All Chapters of Chasing Back My Stunning Ex-Wife: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
30 Chapters
Chapter 21
ETHAN“Did you just call me a puppet?” I asked her and she nodded. I needed Reina back to myself and all this lady was seeing here was that I was a puppet in her hands.Of course, she would not understand what was going on because this was not about her.It was about the feelings I nurtured for Reina and how I wanted her back.“Yes. You are. You show her that you are not capable of anything. If I were her, I wouldn't have a single respect for you,” she concurred and I licked my lower lips.“You have no idea what you are talking about. If you do, you won't be saying all of these,” I responded and Ravenna pushed her way into me and sat on my lap.“What are you trying to do?” I asked with my eyes wide open. Ravenna never gives up, no matter what.That was one of the problems I still had with her. Instead of answering, her lips touched mine and she kissed me so hard not minding that I didn't reciprocate the kiss.“Can't you see?” she asked and I tried to get up from the seat that I was
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Chapter 22
REINAThe staff were more excited to see what was behind the pretty decorations than myself. At some point, I wanted to just end whatever happened and go back to work. What kind of mistake had I made by allowing the gift packages to be torn open?“Yours love, Ethan?” One of the staff asked with so much shock written all over her face. She pulled out a name tag, waving it in the face of the other staff. I could see the name "Ethan" written on the tag and I was very scared to believe that this was the person who I thought it was.“Ethan? What do you mean Ethan?” I asked, snatching the name tag away from her hand.I stared into the name tag even harder than before and almost tore it into pieces. Unfortunately for me, the name tag was not that easy to get rid of.The staff were as confused as I was but, still they all waited for me to say something to clear the air.“Let's get back to work. Let's forget all these saga and get back to work,” I told them and almost took a few steps away f
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Chapter 23
ETHANEverything became fucked up when the delivery man made a mistake with the whole delivery process.Up till now, I still wondered why it was hard for someone to obey simple instructions.Take a look at everything. It's all fucked up. The surprise, the package, the money spent on all of these all went down the drain.Out of anger, I pushed Ravenna out of my office. I hated seeing her here. She tried to get the truth out of my mouth about what I discussed on the phone but I ignored her.She was part of my problem. If she was not in the picture. All of these would have been so easy to solve.I buried my head in my palm as I began to think about my whole life. I was nothing but a fucked up being.I sprung up in deep shock from where I laid my head when I saw the door flung open.My heart skipped a beat when I saw the angry Reina standing boldly in front of my door.“Re..Re…,” I stammered. Even her full name could not fall off my lips properly.“Tell me why you did that. Tell me why yo
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Chapter 24
REINAThe whole Saga between myself and Ethan had long passed. Now, everyone has been focused on the business of the day, meeting new people and helping securing major deals.On my part, I never stopped giving the Triple A project my best. I had to go with Ethan on some business trips to discuss the concept behind our dresses before it was officially released to the public.The media houses were not left out on this. Each of the top media houses accommodated us and treated us well.Whenever I took a glance at the date and time, I discovered that my time with the Triple A project was already coming to an end but I still had to remain there until the last day.Ethan and I pretended that nothing happened between the both of us. I went with the flow even though deep down I knew that he was still up to something.Most times, I randomly come to my office and see a perfectly packaged lunch box on my table and without thinking too far, I knew it was from Ethan.I decided to stop avoiding him
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Chapter 25
REINAI noticed a thin creepy smile on Ravenna's face as she stared at me. I had gotten into her trap and she was going to do anything she wanted to do with me.“Are you asking me that question?” she asked and when I was about responding, she held her hand high.“Oh wait. You wanted to deny having a child. Didn't you?” she asked and I squeezed my laps tightly.I never knew that such a day would come when Ravenna would know such a secret that I had been trying to keep for a long time.“I never planned on denying that I had a child. It was just funny how you bounced in here, telling me that you know my secret, Ravenna. You are behaving like a child. I think I should tell you that,” I said to her and she only let out a loud laugh.“Yes. I will gladly behave like a child if it will get me anything I wanted,” she answered.My heart did not stop racing even for a second. The only thing that kept ringing inside my head was the fact that this young lady was capable of killing me if given the
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Chapter 26
REINA“What do you want from me, is it money?” I asked her but Ravenna shook her head and I wondered what she wanted.A lot was going on inside of her. I wished I could read her mind to know her next step.If I chicken out this way, it is going to be a disaster for me in this industry and in the state at large.I had a reputation to protect and I had a child to guide with all my heart. My child, Andrew, was my topmost priority and even Ravenna could not do anything to come between the both of us.“To hell with money! I do not need any of those. I do not need fame either, in case you would want to offer it. Yes, you are famous but you are not much more of a famous person yourself,” she said, flaring up.This was tougher than I had imagined. It was going to be a huge fight and I had to be prepared for it.My mind began to get to work. I was laying strategies at various corners on what I should do next if pleading with her won't work.I had to show her that I had an upper hand in this.
