All Chapters of Alpha Sage: Chapter 21 - Chapter 26
26 Chapters
SAGE"She's going to be okay," Clause states, placing his hand on my left shoulder.I growled in frustration. It's been three weeks now, and she hasn't moved a limb; her wounds are barely recovering. "How? It's been fucking throw weeks now," I roared."You're an Alpha, for god's sake! What do you expect? She won't heal that fast; your claws did do some damage." The clause states as though it wasn't the most obvious thing.I felt the guilt gnawing into me. Lyra shouldn't have been dragged into this mess in the first place; she deserves way better than this.My jawline hardened. "Mum has been inquisitive lately," the clause states, snapping me out of my train of thought.My heart dropped. I knew that hiding such information from Mom was going to be a tough one, yet it didn't stop me. No one aside from my siblings knows about this, not even my beta. "You can keep hiding it from her. We have the doctors working on her, and I believe she'd be fine with time," Clause tries to say, but n
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LYRA "Lyra, come," Sage's mother ushered. I shared a look with Sage, causing him to lose his grip on my waist, but not before drawing me to him and placing a lingering kiss on my forehead. He smiled while I forced him to let go and walk towards his mother. His mother narrowed her stare at him as though she were trying to figure out something. "Walk with me," she states before tearing her gaze off Sage and taking my hands into hers. We walked out of the parlor, leading a path that eventually led us to a garden. "How're you doing, Lyra?" She asks after moments of silence. I gulped down a lump and said, "I'm good." She chuckled. "And how's your relationship with my son going so far?" I saw that question coming, but I wasn't mentally prepared for an answer to give. The old woman has this daring gaze of figuring out thongs. "It's a little bit rough, but we're trying to figure ourselves out," I answer, knowing very well that she could sense if it was a lie or the truth. "Is
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LYRA. Laughter roars, feeling the air at the joke Axel had made. I only forced a smile while playing around with the food. The conversation I had with Sage's mother is still lingering in my thoughts. I felt a weight being placed on my shoulders; it was left to me to take responsibility. My feelings were beginning to get conflicted, and I felt as though I couldn't do it, but there was no backing out, not after giving my word for it. I felt Sage's hands on my lap rubbing on it while he leaned into my left ear. "Are you okay?" I blink myself back to reality, forcing a tight-lipped smile. "Yes." "Are you sure?" He insists on his voice fanning on my neckline, making me rub on my thighs already turned on. His motion on my lap never seizes. I say on my lower lips, "I won't be unless you keep rubbing on my thighs." He smirked. "Really?" My eyes widen as I feel his hands slip into my skirt, compelled to look at him and ask, "What are you doing?" "Giving you what you want," I ans
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SAGE. My hands balled into a fist as I paced back and forth, feeling conflicted and unsure of how to find her. Lyra has been gone for three days now, and there are no signs of her. Her smell or her presence had not been sensed, and I was running out of patience thinking of the worst-case scenario. I should have never allowed her to go that night, even though she deserves so much space to settle herself up and digest the information that even I was surprised. I never really went on about how Mom had arranged because it didn't matter to me; none of it did, not even Lyra. But at least not anymore now. I care about her as much as I shouldn't. Knowing Lyra to be a fragile little wolf that could be easily harmed, part of me was afraid that something may have happened to her. I've had all the wolves haunt her down and bring her back to me, but every day the response still stands. 'we couldn't find her' I hiss, rubbing at the brick of my nose. I was getting impatient. Mom had asked f
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LYRA I have been away from them for three days now, and it's been mind-resting, even though part of me felt guilty knowing that they'd be so worried, but I was choosing my sanity over that. Blake has been really helpful, and I'm glad he didn't make any attempt to question me but rather helped me out with necessities. I know Sage won't find me unless I let him, not him nor his pack members. He could only try, but he wouldn't succeed. I felt deceived and cheated on. No matter how badly Uncle was treating me, it didn't warrant them to buy me off like I was some property. Uncle is still on my neck, and I know he sent Blake to me. I've run through Blake's mind enough to know that he works for Uncle now and is trying to lure me into whatever deceit they are into now. "Lyra" Blake's voice snaps me back to reality, turning me away from the window. "Yes?" "Can we talk?" He asks. I let out a breath running through his head to figure out what he had in mind, a smirk pla
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SAGE.My hands balled into a fist as I paced back and forth feeling conflicted and unsure of how to find her.Lyra has been gone for three days now and no signs of her. Not her smell or her precenese has been sensed and I was running out of patience thinking of the worst case scenario.I should have never allowed her to go that night even though she deserves much space to settle herself up and digest the information that even I was suprised.I never really went on on how Mum had made the arrangement cause it didn't matter to me, none of it did not even Lyra. But atlesdt not anymore now. I care about her as much as I shouldn't. Knowing Lyra to be a fragile little wolf that could be easily harmed, part of me was afraid that something may have happened to hr.I've had all the wolves haunt her down and bring her back to me but everyday the response still stands.'we couldn't find her'I hiss rubbing at the brick of my nose. I was getting impatient, mum had seeked for my precenese and as
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