All Chapters of Intertwined Destinies: Fated To A Werewolf Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 16
16 Chapters
Chapter 11
Ethan lowered his eyebrows as soon as Kara called his name. He didn’t know she was back to the pack because her sister hadn’t informed him about it. She was someone who liked to be around him, one of the few people in the pack who didn’t fear him like others did. Unlike Daphne whose wolf was white in color, Kara’s wolf was a fierce black that could run for ages.He opened his mouth to speak, but the realization that Seraphina was in the room and could be dangerous to her life hit him immediately, so he rushed to her side, leading her quietly out of the hall without saying a word. Seraphina watched them keenly, saw the way he spoke to her and almost flinched when another woman walked into the ring, halting both Ethan and the previous girl on their steps. The girl whose name she was dying to know, smiled at the older gorgeous woman, leaving Seraphina to wonder if all the women in the pack were as good looking as both of them.“I gave an order Daphne.” Ethan said to his gamma, looking ba
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Chapter 12
Back at the Obsidian Order Clan, Vivienne stood in Lord Zachary’s great hall, her long red hair flowing in the middle of her back as she waited beside Magnus O’Neil, the second in command to the great vampire lord. Vivienne could feel her hand shaking with both fear and panic as she thought of how to bring the news of Seraphina’s escape to Zachary Wright. He had left the witch in her care, trusted her enough to do what was important to keep her within their sight but she had failed him by allowing her to escape. Now she had no knowledge of what would happen when Zachary arrives.Vivienne looked around the hall, taking note of its shiny floors and well painted walls. She spared Magnus a glance and after seeing that he was calmer than she was, scoffed out loud. Magnus on the other hand, turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow as he was surprised about her gesture.“Is something funny, Vivienne?” He asked, his voice low and very calm. Vivienne shook her head in response, as she refused
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Chapter 13
Ethan watched Seraphina devour the stake that was kept in front of her, surprised that blood wasn’t the only thing that she could eat. He studied her with intrigue, realizing that the more time he spent with her, the more knowledge he learns about the vampire specie. He had heard so many stories about them and had even faced them off in battle more times than he could count, but never had he spent this much time trying to figure out their hidden secret. With Seraphina, he finds himself genuinely intrigued and this intrigue was slowly turning into attraction that he had never felt before.Leaning close to her chair and smiling at the manner in which she ignored him, he pointed at the almost empty plate of steak. “Does that satisfy your hunger?” He asked.Seraphina turned to kook at him, thinking it was just a trick question, but when she saw that he meant what he was asking, shrugged her shoulders indifferently.“It does the job for some minutes. Blood is still the main deal.” She answ
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Chapter 14
“No.” Daphne said, turning away from Ethan to go back to her treadmill exercise. Ethan sighed in distress, not the least surprised that she was acting that way because he had anticipated it.“What do you mean no?” he asked, pressing the stop button on the treadmill to prevent her from training. Daphne rolled her eyes in frustration, coming down from the wooden equipment to face him directly. Some strands of her hair which hadn’t been fitted into the band used to tie the remaining, stuck on her sweaty face and Ethan found himself wanting to help her tuck it behind her ear. Because of the situation that they were in, he decided to keep his hands to himself, so as to avoid them being slapped by her.“Why should I train her?” Daphne asked, putting her hands on her waist. “For all I know she could kill me like she did to my warriors.”“We both know that is not going to happen, Daphne.” He replied, shaking his head. “We need her in order to succeed over the vampires. By the way, I am not ask
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Chapter 15
Seraphina and Daphne stood in the middle of the training ground, staring intently at eachother. While Daphne had a rough look on her face, Seraphina’s remained cool and levelled. Seraphina could tell just from the tension in the large space that it had taken quite a number of threats to convince the other woman to do this and she couldn’t help but smile. The only reason she had asked Daphne to be in charge of her training was because she had witnessed firsthand how bold and fearless Daphne had been when confronting Ethan and knew immediately that she also wanted to become like that. She wanted to be strong, bold and fearless for the time she was going to be meeting Zachary again, because she knew it would happen one way or another.Ethan cleared his throat behind Seraphina and while she turned to give him audience, Daphne shifted her gaze towards his direction.“The training can start now.” He said, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at them. “I do not have all day as you can see, I
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Chapter 16
“The obsidian order clan’s territory is not hard to penetrate as you well know.” Seraphina began to speak while pacing the large conference room aware of the watchful eyes of Ethan and Ryan on her. She knew she wasn’t supposed to be giving out her people to the werewolves but at the moment, rescuing her sister was a million times more important than the lives of every other vampire in her clan.“We know that.” Ethan responded impatiently, as if he was waiting for her to get to the main point and she spared him a glance before turning away to continue pacing the large hall.“Unlike your pack that is covered with fences, we have none in our territory, but that doesn’t mean the vampires guarding the boundary between here and there are not powerful enough to stop your attack.”“I think I have penetrated your territory more times than I can remember so I can gladly tell you that you give your warriors too much credit.” Ethan responded immediately. “I think they are very easy to defeat. Wha
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