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Chapter 27
REINA The doors that led to my Apartment opened slowly and I saw my six year old son, Andrew give me a warm smile. “Andrew, my love…you are back from school and you are awake. I thought your nanny put you to bed,” I said to him and he rushed into my arms, hugging me tightly. I ran my fingers through his hair and smiled. He was warm and healthy. Seeing him reminded me of what transpired between myself and Revenna before I came here. My heart dropped. I needed to keep this child safe away from my arm and make sure that the secret about him doesn't come out. “I miss you, mum,” he said to me and I carried him up, ignoring the fact that he was rather weighty. “I miss you too. How was school? I can guess that you have eaten already,” I said to him with a wide smile. “School was fine. Nanny fed me.” That was the response he gave to me and I was more than satisfied. I held his hands as we walked around our mansion. It was lonely here. Just the both of us and a few maids who
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Chapter 28
ETHAN My eyes had followed her as she walked to her car. Reina was already out of sight and I had to go back to my office.I loved her. She made me feel different and she altered my sense of reasoning.I glanced at my phone, thinking of only her. She said she was going to get back to me if she was in for the hangout, I really hope she does.She never wanted to have anything to do with me. I promise that I will change that perspective after this date.Well, she does not like hearing that. But, that's what I see it as.“You have tried countless times and failed, why do you think this is going to be different?” I heard a voice ask.That was just my inner thought doing its work. It was showing me various ways in which I could see this.I was already hopeless. More of like a hopeless romantic. He was not wrong. I had tried and I had failed. But, will I stop and give up just because I have failed countless times?No!I went back to my office, still staring at the clock. I didn't want to wo
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Chapter 29
ETHANWhat came over her? Why did she change her mind?Those were the questions running through my mind as Reina's text came in. I kept on staring at it countless times because it was still unbelievable.“This has to be a dream! A fucking dream!” I exclaimed.My joy had suddenly become full. I could not wait to start preparing for the date like I always call it.I wanted to be with Reina on this day and give her all my best.I took off my clothes, fantasizing about everything that was going to happen on that day.I heard a knock on my hotel room door and out of excitement, I told the person to come in. To my surprise, it was the waiter who was assigned to my room. He came in with the food for the day and placed it on the table in front of me.“Your food sir,” he said and I nodded. I was famished already but the news that I got made me too excited to eat.“Thank you.”With that, he left the room. I was alone once again and took off the lid of the plate to see what was in it.On one p
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Chapter 30
REINAI wished I could spend this night with my boy in my suite because my child needed all the comfort that he could get after his crazy day at school.They called his mother a hoe. I knew that whichever way, he was never going to forget what had happened. His mother is about to make a terrible decision. Going out this late to see Ethan. The man who she has long decided not to have anything to do with.“Please take care of him. I will be back later tonight,” I informed the nanny who nodded to my request.This nanny has been with us since my child was born. She has been a good one and I won't stop rewarding her for the good job she has done for me. “You know I always do my best, ma. I will take care of him. He is asleep now and he has done all his assignments,” she answered and I was impressed.“I always trust you to always do a good job with my son. There is one thing I will keep stressing and that is security. Please, make sure that everywhere is locked. Do not allow him to roam a
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