All Chapters of Mr. CEO Used Innocent Girlfriend: Chapter 51 - Chapter 52
52 Chapters
Chapter 51
Chapter 51 That day everyone was shocked by the news of the discovery of a man's body floating on the river bank, the body was known to be a furniture businessman from Switzerland, yes that man was Loki, he allegedly ended his own life by jumping from a ravine on the side of the river, for unknown reasons. The news of Loki's death reached Drew's ears, he immediately went to Alex because he felt that Loki's death was not a suicide. A knock was heard on the door as Alex was staring at his phone screen for a moment before he put it back on the table and saw his assistant enter with Drew behind him. "If you need anything, you can call me sir," His assistant said and left the room. "What is it?" Alex said. "I'm sure you saw the news this morning, did you have anything to do with Loki's death?" Drew said. “No, why are you asking me?” Alex said. "Alex, I remember how angry you were with him, I remember exactly how you looked at him that night, and you were drunk, I called the police
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Chapter 52
Chapter 52Olivia was still lost in her thoughts, hearing Loki's name made her remember what she had done, no but they did, how disgusting she was at that time, but Olivia's mouth was still closed, she confused Judy and she tried to wave her hand in front of Olivia's face, bringing her back."Oh I'm sorry," Olivia said."It's okay, what's wrong with you Olivia? You don't seem to be doing well either," Judy said."Oh no, I'm fine, I'm sorry because I didn't have time to listen to this story before, I was too busy with myself, but why did he do that? I mean, did he say anything before he disappeared and this bad news reached your ears?” Olivia said."No, he didn't say anything, but three days ago, he sent me a message that he was going somewhere to meet a friend, and after that, he never sent a message or called me again and this morning the police suddenly contacted me and said if he was found dead and his car was parked in an apartment basement far from where he was found, wouldn't th
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