All Chapters of The warrior Luna: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
317 Chapters
Chapter 0241
He hugged me tightly and whispered, "Remember, you're not alone in this. We're all here for you." I felt a sense of comfort in his embrace. My uncle had always been a pillar of support for me, and in that moment, I realized how lucky I was to have him in my life.I had been going through a tough tim
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Chapter 0242
LAUREN'S POV As I looked at my mate, I felt a pang of sadness in my heart. Seeing him in such a frail state was heartbreaking, but I couldn't forget what I went through at the hands of him and Freya. It was a difficult situation for me to be in, but I knew I had to be strong for myself and my child
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Chapter 0243
LOGAN'S POV I looked at my mate with a sad expression. I knew it would be hard for her to trust me again after what I had done. But I couldn't bear the thought of her leaving the pack, and putting her life and the lives of our children in danger. Our enemies would be quick to attack her if she left
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Chapter 0244
LAUREN'S P0V "I am unsure whether to believe Logan or not. I have so many questions to ask him," I said to myself as I walked towards him, feeling a little irritated. Turning to my mate, I asked him, "Logan, you are my mate and alpha. We've been together for some time now, so why haven't you attemp
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Chapter 0245
As I walked out of the hospital, my mind was consumed with a whirlwind of emotions. I couldn't help but feel exhausted from the constant strain of being in a complicated relationship with Logan. I knew that I couldn't take his position as an alpha, but all I wanted was to go away with my children fo
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Chapter 0246
LAUREN'S P0V "I want to change the environment for my children, if Sofia was able to keep you safe for so long then she can keep my daughter safe outside this pack," I said to Leonard, determined to find a safe place for my family. "I want a safe environment for myself and for my children."Leonard
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Chapter 0247
LOGAN'S POV As an alpha, I was used to healing quickly, but for some reason, I found myself still in the hospital. It was frustrating at times, but I knew it wasn't the fault of the doctors. They were doing everything they could to help me get better.I decided to ask Doctor Luise why I wasn't heal
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Chapter 0248
LOGAN'S POV there were three friends: me,Sandra, and Freya. Sandra was like a sister to me, always there when i needed her. i trusted her more than anyone else. Freya was also a good friend, but not as close as Sandra.One day, something strange happened. i woke up in your bed, and Sandra was lying
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Chapter 0249
LAUREN'S POV "As I sat in my office, my mind was consumed with Leonard's words. The thought of taking my kids out of this pack while I resided here partially lingered in my head. It was a difficult decision to make, but I couldn't deny the fact that I wanted to leave everything behind me. The const
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Chapter 0250
LAUREN'S P0V A few minutes had passed since my conversation with Jada, and I was still trying to make sense of everything that had transpired. The idea of Logan, my mate, keeping secrets from me was a hard pill to swallow, especially since Hunter, the beta of the pack, was involved. Hunter and Loga
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