she made. She had come closer to him when he wasn't himself, which made him mark her. "
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18. beg if that will help
"Come again. The housekeeper, what?" He asked, to which Eric also swallowed hard before saying. "I was told the housekeeper beat her until she passed out."He suddenly found a rage growing inside him. It felt like he wasn't in control of himself. "The housekeeper dared to beat her? Get the doctor first, and bring that woman to me now." He said. His tone denoted how angry he was feeling. Eric also ran out immediately.He was so angry, but he still managed to control himself and sit. The confidence she had to beat her was what pissed him off the most. Not long after, the door opened, and the woman entered with Eric and a guard behind her.Ms. Jones knelt on the floor with her face down. She knew she was in trouble with the way the Alpha was looking at her, but still, she couldn't help but have a little confidence that he wouldn't do anything to her."I heard you discipline my maid. Why is that?" Aiden asked calmly. It took everything in him just to be as calm as he was, despite how angr
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19. Need to talk to you
She ran to the living room, but she didn't find anyone there. "Has he gone to work? No, it's still early." She said to herself, looking up the stairs. "Should I go to his room?" She thought, but she remembered what brought her into trouble. He could kill her if she dared knock on his door.The nurse said as she walked down the stairs and walked towards her. "Ma'am, you need to come back to the room.""I'm sorry. I just need to see the Alpha real quick." She said, but the nurse wasn't ready to hear her out. She knew the consequences of what the doctor, who would soon be there, would do to her if they found the patient not receiving treatment. Amelia also wasn't ready to listen to her, causing the both of them to argue loudly with each other."What the hell is going on here?" They both stopped immediately when they heard the stern voice and looked up to see him walking down the stairs with his assistant behind him. He was surprised to see her already up. He looked at her, examining her
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20. The same mistake
He walked into the tall building of the flea corporation, built with beautiful glass walls. The employees who met him on the way greeted him with a bow, but he didn't reply; he just walked towards the special elevator for only the president and vice president with his assistant behind him."Is Jason coming today?" He asked as he stepped into the elevator, and his assistant pressed the last floor button. "I don't think so, sir.""That will make it a week now, right?" He asked again, to which his assistant nodded. Another problem in his life was his brother. He is the vice president, but he only comes to the office once in a while, making a lot of work for him to do.And no matter how much he talked to him and persuaded him, he just didn't listen. He wished Liam could have gone into business instead of studying medicine. "Remind me we're going to his house today. And don't contact him about it." He said.The elevator opened, and they both stepped out. Only a few people work on the last
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