All Chapters of The warrior Luna: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
317 Chapters
Chapter 0281
LAUREN'S POV "Lauren, I have some crucial information that I need to share with you," Alpha Ken said, his expression serious and his voice low.I looked up from my work and gave him my full attention. As an important person to me and my mate, it was my duty to listen to him and offer support whenev
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Chapter 0282
When I was a little girl, We escaped through a tunnel during the attack that claimed the lives of many including my parents. It was a difficult time for us all, but we managed to survive and rebuild our lives as best as we could. Over the years, I grew up to become a strong and capable warrior, who
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Chapter 0283
LAUREN'S POV A woman appeared by the side of Rocco, her face contorted with anger. "What is the meaning of this chaos?" she asked, her voice rising in frustration. But she received no answer from anyone. All around her, the pack of warriors were in a frenzy, their eyes darting back and forth as th
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Chapter 0284
LAUREN'S POV "How shameless could you three be? Are you scared of the power the little girl possessed?" Sophia asked Rocco and his companions who looked like they'd seen a ghost when they saw Sophia Approaching. She emanated an aura of calmness and control, but her eyes revealed the fury that burn
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Chapter 0285
LAUREN'S POV We searched everywhere for Rocco, but it was to no avail. He was nowhere to be found. Despite our efforts, he managed to slip away and go into hiding.As long as Rocco was out there, no one in the kingdom was safe. We knew that he would try to plot evil against us and that we needed to
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Chapter 0286
LAUREN'S POV In the aftermath of the battle, we stood side by side, surveying the destruction that had been wrought upon the pack. But amidst the chaos, a sense of peace and triumph washed over us.For months, we had been preparing for this moment - strategizing, training, and gathering allies. And
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Chapter 0287
LAUREN'S POV "I am worried about Freya," I said to Logan as we drove towards the Midnight Pack. "We haven't heard from her in a while, and I fear that something might have happened to her."Logan looked at me with concern in his eyes. "What makes you think that something might have happened to her?
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Chapter 0288
LAUREN'S POV After days of searching, my mate and the others finally returned, their faces etched with concern. They had been tracking Rocco, the traitor, but their efforts had yielded little success. The news they brought back was unsettling: Rocco's followers were growing in number, and their mo
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Chapter 0289
LAUREN'S POV As Arcturus spoke, I stepped forward, my heart pounding with excitement. I was known throughout the land as the princess with the strongest wolf, and I was determined to prove it."Arcturus, I welcome your help," I said, my voice firm and resolute. "But I must warn you, my mate, Alpha
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Chapter 0290
LAUREN'S POV As the battle raged on, I faced off against Rocco, our wolf forms colliding in a flurry of fur and fangs. We snarled and snapped, our teeth bared in a fierce snarl. I was determined to put an end to his evil plans once and for all.With a powerful lunge, I tackled Rocco to the ground,
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