All Chapters of The warrior Luna: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
317 Chapters
Chapter 0071
LAUREN'S POV "Hey baby," Logan said while he walked to the training grounds the way that he was. he led me towards a bench. As Logan and I strolled towards the bench, I couldn't help but notice the way he carried himself - with an air of confidence and authority. It had always been like that, even
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Chapter 0072
LAUREN'S P0V We spent the entire day at the mall, trying on clothes, eating at different restaurants, and just enjoying each other's company. It was such a relief from the stress and strain of everyday life, and I was grateful that Logan had opened up to me. We talked about everything under the su
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Chapter 0073
LAUREN'S POV Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from a corner, and I knew we had to investigate. I motioned for Logan to follow me, and we walked with the girl toward the direction of the noise. As we approached, the girl exclaimed, "That's my mum!" She pointed to a woman who was being sexually haras
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Chapter 0074
LAUREN'S POV Over the past few weeks, During my visits, to the hospital, a little boy in the hospital has drawn my attention. He was always alone without his family members and he never failed to make me smile when I go around and check on him throughout the day. One day, I entered the patient's r
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Chapter 0075
LAUREN'S P0V "I hope the family of the little boy can visit him soon so that he can be happy. Every time I enter his room, I see sadness in his eyes. I will continue to do everything I can to make his stay in the hospital as comfortable and positive as possible until he is discharged. I spoke to t
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Chapter 0076
LOGAN'S POVRecently, we have been following the same routine. We spend most of our time training, and although it's fun, I'm beginning to find it boring. However, I know that this training is necessary for our revenge plan.I've been waiting for the perfect moment to claim my mate, to make my inten
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Chapter 0077
LAUREN'S POV As I lay in bed, trying to shake off the exhaustion that had taken hold of me, I heard a soft knock at the door. I was too tired to even lift my head, but I managed to mumble a response, permitting the person to enter the room.To my surprise, an old woman I had seen countless times in
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Chapter 0078
LAUREN'S P0V As I soaked in the warm water, I felt all my muscles begin to relax. The stress of the previous day seemed to melt away, and I was finally able to breathe easy. Logan joined me, and I couldn't help but smile as he undressed and got in the tub with me. It was a simple gesture, but it me
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Chapter 0079
LAUREN'S POVLogan has become more protective and possessive, it's also that he doesn't seem to trust anyone else around me. He questions every person I talk to, and seems to take it personally if I don't spend enough time with him. I don't know how to approach him without making him feel that I do
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Chapter 0080
LAUREN'S POVThe girls had been undergoing rigorous training for weeks, and their progress was remarkable. They had been pushing themselves beyond their limits, determined to improve their skills and endurance. The male wolves had noticed this dedication and were eager to join them in the training.
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