All Chapters of SORRY DEAR EX, IT'S YOUR LOSS, NOT MINE: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
59 Chapters
Chapter 41. Find a Way
Noah POV“Are you alright?” Briana asked.My eyes fluttered open, and the first thing I saw was her hovering above me. Briana.My head says her name, and I felt a growing sense of satisfaction that she had stayed behind for me.“I thought you left with them,” I said, unable to conceal my happiness. Briana still has this soft spot for me. I can feel it every time we are near each other.The attraction was still there, but more than that, I realized Briana had always been kind to me, even when I was rude to her when she was younger.I never liked her before, even when she had not done me wrong.
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Chapter 42. Here Comes the B*tch
Briana POV I walked as fast as I could to seek refuge at the hotel's restroom. Noah has changed. On the three occasions he and I interacted, I saw changes that made me pause to think because it did not add up. Where was the angry Noah who accused me five years ago of killing his parents? I splashed cold water on my face to jolt me back to my senses. "It was an act, rig
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Chapter 43. Fiance Stealer
Briana POV“Well, well, well. If this isn’t the cheater.” Britney White snickered when she noted the surprised expression on my face.I decided not to play her games and ignored her.   I was about to step out when Britney blocked my path.“We are not done talking yet, b*tch!” She hissed in my face.Accidentally, I sucked in the air, and her stale breath clung to my nostrils.  I almost gagged.“Have you been drinking?” I asked out of concern.“Don’t try to play the kind hostess fiancée stealer.” She spat out.Her face contorted in anger.
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Chapter 44. What's Best
Briana POVAt the sight of Noah, Britney becomes hysterical.“Noah. Your ex hurt me.  She twisted my hand.” She cried and clung to him.I rolled my eyes at them.Noah brushed her off, and I smirked because her face contorted. The tears brimming her eyes had been sucked back up by her tear glands.Then, I shifted my gaze at Noah, challenging him to defend her from me.Our gazes met, and I arched my brows.Britney tried to steal his attention by wailing so loudly.  It was so ear-piercing that I finally had enough.I decided I didn’t want to be involved in their drama. Noah and I were done.I shrugged and smirked, daring him to believe her, and then I turned around to let myself out, but at this time, my brothers came barreling through the door.They looked at Britney’s face, Noah’s, and then me.“Did she hurt you?” Charles, my eldest brother, as
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Chapter 45. Keep My Body From Reacting
Briana POVI was so nervous.Every time the office phone rings to announce a visitor, my heart skips a beat.I tried to busy myself with reviewing proposals lined up on my desk, but I could not concentrate. With each tick-tock sound of the clock, my expectations mounted.After an hour of trying to get work done, I stopped pretending and called Martina.“Have any other visitors been waiting for me?” I asked.She answered in the negative, and I put the headset back on its cradle with so much disappointment.To keep myself busy, I called on the children. When I left the penthouse this morning, they were still sleeping.School opening is in a week, so I let them sleep longer hours as long as they wanted. They are in preschool. Next year, they will start formal schooling.“Mommy, you did not kiss me goodbye.” It was Mason, my sweetest boy.I smiled. “Of course I did. It’s just that you were so sound asleep that you did not feel it.” I told him.“Next time, wake me up.” He told me, still
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Chapter 46. More Important Than My Happiness
Briana POVI went to my desk to pull out three large books and handed them to Noah.Without a word, he accepted them.I watched while he opened the book at the top and was silent, seemingly engrossed with its contents.“It’s the children’s baby book. From birth up to their birthday last year.” I informed him.He nodded absent-mindedly. His eyes never left the page as he scanned it.It seemed like he was lost in what he was seeing and had forgotten about me, but I didn’t mind. It gave me a sense of satisfaction watching Noah as he let his eyes roam around the pages. Sometimes, he would caress a page w
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Chapter 47. Anticipation and Surprise Visits
Noah POV“She has moved on,” I told Brent. We were back at the Blue Canyon, A VIP membership club overlooking the sea, and I was getting liberal with the booze. “What do you expect? She is married. Marcus Ford is a good man for taking responsibility for your children and raising them as his own. Briana would be a fool to let a man like him go.” I sighed. Between us, Marcus Ford is a better man, but I can’t shake this resolve that if only Briana would give me a chance, I would show her that I could be the best man for her and the triplets. Brent tapped my shoulder. “Give it a rest, dude. At least, be thankful that she is willing to introduce you to the children.” That sobered me up. I remembered Briana would be introducing the children to me tomorrow. It was supposed to be today, but she told me something came up, and she has an emergency meeting. I had no choice but to leave hurriedly then. After meeting with Brent, I drove straight home. When I left the car, I took out the
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Chapter 48. Unraveled
Noah POV “She is your fiancée. She had every right to escort you wherever you go. Besides, she’s well-known.  What you did embarrassed her.  The press had a field day. Fortunately, I intervened on her behalf and nipped a huge scandal in the bud.” I smirked to myself, but to Uncle Matt, I said dispassionately. “That was unnecessary. You could have let Britney be.  She brought it upon herself. Let her suffer the consequences of her actions.” I have coddled Britney a lot of times in the past. Now, she is on her own.
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Chapter 49. The Meeting
Noah POVI parked my car outside the Ford’s mansion and took deep breaths.Then, I pulled the overhead mirror and checked my face.I rolled the windows down, breathed fresh air to calm my nerves, and waited for any activity inside the house. I do not want to come out as overly excited when in truth, I was.I kept rubbing my palms in anticipation when I heard the sounds of children.My heart skipped a bit. Checking the time, I heaved a sigh.I opened the driver’s door to get out.From the backseat, I pulled out several bags and walked to the house in front of me.I rang the bell, and instead of a maid, Marcus Ford greeted me.“Good morning!”He opened the door wider to let me pass. From the entrance, I could hear the boys. It looks like they were playing.“Forgive the chaos, but my other brothers are here as well.”I nodded and took a deep breath.Instead of one adult male and Briana, I have to meet Marcus Ford’s brothers, too.“Thank you for allowing me to get to know my children.
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Chapter 50. Noah Hunter is Your Daddy
BrianaI couldn’t be prouder of my youngest. Mason was the first to introduce himself to their father without any barriers.I thought it would be difficult since the triplets didn't have a good impression of Noah, but my children are intelligent.When Riley and Brixx followed Mason’s lead, my chest felt stuffy.
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